All Chapters of In Search Of Redemption : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
47 Chapters
The Letter
Liza was surprised, but then smiled. "It's quite different than I imagined, cousin." "Do you still joke?" He asked angrily. "What's wrong with it? I wasn't even born when you became enemies. I can't share a feeling that I don't even know the reason they exist." "I don't know the reason either, but I care about your safety. If anyone loyal to my father discovers you here, you will be in danger. It's not a joke." He said seriously. "I will leave so that you can quiet your heart." Liza said laughing. "I will be left without consolation if you go..." He admitted. "But, why?" "I fell in love with you the moment I saw you and now I discover you the daughter of the enemy. What cruel fate awaits me, making me meet the one who once occupied my heart and making me lose her soon after?" "Ah! Don't make a drama. We can see each other without them knowing..." "I don't approve of lies. Besides, I want you as my wife. How could you hide your identity? Or didn't you feel as soon as w
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True Father
"What do you intend to do, son?" "His game. We will go to war. "He will kill Liza." "Is it because he is so blind, my father? He'll kill her anyway! She knew the risk when she went there. Damn her! Nothing was forbidden to her. She had everything! What was that airhead looking for? Perhaps the one emotion she had not yet had the pleasure of feeling... He wanted to know what it was like to die! What an idiot! I wish he had thrown himself down from the highest tower in the palace. Ale is vile. He will torture her until she begs him to kill her. She knew about these things. It's as if she's already dead and all that's left for me to do is avenge her and Pamela." "But maybe she's still alive." Dartan spoke hopefully. "Ale made it clear in the letter that Gabriel and she got into bed. I know Gabriel. He is as fair as.... Her real father. He will not allow them to touch her." Luc started to think about his son he had never met. What would he be like? Suddenly a thought sta
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The Secret
As soon as Liza set foot in the palace lobby, she was approached by a strong hug from her mother who came to greet her. She felt her eyes fill with tears. "Mother..." "Oh, my child... How I prayed for you to come back alive..." "I'm sure your prayers have been of great value to me, however I feel exhausted and not in the mood for conversation and questions at this time..." "Of course, my girl! We'll talk later. Come, the maid is already preparing a bath and I've already arranged to bring you something to eat, since you must be starving. Come! I'll escort you to your quarters." Delina, as soon as she had left her in the care of the maid who would help her with the bath, went out to her own quarters, where she sat thoughtfully in an armchair, and probed her heart, which although happy at the return of her daughter safe and sound, was heavy on her heart, as if something in her daughter was dead. The maid brought the tray with her favorite dish and left her alone. Liza,
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Time to Cry
Gabriel was at the head of the troop with Ale. He convinced his father that the villagers should follow in the rear, for they were men trained to protect and kill anyone who dared to challenge their king. Ale allowed it without suspecting that his son was preparing a surprise that would make him lose the battle. What Gabriel did not imagine was that Gaius, distrustful of his good intentions, was also preparing a strategy in case something unexpected happened. The two troops met with both brothers in front of them. The troops stopped, and even at a distance of more than a hundred meters, you could see that the twin brothers' eyes met. Mute, but each transmitting in that gaze, all the rancor and the promise of revenge. Ale's gaze went from his brother to the son beside him. It was easy to see the pride of the adopted son. Ale also could not contain his pride at discovering in his son, still so young and yet so brave. In his eyes shone the same determination of the one he knew as
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The Ball
The Ball Gabriel and Liza were married months later. Martha refused to attend, as she was against that union and did not want to be seen as an accomplice. At Luc's request, the two returned as prince regents to the palace that had belonged to Ale. They accepted and together they ruled with justice that kingdom that once belonged to a tyrant king and injustice and all the people loved them. They were very happy together. Liza treated Gabriel's younger brother Lucas as her own. She treated him with great affection and nurtured a true affection for him, and reciprocated it with the same affection. But time passed, and Liza gave birth to a son that she bore at a time when Ale still reigned supreme. She named him Dartan. Lucas gradually distanced himself from Liza, and began to hate her, as well as little Dartan. Liza did everything she could to get close to him again, but he repelled her violently and refused to even look at Dartan. Some years later, Salar, now a man, became a pries
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Back tô the Beginning
Liza arrived at the palace where Salar reigned alongside her father. There were Dartan, friends, advisors, and other family members. As soon as she saw her arriving, Salar came to meet her. "What's going on here?" Liza asked worriedly, as she noticed everyone's sad countenance. "Our father... He's gone from this world." "No!" Liza cried and let herself fall in tears in her brother's arms. "He should have waited for me. He wanted to tell me something.... I felt it and... Someone told me..." "Easy Liza." Salar interrupted her. "He tried to wait for you. Since he couldn't and he was sure you would come, he left his last words." "What did he say?" "That he loved you and not to forget the promise he made to you." Liza smiled and then cried. Her father wanted to tell her only that he loved her, but she always knew it. She felt arms pass around her shoulders and believing it to be Salar she didn't even look back and approached her father's body, which she now realized, was in a c
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The First Vampire
After all the memories they had lost and of Antonio talking about the child born in the belly of a goddess, Liza looked at Gabriel. "Gabriel... Do you understand what this means?" She asked elatedly. I hadn't yet thought about the consequences it would generate, to know what really happened. But I was happy to know that a whole generation of children of the two was born on Earth. "It means you will never change..." He said staring at her with a different glint in his eye. But it was peaceful, nothing could be seen of the hostile Gabriel that Liza had encountered when she first arrived there. "No Gabriel! It means we are gods! We have nothing to fear! We will never be separated, for the universe itself will find a way to unite us always! We will become Cybele and Horus again..." Liza almost couldn't contain herself with joy. "Liza... Don't be hasty." Antonio said worriedly. "You have made a mess of things. The child that was in Liza's womb when she was Cybele..."
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The Promised One
She smiled and shot the arrow. One of the woodcutters stepped in front of her and received the arrow in his head and fell down dead. Meanwhile, Anat put another arrow in her bow and aimed it again at Lineo who looked annoyed at the fallen woodcutter at his feet and turned his gaze to Anat. "Did you know he would do such a foolish thing? Those guns can't kill me. Stop playing games Anat. We can rule this world together." "I would never join you. And you are wrong. This arrow will kill you. You are no longer in the world of the immortals and I have discovered an ore they call silver that can hurt the gods here. It can be lethal if it hits in the right place..." "You look different. Still beautiful, but not as beautiful as in the world of the immortals..." "You need to look at yourself Lineo. You look awful." "That woodcutter... I had plans for him." Lineo said angrily. He didn't believe that could hurt him, but he bent down and took the arrow from the woodcutter's hea
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The First Werewolf
The being lowered his outstretched hand with an amused smile. "What makes you think you have a choice?" "I don't know who you are, but I also see no reason to keep pacts that I didn't make. You take no harm in leaving me alone and choosing from any woman in the tribe, who will welcome you with joy." "So... You believe my tribe has taken you both in for the goodness that does not exist in your hearts?" Lilith looked back seeking answers with her mother Anat. "The tribe took me in because they fear the gods. I am a goddess and they were flattered to be able to share what they had with me, which is not much since I don't eat the same what they..." Anat said believing she was falling into a trap. "Lilith has eaten my food since she was born." "It's not your food. They hunt and..." She stopped talking and wide-eyed put her hand on her neck as if she was out of breath. Lilith went to her rescue and when Anat knelt down, she realized that she was choking to death
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From Friends to Enemies
In a very distant time, there was a king who was very good to his people, and everyone loved him, never suspecting that behind that mask of kindness and understanding there was a vile and evil man, who never stopped when he wanted something. This is how Lineo's story would be told by posterity, but he was not a man. He was a god. He was the first vampire, and through him, lives would be changed. Just like that of the peasant girl he had taken by force. Her name was Jaqueline, and she and her two daughters: Anie and Analva, were the only ones who knew his merciless, arrogant and cruel side through lashings and punishments that were creative but ancient at the same time. Often leaving them without food and bound in chains in his dungeon. All his rage was kept to himself. He didn't let them realize his frustrations, saving them to take it out on his wife when they lay together. He built a palace for himself from the ruins the bats showed him, and because he was very intelligen
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