All Chapters of My Warrior Luna: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
63 Chapters
ROMAN POV.I returned to the palace to the awaiting arm of both Xylah and Bryce. "You took so long, why was it so?" She questioned. "Since when did you start watching my movement?" I questioned. "I don't understand," she muttered"I know you send your people after me and I don't like being followed,” I said. “I won't do that again, I only did so because I was worried," She defended. "Is anything the problem?" Bryce asked. “I am reopening the Sophia investigation," I announced, seeing the disbelief on their faces. "But why, she betrayed you, you saw it," Xylah retorted“I only saw what you needed me to see," I said "We will give her a proper investigation," I went on. "What is the cause of this sudden news?" Bryce asked "Because there are now possibilities that Sophia could be innocent," I answered. "I asked you not to torture her, why did you do so?" I asked facing Xylah. "Because she was a criminal," She groaned “I get to decide whether she was a criminal to be tortured or n
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SOPHIA POV. "Show yourself," I ordered again and soon Jared stepped out. "What are you doing here?" I questioned. "I came here for two things," he replied. “Go on and hurry up," I urged. “I want her to stay here," he says, bringing out his mate. "Please, she is carrying my child and I don't want any harm on them," he pleaded. “What are you up to?" I asked suspiciously "Something private, I can't tell you, I swore secrecy," he replied. “Then I can't help you," I said. "But I help you without asking what was wrong, can't you do the same for me," he pleaded. I look at his mate one more time and then accept. "Fine, I will help her but she won't be staying in my chambers, if I go out for war she won't be protected," I explained as he sighed in relief. "What about the second?" I questioned. "The second is that I beg you don't kill Jackson, the alpha," he replied. "When you go there, if you eventually reach there, he will surrender," he informed. "You said you want to repay me fu
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That night, my men were well rested and they gathered around them. I only told them the formation and I made Gemma wait here, telling him it was important he watch over the pack while we are away. As my team rode halfway, Dante blocked me with the twenty prisoner's. "You know what to do," I tell them as they nod. I separate my men into two, with Dante leading one. The next thing my men knew was following a different route, to a different pack."Take your formation," I ordered, watching them arrange themselves. "Now we attack and we aim for nothing but victory," I yelled, leading them to attack a pack that wasn't guarded and we raided it. As they fought, I went to find the alpha, going to meet him in his chambers, seated on his throne."You,"he called. "I was wondering who would have the nerve to attack my kingdom," he cursed."The so-called female beta is about to take control of your Kingdom," I muttered, walking to him with my spear."So you plan on killing us one by one?" He que
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ROMAN POV. "He played us," Xylah yelled at the front of her door. "They outsmart us and I will make him pay," she continued. "There is nothing we can do, we just have to make sure we prepare for the coming war," Kai said. "I bet Sophia is behind his strength but I can't imagine why he would switch sides," Xylah muttered. "You need to rest and restrict your movement, your father and I will handle thing's, we don't want anything happening to you, we don't want you stress," Kai softly said."I will inform you of the necessary update," he assured her and she seemed to buy the idea as she entered the room shutting the door.I was happy that Sophia was giving them a heartache, I wanted her to do more than just that. "Hey baby," she called in a sweet tone. "I am exhausted today, why don't you just cuddle me tonight," she stated, going to the bed as I too went to her bed.She rested her head on my chest, mumbling something before she slowly began to fall asleep.I got to miss Sophia on m
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We were already out of the forest when one of his servants came running to him. "What's wrong?" He questioned as the servant whispered something in his ear.There were a lot of emotions on his face, from plainly listening to a frown and then rage.When they were done, he looked at me and gave me a sweet smile, as if nothing happened. "Sophia, I will be gone for a few days, maybe a month," he stated. "I will be putting you in charge of running this pack and the other packs," he informed me."That's so sudden, where are you going?" I questioned. "There is something I must settle, a debt needs to be collected but I will try to hasten the process," he replied. "Tell everyone I put Sophia in charge and if anybody wants to challenge her, then they have committed treason," he ordered the servant before storming off.Both of us were left shocked as it wasn't something we were expecting. "What did you tell him?" I questioned the servant. "I don't know, a man had come earlier and he put so
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SOPHIA POV These alpha word's had me confused and I tried not to act affected by it. He told me that my trust has affected me to the point my eyes can't tell what I am. When I killed him, he died smiling, just like he had promised and his words troubled me. Was this a plot for Xylah to mess with my head or was this real, I couldn't tell. It only increased my determination to want to win by all means. Then I will confirm this from Xylah myself and if it is true and indeed sought help from the person who killed my parents, then that person would pay for it dearly. I was currently with Jared mate, checking in on her. When I entered, I saw her rubbing her stomach with a smile on her face. "This wasn't how I thought raising a child with Jared would be," she muttered“What do you mean?" I asked"I wanted Jared to be a part of this process. Now I am stuck here wondering whether he would live to see my child's face or not," she replied. "Relax, Jared is going to be safe, he is working fo
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ROMAN POV."What's news do you have Xylah?" I asked her. “The poison did touch her it's only a matter of time for me to hear more amazing news," Xylah boasted."Another news is that you won't be staying here any longer.," She replied. "You will be staying back at your former room, the one you shared with Sophia," she went on."Why would you do that?" I questioned, I thought you always wanted me here," I said. "Well things change, you will spend misery in your room, till I show you my grand plan to have power," she snap at me. The next thing I know was guard's escorting me outside. My room was heavily guarded at the down, by guarded I meant both the window side and the door but I only smirk.She thinks locking me here was a favorable thing for her, she doesn't know she did herself more harm than good.I just need to plan the timing of the visiting hours and for some reason, my meal was reduced to once daily and that was in the evening. I had also monitor the night shift, planning the
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SOPHIA POV. We were already at the gate and his men were running toward us, most of them seemed afraid of their fate. It was something they did not plan at all and so my men easily took them. But when we got inside, we were met with the shock of our lives as the whole army was waiting for us. This was different as they seemed prepared and ready for us. It was strange, that I wasn't seeing Roman, nor Kai and neither Bryce. Just his assistant, heading outside. We both waited, wanting to see who would attack first. I spotted Jared in the group and I remembered her promise. Definitely he would be killed here as I have already ordered they kill anyone who attacks them and he would have to attack them. I was supposed to wait for Dante's signal in times like this but I rushed, going to attack him. This causes the rest to attack, mixing themselves with each other. He was strong, showing he had made some improvement. He seemed proud to meet me but shocked that I attacked him first and b
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SOPHIA POV "I killed your parents," Dante revealed, taking me aback. "I got his help to do so," he said pointing at Bryce. "No, that's not true, you can't let him threaten you to lie to me, that's not who you are," I said softly. "You are much smarter than this Sophia," he said. "Why?" I questioned. "You see, I found out that Dante here was a lost relative of yours that wasn't taken care of, he was tattered when I found him and I agree to give him what every man wants," Bryce interfered. "I gave him power, I plotted everything, for his Identity to be known by your parents and foolishly they took him in," he continued. "My parents were killed by rogue wolves," I reminded, as Bryce only grinned, making me gasp in shock. "You are the wolves that control the rogue wolves," Roman muttered. "I think I left out a detail of how I met him," Bryce said. "I met Bryce in the forest, I had saved him from a rogue wolf attack, but not by attacking them, but simply commanding them," He explaine
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SOPHIA POV Xylah walked in and the first thing I noticed was that she was pregnant. My hand immediately broke free from Roman grip. He was lying to me, he said he slept with her once but yet she is admitting that the baby is his and he was playing dumb. "How could you get your own cousin pregnant," I asked in disgust. "I swear It's not mine," he denied. "I slept with her just once," he said. "Yes but then you release inside of me, while I made her watch us, it was a blessing when I found out," Xylah cut in. "I was going to tell you, but then you announced the reinvestigation of Sophia's case," she continued. "I was so excited but you killed it," she went on as I looked at Roman's face, seeing the realization written all over it. "That's why you had planned on getting rid of me because you already had an heir," he asked puzzled"Yes, we plan on forcing you to sign the marriage papers, close to my due date, so the child can be the legitimate heir when he is born. "Sophia, it's not
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