All Chapters of SPYING ON THE BILLIONAIRE : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
115 Chapters
“There is my sweet little sister” Clay exclaimed the moment he sighted Mary. Mary rushed over to hug him. “And there is my sweet big brother, have you been well?” “As you can see” he spread his arms wide. “You don’t look bad my dear” he said turning her around. “I know how to take care of myself remember” she teased “Yes I can see that, you have really done a lot of growing up all these while, I can hardly believe this is my little sister” he said spinning her around. “Of course, when you have forgotten about me all these while, you have not even bothered to check up on your little sister” Mary said frowning. “That’s not the case, and you know it, I have been working on a lots of things and it had taken a whole lot of my time” “To the point that you forgot about me?” “Of course not —” they were interrupted by Mrs Wilberforce voice. “Someone seems to be invisible here” “Oh! There goes my sweetest mum” he goes over to hug his mother. “You were so carried awa
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“Well I have…..” “When are we meeting him?” He asked excitedly.Mary looked alarmed. “Meeting who?”. Clay raised his brows. “The man responsible for your smiles” “Well…. Err….” Mary had no idea what to say, there was one man responsible for her smiles, but what she did not know was if they had any relationship, she did not even know her place in his life or heart so there was no way she was going tell her brother that she had something going on with a man she was not even sure if he considered her in any way. “Well…. There is no man”. She finally said “Yet?” “Yes”. “I see, so you don’t intend on having any relationship now or you are yet to find the man after your heart” he winked at her. “I have no idea, I’m actually in a very confused state right now” “Okay, so let’s start from asking, what’s your ideal man? I mean the qualities you would look for in your ideal man?” Mary sat up on her seat and smiled a bit “Okay” she cleared her through and start
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“You’ve got a kid there?” Mia asked, Mary could almost see her shrink her face in disapproval. Mia had once expressed her dislike for kids to Mary. “Yes…. My nephew. But he is sweet kid though” Mary said smiling. “Doesn’t sound like it”. “Whatever, meanwhile you are saying something really serious” Mary said sarcastically not expecting anything serious from her anyways. “Oh! Yes like I was saying, Mary this is really serious and you have to really listen to me”. “Alright” Mary rolled her eyes. “My ears are down”. “Mary you really have to be careful with Mr Adonis Scott, if possible move out from his house if you can”. “What?” Mary exclaimed Wondering why Mia would just come up with something like that all of a sudden. “How can you say something like that?”. Mary stood up and started going to her room to take the call, she could not risk staying in the living room and having her parents or brother hear her call and know everything about Adonis and her job to spy on
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“Just stop it Clay” Mary yelled in a voice that was not that unfriendly though. “Fine fine, I give up, Mary won” he said raising his two hands above his head in the most dramatic manner Mary had ever seen. “And I would appreciate if you leave” Mary snapped. “Whoa! You are sending me away? Fine, I’m leaving. But sooner or later you are still going to tell me who it was you said you were right about” he smirked before walking out of the room. He had never seen his little sister that irritated. “I wonder which guy is making her so mad” he mumbled while walking away. “Okay” Mary muttered aloud as she paced around in her room. Adonis was indeed a murderer and she just confirmed it. “Am I safe in his house?” Mary shook her head. “If he wanted me dead he would have done it all these while right”. She shook her head again. “Okay. What if he finds out I know about him and decided to kill me too in order to shut me up?” Mary felt so scared. She wondered who it was Adonis had mur
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Clay kept his gaze on Mary’s face while they ate, trying to watch her facial expression. Mary on the other hand tried her best to maintain a straight face and not act suspicious to avoid having to being asked questions she had no answer to “Mom don’t you think Mary’s been acting a bit suspicious lately?” Clay asked while clicking his fork on the plate. Mary dropped her fork and looked up with an angry look. “Clay leave your sister alone and stop pestering her, she looks irritated already” Mrs Wilberforce said noticing Mary’s looks. “I’m just trying to call your attention to your daughter” he smirked. “No Clay” Mary fired back, I think you are the one acting suspicious”. “Whatever”. “Alright you both stop whining, your food would get cold” Mr Wilberforce said. They ate in silence in the next few minutes before Clay started talking about his company. Mary tried to get rid of every thoughts of Adonis and his murder case even for that moment and join in the conversatio
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Mary stood there, frozen and staring into space. What an unlucky day for her. She did not know if to turn around, or to just run away. Just cross to the other side and run away. She was still trying to decide what to do when she felt someone tap her from behind. Her breath increased, she could even hear her own heartbeat even though amidst the noises from vehicles on the road. Mary turned around amidst heavy breathing and profuse sweating. What a day to choose to wear makeup. “Hello”.Mary did not know if to be surprised or relieved when she saw the young man who had tapped her. It was the tacky looking guy that had sat beside her in the bus. Mary squeezed her face, Wondering what he wanted and why he had come after her, and even more surprising how did he know her name? She raised her brows she did not remember mentioning it to anyone not even the nice old lady that had sat beside her and admired her bangle. “How do you know my name? And why are you after me?” “I’m sorry
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Mary had a familiar feeling of déjà vu as she walked into the cubicle that she used to share with Taylor. “I’ve missed this place for real” she said smiling and looking around. “I know right and I have missed having you around”. Mary sat on her table looking around, remembering how she used to sit there and work. “So tell me” Taylor clapped her hands together to get her attention. “How is the interview going with Mr Adonis Scott?” Mary rolled her eyes, it’s not exactly an interview, it’s more like an investigation”. They both laughed. “So how does it feel like to be an under cover spy to a hot billionaire like Adonis Scott” Chris asked in his usual feminine gesture. “You know Mary, I really envied you dear, I wished I had been the one to get into trouble like you and sent over to live with Adonis Scott, I could imagine what it would feel like leaving in the same house and seeing that hot and sexy guy every single day of your life” he had closed his eyes and placed his
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He rolled his eyes at her question. “Not exactly as friends, but they are quite close, like this” he demonstrated by joining his two index fingers together. “Chris would you quit being an jerk and stop exaggerating?” She turned to Mary. “So not listen to him”. Mary was about to heive a sigh of relief when Chris cut in again. “But Mr Coleman had been in close contact with Mr Scott, would you pretend like you have not noticed he is always calling and sending mails?”. “Yes, but not the way you described it like them being close like this” she repeated his earlier gesture by joining her to index fingers together. “It could just be business”. “Wait! Wait! You mean Adonis had been in contact with the company? Does he know I work here?” She asked alarmed. “I’m not sure Mary, and I highly doubt that. Mr. Cold man does not want that remember” Taylor said reassuringly. Mary could not help but remember when he had offered her money to spy on them. Mary tried as much as she could to
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Mary was wary of her environment as she sat in the bus on her way home, she did not want a repetition of the event that had happened earlier in the day. She could not help but wonder why and how Adonis was in contact with her Mr Coleman. She tried not to over think it, they were probably already close before now. Mary almost jumped out of her skin when someone tapped her on the shoulder from behind. She turned back amidst fast heartbeats to see who it was. It was a young girl of about twelve. She looked at Mary with sharp almost teary eyes. “I’m really sorry for bothering you mam, you just share a striking resemblance with someone I know, I almost thought you were her”“Oh! I see” Mary nodded slowly, a bit relieved, and also feeling a bit sorry for the little girl but had no time to show compassion since her mind was already in shambles. When Mary finally got to her bus stop, she alighted from the bus but was surprised to see the young girl come down too and was walking behind
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They kept staring at her with questioning looks making her even more alarmed and suspicious. She wondered if they had found her out. She started racking her brain on how to explain to them the mess she had gotten herself into. “You seemed to be lost in your sleep” Clay said with an amused look on his face. “What?” Mary asked looking around confused. “Do you know now long we have been standing here? We almost thought you had gone into a coma” her mum said. “Or even dead” her brother chipped in. “Alright everybody, let’s go out for prayers” her dad said before taking the lead. All through the prayers, Mary sat staring into space, too carried away in her thoughts to know anything that was going on. Much to her delight the prayer was a short one and ended quickly. Mary carefully went back to her room to start getting her things ready, she would be going back to Adonis Scott later in the day. She noticed the bangle on her hand, she felt like taking it off then changed her
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