All Chapters of SPYING ON THE BILLIONAIRE : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
115 Chapters
Mary stared at him open mouthed for sometime before opening the door wide enough and stepping aside for him to come in. “Did I disturb your sleep?” He looked around the room as he came in. “I was hardly even asleep” she said dryly. “Mary” he called softly. She turned around to face him. “Are you mad at me?” He queried coming close to her but she stepped aside immediately. “I have no idea what you are talking about” Mary said folding her hands. “Come on, you can’t keep acting do cold towards me”. “I’m not mad okay” she cut him off. “I’m just not feeling to well” she lied. “Oh! I see, I can see you are all set to leave” he said looking at her packed stuff. She nodded. “You are probably so excited to leave, at least you would be free from my grandmother’s troubles” he watched her face intently as he spoke. She shrugged her shoulders but did not give him any reply. “At least go out with me to night, let’s just spend this last night together before you leave, le
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“Do you really have to leave” Mary finally raised her head to look at him, his blue eyes looked like it was glistening, and he had such an expression that she could not describe. She slowly nodded and bent her head to face her food again. Adonis lifted her head to look at his face by placing his index finger under her jaw. She got to look into his eyes but could not hold it up. She suddenly started coughing again. Adonis quickly stood up and rushed to her side. “I’m so sorry Mary”. He gently started rubbing her back in order to make her calm down, but his warm fingers running through her bare back seemed to have worsened things. Her whole body was suddenly on fire, she felt her skin tingle with every contact his hand makes with her bare skin. Mary’s breathing suddenly started to facilitate, her heart beat increased by a thousand times. “Are you okay” Adonis asked pulling out the chair beside her to sit close to her and looking straight into her eyes. Mary who
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While Mary was trying to recover from the initial shock, Adonis suddenly took her thumb into his mouth and sucked on it for a brief moment. At that moment, Mary felt like she could not take it anymore, her eyes snapped shut and a moan forced it’s way out of her mouth against her will. Adonis lips curled up into a smirk as he eventually let go of her thumb and freed her from the torment of his warm tongue. Mary opened her eyes to look at him, he had a naughty smirk on his face, she immediately felt like he was tormenting her on purpose. In order to finalize his torment on her, Adonis brought her hand to his lips and kissed it. “Do you want to see a movie with me?” He finally asked. “Yes!” Mary screamed In excitement. She did not believe that Adonis would offer to watch a movie with her even though he had told her before that he did not like watching movies. “I have movie tickets saved from earlier” Mary wondered if he had planned this in advance, since he already had
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Outside the hall, Mary finally let out a long breath that she did not realize she had been holding until then. It was bright outside the cinema, it was almost as if the moon was in a good mood that night, Mary thought her mood reflected on the moon because she herself was equally in a good mood. She was thrilled and overwhelmed by Adonis niceness that night. She wondered if he was being nice to her because she wanted to quit, as some sort of parting gift maybe. It was until when they got to the car that Mary noticed that Adonis was still holding her hand tenderly, but firmly. She noticed he did not want to let go even after opening the passengers door for her to get in. He suddenly turned her around while still holding her hand and stared into her eyes. Mary held her breath, while her heart beat faster as she looked into the deep blue eyes that now stared at her. His eyes glistened under the moonlight making him even more beautiful than she has ever imagine. “You are beaut
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Mary laughed so hard at the joke Adonis told her, she had no idea that he was a good story teller, and a funny one at that. They had finished dancing and had both slumped on the seat in exhaustion, Adonis had just finished telling her a story about a blind drunkard. Mary found the story funny and they both laughed so hard at it. Soon enough, Adonis face changed back to its serious state. “Do you really have to go” he asked her again for the umpteenth time that night. Mary took a sip from her glass, holding it with her two hands and trying to avoid his gaze. “If I beg you to stay would you stay?” He asked again. ‘Beg?’ Mary thought to herself. How could such a powerful person talk about begging her. Mary bit her lips hard, something she often did whenever she was nervous. Adonis somehow found that sexy and inviting. He slowly reached out his hand and caressed her lower lip with his thumb. His was dazzled by how full and succulent it felt on his thumb. Adonis suddenly f
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Mary squinted her eyes to the morning sunlight seeping into her room from the window. She slightly rubbed her forehead which hurt somehow from all the partying last night. She noticed only then that she still had her dressed on. She had slumped on the bed last night, hoping to have a little rest before she changed her clothes, but it seemed like she had slept off and had forgotten to take it off. So he looked at her already packed belongings, then she looked at the clock by her bedside. She needed to be on her way. She remembered the look on Adonis face when he had asked her to stay. Mary shrugged her shoulders, her mind was already made up. However, Mary decided that she would serve Emma her coffee, and also use that opportunity to to inform her that she was leaving. Adonis bumps into Mary in the kitchen while making the coffee, in his mind he concluded that she had considered his request. “Good morning beautiful one” he teased. Mary let out a small smile, although she d
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Mary and Adonis turned back to see who it was. Mary opened her eyes wide in shock, it was the least person she would ever expect. “Emma?” Mary said softly.Then a thought occurred to her, what if she had come to cause her trouble for the last time before she finally leaves. Mary made the sign of the cross in her mind, hoping that whatever trouble Emma had brought to her would be mild. She stood at the door, while Emma walked towards her in a hurry. Adonis on the other hand stood on his position, not taking a step from where he stood while watching his grandmother walk towards Mary. “Do not tell me you are really leaving Mary” Emma said with a soft voice that almost sounded teary. Mary had never seen Emma that polite all the while she had known her. Mary even had no idea she could be that calm and polite. Mary nodded. “Mary dear, are you mad at me?” Mary was surprised to hear that. ‘I wish she knew this is not really about her’ Mary thought to herself. Mary sho
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Emma’s countenance changed the moment Mary mentioned Adonis parents. Mary Wondered why she reacted that way whenever the topic of his parents came up. She could also not forget in a hurry, Adonis reaction the day she had seen the photo frame of the woman whom she presumed was his mother. Mary was curious about what might have happened to his parents. Perhaps did they abandon him when he was a child? “Ms. Emma, can I at least ask what happened to Adonis parents? Where are they” Mary found herself pushing, perhaps the old lady might change her mind and talk to her. But she became even colder. “No!” She said firmly. “Hurry up with the cooking and bring it to me in my room”. Emma said rudely and walks away leaving behind the vegetables she had started helping Mary to cut. Mary looked after her with agape mouth and then shrugged her shoulders. She made up her mind to never ask about Adonis parents again since it made the old woman upset so much. Even though she was still curious
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His eyes bored holes into hers as he spoke, making her even more hot and uncomfortable. “I will…” She swallowed hard. “I will just go get the dryer” she tried to stand up but he held her back with his hand. “Or we could just go to your room together and dry it there” “Whichever one works for you” she said amidst sharp breaths. “But how about your T.V show? You’d miss it”. “That is not a problem” she laughed. “It’s almost over anyways”. “So shall we”Mary nodded with a bright smile on her face. “We shall”. Mary made Adonis sit on his bed while she went to fish for the dryer inside her drawer, Adonis watched her from behind as she bent over the drawer. Although she did not have what you could describe as a massive behind like most men would admire in a woman, but there was something about her, every single part of her body that keeps him drawn in and always leaves him salivating and wanting to run his hands and tongue all over her succulent body.She finally fished ou
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Mary had a scared look on her face as she spoke in a shaky voice, half expecting Emma to fly into a rage and start pushing her around, or even scratch her face and call her a witch.But what happened afterwards was what she least expected. Emma burst into a loud laughter, clapping and clapping her hands at the same time. Mary had never seen her laugh that much, not even when they were gisting the previous day. “I can see you got so scared Mary” Emma said holding unto her shoulders and shaking her a little. “I was just kidding my dear, I just wanted to shaken you up a little, and you fell for it”. She burst into another round of laughter, Mary joined her this time around and they laughed together. Laughing themselves to stupor.Mary let out a sigh of relief as soon as she was out of Emma’s room, she thought her mood swings was back again and she was going to start tormenting her with her troubles again. She leaned on the door thinking of what would have become of her had it been Em
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