All Chapters of My Warrior Luna: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
63 Chapters
SOPHIA POV."Roman, is that you?" I asked but there was no answer, so I decided to quickly tie something around my body, before going downstairs as the clash in the living room was suspicious.When I arrived, I saw Xylah, escorted with Kai and a few other rogue wolves. The rogue wolves were destroying things everywhere.."See, I told you I didn't see him living with her," Xylah boasted. "Well done," Kai praised, turning to me and giving me a devilish grin.Hey enemy," Kai greeted, waving a bit at me. "What are you doing here?" I asked, frowning."Aww, they had a little encounter together," Xylah mumbled, her eyes on me. "Yes we did, in a heated moment, I would like to say that he is really dominant in bed," I said, as she frowned."You piece of shit," she yelled, raising her hands which signal two wolves at me. In a flash my claw killed both of them, pushing the dead corpse to them."How are you here?" I asked, seeing as it's impossible for them to know here. "I too am surprised, you
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ROMAN POV "What are you holding in your hands?" Sophia asked, coming out of the bedroom. "It's a letter from Xylah,"I replied as she nodded. "Are you ready to go back?" I asked. "You sound like it's a task," she mumbled. "But I'm all dressed," she went on, yawning. "You seem tired," I noted. "I wonder why," she sarcastically responded as I laughed. "How do you do it that I am the one who ends up sleepy and you just act normal," she mumbled."I handled documents and different meetings in a day, I learnt how to manage my strength with very little sleep," I boasted as she frowned. "Come on, you can sleep in the car," I tell her. "What's that on your hands?" She asked, looking at the lighter I carry."I mean, what's it for?" She corrected, yawning again. "I plan on burning this place," I tell her."What," she yelled, all sleep vanishing from her eyes immediately. "Well it's no longer a secret," I muttered."Even if, I still like this place, a lot, it's have a lot of our memories her
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SOPHiA POV. Roman still wasn't done with me, he wanted to know how I knew of what was brought up and after more persistent, I handed him a letter..The letter I got this morning. It was squeezed due to how I intended to hide it. "So you were sent this?" he asked me ww ''Do you know who this was given to?" he asked me as he straightened out the letter. "Nope, it was anonymous and it had my name on it, that's why the letter was given to me," she explained."Well this is serious, it makes me wonder if I will be able to do what I had planned," he muttered. "What's he?" I asked, but then I paused. "You can't cancel your party for a mere cause," I said."Ok, what If I can show you how safe it was for your birthday, would you go celebrate it then," I proposed."If you can, then I will," he agreed as I smiled."So, about the inner court, what was your reply?" I asked with excitement. "I was able to get you in," he replied. "So the next meeting, you will be able to enter the inner cou
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ROMAN POV. "Sophia, are you okay?" I asked, seeing how pale looked, while staring at the window. When I got to where she was, there was no one there, however I felt I saw someone."SOPHIA," I gently call, tapping her a little by the shoulder. "I am ok, it's just, the views are so beautiful," she said."What are you saying, there is barely any moon left for you to see and it's just plain land's, you should be looking at the fountain to call the view beautiful at least," I explained, as she looked at me."Then maybe it's you, your presence seems to make everything beautiful," she says, I couldn't tell if she was trying to change the topic or she was genuinely complimenting me, however I took it, shifting to sit close to her."So what's your plan tomorrow?" I asked. "In the shack all day, working with Jared to manage the security system, reform them and quite a lot," she says, yawning as she talks."I think you should sleep," I said, seeing how much she yawned afterwards. "Let's just s
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SOPHIA POV.She left me just as the door opened and I was informed of Roman summon to his office.I looked at the place she had jumped off from and she wasn't there again. With her word's in my head, I decided to have my bath, getting dressed to my usual wear.My first thought was to go to the shack and check on how they were faring, even though I wasn't in a good mood for that, checking on them was my duty.When I arrived, I saw them trying to balance themselves on a long piece of wood, held firmly by steel.They laughed whenever someone fell, making me understand that Kai never taught them this."Your majesty," they greeted, finally noticing my presence. "I see you are having fun with your new training gadgets," I tell them.."Training what, we were asked to dispose of it, we were going to do so during break time," one explained."Yes, I know but I am lucky to have met it here and found it in your presence," I said, seeing them frowning.Doing a double stout, I was able to land per
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ROMAN POV "Cousin," Xylah called. "What are you doing here and why are you here by this time of the day?"Calm down cousin, I can explain, why are you interrogating me, it's been a long time since we met and you are just interrogating me," She complained."What do you want me to say Xylah, it's unlike you to be seen at night, especially when you are not supposed to be in the palace," I explained."Sophia, are you aware of this?" I asked. "I don't know about this, I was on my way to your office when she pulled me in," Sophia explained.It was true as I could see that she just finished having her bath and her scent was still on."Xylah, will you please explain yourself?" I asked. "And don't you say Sophia knew of this because I know Sophia and I know when she is aware of something or not," I went on."Of course, she doesn't know, this was because I was hoping you will be in the office," she explained."Why would you want me to be in the office?" I questioned. "It was supposed to be a
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ROMAN POV. "Sophia, calm down; we don't know if anything would have changed," I said, trying to calm her. "For one, it seems they were already targeted, although sending them off early was wrong. He saw they needed a break," I tried explaining. "Besides, he was just trying to help," I tried reasoning with her, she was angry. Anger was an understatement to what she felt right now, although it was her weakest group members but it's still affected."Bryce," I called as he looked at me. "Can you give us a minute, I need to talk to my Sophia," I said as he nodded, stepping out."Sophia, I think we should take a break," I said, as she violently shook her head."No, I can't let that, this is what they want," she disapproved. "Who wants, who are they, Sophia?" I questioned, but she didn't talk, she only looked at me with her watery eyes."They are trying to break me," she muttered, as the tears flowed down. Her mask covered it, I wanted to clean it, but she pushed my hands up, threatened
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SOPHIA POV. "Roman, what's wrong?" I asked, seeing how he had driven everyone away. "You are scaring me, what did they tell you to do?" I questioned."Do they want you to remove me as beta or did something bad happen," I asked, as he just stood there."No, Sophia, that's not why I am here," he replied. "Then do you want me to die first," I questioned.Before I knew it, he kissed before pulling away, his face really close to me. "Did you tense me up just to kiss me?" I questioned."Sophia, I want to send you away," he replied, finally answering me. "What, I mean why, did I do something wrong, do you hate me, are you abandoning me, it was just a mistake and I swear I would never be careless with my soldiers again," I begged, holding his hand really tight."Sophia, it's not any of those reasons,"he replied. "And don't ever get the impression that I hate you, I will always love you, it's going to be always and forever," he says, hugging me."Then why are you sending me away?" I question
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ROMAN POV. As I entered our room, I saw a strange figure just leaving the room. It had the scent of a rogue but I doubt it would be sensible for a rogue wolf to be able to steal something. I could still see the figure so I went out, pursuing it. I didn't know how it got in but I guessed it must have timed the change of shift to be able to sneak out.It led me to the royal tomb but after which I lost it. "Your majesty, is anything wrong?" A guard asked, upon seeing me there."Did you see anyone here, just now?" I questioned. "I'm just arriving for my shift," he replied as I nodded. "Then nothing is wrong, keep up the good work," I stated, returning to my room, using the window.I didn't want to use the main gate so I won't be seen by anyone Sophia is having a meeting with.I did not want to tense her up or make her worried. I began checking for what he came here to steal as I knew he was carrying something long in his hands.But with everything intact, I couldn't pinpoint what he wa
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ROMAN POV"I hate you," her weak voice stated. "I can't believe I fell in love with someone like you," she muttered, using those fake lines on me."I can't have my mate who is so ignorant and can't tell the right from the wrong," she cried"At least I can finally rest and won't have to worry or get bothered about what happened to your kingdom anymore."I regretted having you for a mate," she finishes, closing her eyes shut. I too regret having her as a mate, was she really trying to manipulate me to believe her, especially when the evidence is clear. "Is she dead?" Xylah asked, going to Sophia's pale body. "No Xylah, she is only weak, too weak to heal herself," I replied."So what do we do?" She asked. "Should we expose her for her treasonous act?" She questioned further."Did you tell anyone what you saw?" I questioned. "No, you are the only one I told," She replied."Good, I want to give her the honor of being remembered as a skilled beta," I informed."We will tell others that sh
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