All Chapters of In Search Of Redemption : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
47 Chapters
In Search Of Redemption
In Search of Redemption I took a shower and went out to the balcony where I started to watch the stars. I felt like them. Always close to each other, but always alone. Turning my thoughts to Gabriel, I remembered our conversation. In truth, nothing I could say to him would change his mind. I had long ago planted the seed of hurt and revenge in his heart, and it was rooted in him. Even though it meant his own destruction, the seed germinated. The fruit was not good. And I didn't know how to change our reality. How to prove to him that I had changed. I could even imagine my arguments and theirs; "I won't be that person you knew anymore, even animals evolve, why would I remain the same? Look at these last few lifetimes when we haven't met. I've done nothing bad..." And he would rebut; "You didn't because I wasn't there! You are like the sand. It never changes." And maybe he was right. But we would only find that out if one day he came back and
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The King's Children
The King's Children The room, furnished with all the luxury the times allowed, was full of women running around, carrying bowls of water and clean towels, while the queen sweated on the bed, feeling the pains of childbirth that would bring the longed-for heir into the world. Her face transfigured a mixture of pain and pride. She knew that her husband, after being thrown out of the room by the slave girls, was waiting outside. A louder groan and a deep cry that would trouble the soul of any human being, was followed by laughter and applause. They brought the little baby so that the queen could see him, already wrapped in a blue blanket. He was a beautiful boy. The new mother only had time to smile and look with great affection at the prince, who was crying disconsolately in the arms of Martha, the queen's trusted slave, before he began to feel dreadful pain again, much stronger than that of the first child. And to the amazement of everyone, even the queen herself, another child ca
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The Queen's Death
Dartan approached the bed as soon as the priest had left and sat down in the chair by the bedside, previously occupied by Ale. He took her hand, feeling her coldness, and brought it to his lips. "Oh, my dear.... What is this misfortune that has befallen our family? I would give anything to take your place, for you are the foundation of this family and your life much more precious than mine.... If only we knew what disease this is, so that we could treat you properly... The priest said incoherent things... I believe that everyone is at a loss as to what to do..." He whined, thinking Lea was asleep, and was surprised when she answered him, staring him firmly in the eyes. Reminding Dartan of his beloved's healthy days. "This illness is the result of care, for the past eighteen years... The priest knew well what he was talking about." "What does Lea say? Has the care I have been giving you made you sick?" Lea smiled. Dartan was too good to associate his words with his child
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The End of Mourning
On hearing the king's cry, his sons and the doctors rushed into the room. Ale, realizing what had happened, could not hold back his tears and threw himself on his mother's bed, kissing her between sobs. The body was inert, but still with a little warmth, and he absorbed that warmth like someone clinging to a last thread of hope. Luc didn't shed any tears. He just watched his brother's sobbing with hatred. He thought his mother was an idiot and her death was a choice. The treatment was within her reach and she refused to receive it, out of an unacceptable feeling of loyalty. She approached her father and, helping him to get up, left, taking him to his quarters. There, she called her personal servant and ordered him to bring one of the doctors, because they had all been called to give an opinion, but they arrived too late. The doctor who was accompanying her left to advise her at the last minute that she had little time. Luc imagined that he was told to act this way. "Give my f
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The Prince's Passion
Luc knew that he was suddenly very quiet. Perhaps he was trying to hear what his heart already knew and wanted to tell him. He had fallen in love with that slave girl. He didn't understand how he could fall in love with her for a single glance that didn't turn into a minute. And he was really enchanted with the girl. It wasn't just her beauty, something about the way she sang the song was so... Sensitive. So sweet. And at the same time so sad that he felt like taking her in his arms and comforting her and not letting anything ever again disturb her peace. On the other hand, he noticed that Dete was also silent and thoughtful. Nothing in his physiognomy, accused that he was having negative thoughts. Quite the contrary. His gaze was one of hope. Luc didn't wish to feel, but he felt jealous of him. He knew the girl, and from the way he spoke about her, they were friends and should talk often. He was afraid she owned his heart, for if she did, he could not court her. He loved Dete and
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Pamela arrived red-faced before her mother, who was waiting for her in her room. Martha stared at her worriedly. She knew she stayed behind with the prince and knowing her own daughter's beauty, she could imagine the issue that made her linger in the kitchen with him. "What did he want with you?" Martha asked as she sat her in the chair in front of the dressing table and began to brush her hair. "He said he wants to marry me..." "He knows he doesn't have to use that ruse to get you in his bed.... He must be wanting your cooperation when he goes to rape you, because he will use you. That was predictable since you started going in the kitchen and your eyes not abandoning your movements." "It's not that. He said he's in love..." "And you believed him? Nothing I told you about these people entered your head?" Martha asked thoughtfully. "There is still a way to save you from that fate.... I'm going to send you to live with a cousin, far away from here. He is three tim
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What is love?
Three days after the king's request for the palace slave, Luc received permission to begin courting his beloved. However, he did not want their meetings to be in the kitchen and Martha did not allow them to be in her room or any room in the palace that no one would see them. He then chose to walk together in the palace garden. This way they could be seen and not overheard and would ensure a certain amount of privacy. He waited anxiously for her on one of the benches in the garden, and his heart leapt when he saw her approaching from the back of the palace and pointing to a window, which he knew was the kitchen, and saw Martha watching. He preferred to ignore her vigil, for if he kept thinking about it he would never be able to get comfortable around Pamela. "Shall we go for a walk? I was born and raised here and was never allowed to see this garden..." She asked without showing any nervousness. Luc knew why she wasn't breaking into a cold sweat like he was. And also why
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The news that Prince Luc would marry a slave girl spread throughout the kingdom. This caused the envy and spite of the well-born noble class and the admiration of the commoners and slaves. The people, at once, came to love their future king. They now saw in him, a man without prejudices, who would treat his people with kindness and justice, since he chose one among their own for his companion. It is true that they were suspicious of the young prince's character, because of the pampering he had received. They thought him to be an uncompromising and selfish man. They rejoiced at the discovery of their mistake. On the other hand, Ale was also known throughout the farthest reaches of the kingdom, but not as Luc, they didn't think he was just spoiled and selfish. He was feared for his villainous nature that was passed on by word of mouth and even to the nobles, who thought that the king should have sent him to be raised far away from the palace, feared and despised his attitudes. No
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Captivity Of Gold
Captivity of Gold The king found it difficult to look Ale in the eye and ask her to leave. His children were a constant reminder of his late, beloved wife, and having them around was like having part of her along with him as well. But he could not let Luc go, for he was sure that once he left that palace, he would never see him again, and Ale, he knew where to find him, for he would not be absent from his reign. That was all he wanted in the world, and now he knew it. He had been deceived by him when he said he had no interest in being king. Dartan now even believed that he wanted the whole kingdom and if he left it there, he would end up killing his brother to get it. The best solution would be to really send him away and keep an eye on him from a distance. However, he could still complain about him being put in the position of a great responsibility so young. He had not prepared himself for this yet. However, his fears that Ale would be disgusted at having to take on an obliga
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The months passed and the time came for Pamela to give birth. Ale was called from the tavern where he was getting drunk, and because of his drunkenness, he did not notice that it was still too early for the child to be born. The kingdom was living in chaos as he could not find the means to support all the luxury he had grown accustomed to in his father's palace. He began to collect higher taxes and prevent people from fleeing to the other kingdom, and he began to feel that his financial situation improved with this decision, while the poorest suffered and began to ration their food, but so that the outcry would not be too great, he hired doctors to treat everyone in his kingdom for free, and this had the effect that Ale intended, and they stopped tormenting him with their problems. While he waited outside his room he thought about making his son into someone like him. He wanted him to be the most beautiful, the best in everything, and to accompany him on his visits to the tavern so
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