All Chapters of ISABEL : Chapter 41 - Chapter 47
47 Chapters
After dinner that night, Rodrigo and his mate watched cartoon with the kids until it was time for bed. Paulina went into the kitchen to tidy up, after kissing Teresa and David goodnight, while Rodrigo put the kids to bed. While wiping her wet hands with a clean towel, Paulina felt a swift movement outside. She looked out the window to see who it was, but there was no one there. To make certain, she went out of the house through the back door and still there wasn’t a soul in sight. Concluding within herself that she was probably having a paranoia, Paulina went back inside the house, only to be met with a set of sharp claws around her neck. She gasped at the cold feeling of the tip of her attacker’s claws on her skin and tried to crane her neck backwards to get a glance of the werewolf holding her captive in her own house, but that was a big mistake on her part, as her attacker’s claws sank into her neck, causing blood to ooze out of the wound. “Tsk tsk… Make one wrong move and you’r
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“How could you?!” Paulina screamed at her mate, taking backward steps as she didn’t want to be anywhere near him. They were currently at the backyard of their house, arguing. “How could you do this to me?!” “Honey, I’m sorry… I was trying to protect you.” “Protect me? Protect me, you say… You made a complete fool out of me, Rodrigo!” Hearing his mate say those words hurt Rodrigo and his wolf deeply. He never intended to hurt Paulina. He just didn’t want her finding out about the result of his mistake because that would’ve hurt her even more than the fact that he had a relationship with another female werewolf before her, and he sure would’ve lost her forever. “You were hurting at the time, and I didn’t want to cause you more pain.” He tried to explain. “It doesn’t matter!” No excuse can make up for the secret he kept from her. All these years, her mate had been deceiving her and she was gullible enough to believe him. How stupid he must’ve thought she was. “Aarghhh!” She scr
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Two weeks has gone by with no sign of Rodrigo’s illegitimate son or his minions around the Pride pack border. This bothered Isabel a lot because she has never met her adversary face to face, so she couldn’t predict what his next actions would be. The fact that the future looked bleak no matter how hard she tried to deny it, didn’t sit well with her, but she couldn’t tell anyone, not even her father. Showing even the tiniest sign of uncertainty would throw the pack into disarray and she couldn’t risk that happening because of her anxiety. To divert her thoughts from thinking about the worst case scenario, Isabel took up training David. Since he was under her roof for the time being, it would be improper of her to still expect her dad to be the one training him. Strangely enough, David hardly ever complained or made a fuss during training, as he took it as a fun activity, unlike her nephew, Fernando. This made her work easier, and was in fact a good distraction. In the course of trainin
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Isabel woke up the next morning to the feeling of feather like kisses on her back. She smiled to herself, enjoying her mate’s gentle ministration on her skin. “Happy birthday, gorgeous.” Dylan’s husky voice said through mind link, causing memories of the previous night’s love making session in the woods to fill her thoughts. Dylan was quite wild last night, probably because his wolf was at its peak, as a result of the full moon, and she loved every bit of his roughness. Her legs could still feel the impact, but she wanted more. “Happy birthday to you too, hunk.” She turned around to face her mate, kissing him deeply. Dylan moaned into the kiss. He was tempted to take the kiss further since that was what his mate was asking for, but he refrained himself because he wanted Isabel to have a good rest after several weeks of barely sleeping, so he reluctantly ended the kiss. “Why are you dressed?” Isabel asked with a frown when she noticed her mate was casually dressed in jeans and a g
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Isabel kept breaking any and everything she laid her hands on, screaming in rage. She blamed herself for her mate’s misfortune. If only she had pressed harder, he wouldn’t have fallen into the hands of her enemy. Why didn’t she stop him? Why did she let him have his way? Why did she disobey her instinct? Why? Thirty minutes earlier, Xavi had reported to Isabel that Dylan was nowhere in the pack, but his car was found parked by the side of the road on the way to the border and Ignacio’s scent was in the car. She was infuriated by the news and vented her anger on the house furniture. Her cousin did nothing but watch his alpha express her emotions, making him feel incompetent and unreliable, because if he had paid utmost attention to the task he was given, Isabel’s mate wouldn’t be missing. Fernando had taken the kids upstairs when Xavi arrived to give the older werewolves privacy, so it was just Isabel, her parents and Xavi in the living room. Rodrigo was holding his sobbing mate t
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There was a sudden sinking feeling in the pit of Rodrigo’s stomach as they waited for Isabel and Dylan’s return. He couldn’t shake off the feeling that something was wrong no matter how hard he tried. This wasn’t a good sign. Rodrigo stood up from the couch, where he was previously seated and headed for the front door. “Where are you going?” His mate’s soft yet worried voice made him halt in his tracks. How does he tell her that something bad could be happening to their daughter? Her heart won’t be able to take the news and he doesn’t want to raise any false alarm yet. “I need to check on the warriors.” He lied. “Don’t lie to me, Rodrigo. I know you can feel it too.” Paulina replied. Her wolf has been feeling uneasy for the past two hours, but she was scared to mention anything to her mate because she didn’t want him interfering in their daughter’s fight and suffer a terrible fate. He acted on impulse most times, and since it involves his daughter, this time wouldn’t be an excep
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Isabel’s family refused to bury her body in the Pride pack because they feared that some unknown enemies could use the fragile humans and obtain information about the pack, making the pack vulnerable. So they contacted Daniel, the alpha of the Greenwood pack and asked if Isabel’s body could be taken to the Greenwood pack. Daniel was eager to help, and Dylan was allowed to look at Isabel’s body for the last time before she was flown to the Greenwood pack, because he wasn’t going to be part of the burial ceremony. It was just going to be Paulina and Rodrigo present, in order to avoid raising suspicion. Even the members of the Pride pack were unaware of their alpha’s demise. They were only informed about her injuries, and that she was slowly recuperating, so her mate was going to be in charge of the pack for as long as she desired. This was to enable Dylan gain a strong foothold in the pack and keep the other packs at bay. Dylan, on his part, did an awesome job by showing the entire pa
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