All Chapters of Desired By Three Mafia Lords : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
78 Chapters
Chapter Eleven
In the days that followed, preparations went underway for the marriage as Damien and Brenda went over the contract details together. She had informed him of her own terms to it already and together they sat everyday in his fancy office drafting out and going over all agreements. Damien invited his lawyer and everything was set in place. Next, they began to make plans for the wedding, Damien wanted it to happen as soon as possible, Brenda too, so they decided that it held on the following weekend which was days away. The also agreed that the wedding take place in his house and only a few guests allowed, his family and a few friends mostly. Damien thought the event should be private considering it was just a sham and would be ended soon enough, so there was no need for any publicity or huge ceremony like he knew his family would want – well, he was not going to do it the way his family would want, he was already doing what they insisted of him and that was enough for Damien.Brenda’s fa
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Chapter Twelve
The last two days before the wedding day was different for Brenda. There seemed to be a sense of happiness in the air. She had met Damien’s parents and despite all her fears concerning their sham, they had bought it without a single doubt. That surprised Brenda as she thought that she would be caught in a series of questions with them but they were just overwhelmed with the reality of their son finding someone to settle down with that they had not paid attention to details that might have given them off. Damien’s parents, Mr. & Mrs. Smith had insisted that the wedding held in a chapel against Damien’s wish, he could do little to resist them so he agreed, it was no longer going to hold in his compound like he initially planned. The idea gutted him but he decided to just carry out their wish.After the dinner Brenda felt a sense of relief even though she knew it was only a start to long journey for her. She felt the happiness around and it eventually rubbed off on her. Even Damien seeme
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Chapter Thirteen
Brenda thought her action to stand up to Damien no matter what was going to make him quit trying to control her, but it only provoked him more and he began to intentionally shove his superiority over her. He flaunted his authority at her by setting rules around the house, he even went ahead to secure an admission in a boarding school for Ralia for the spring. He also instructed Brenda’s driver not to drive her to school or anywhere at all. He restricted her movement just to punish her for having the guts to disrespectfully talk to him.How could she disrespect him in his own house? Does she no know that he was doing her family a favor letting her and her sister live under his roof? If only she had any idea of who he was and what he was capable of she would not mess with him. He was used to everyone being afraid of him and as Brenda disagreed on anything he said, it pissed him off. He felt bad that even though she got on his nerves he couldn’t touch her, at least not now. His father wa
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Chapter Fourteen
Brenda woke up the next day with a feeling of overwhelming sadness and despair. The events of the previous day replayed in her mind like a broken record, and she couldn’t shake the feeling of violation that Damien had inflicted upon her. Tears streamed down her face as she tried to process what had happened, feeling completely alone and helpless. At the same time, Brenda felt a strange sense of detachment from the situation. It was almost as if she was watching it happen to someone else, rather than experiencing it herself. She couldn’t quite put her finger on why she was feeling this way, but it was like a part of her had shut down and become numb to the trauma.As the day went on, Brenda struggled to make sense of her conflicting emotions. On one hand, she was overwhelmed by the fear of Damien and what he was capable of, on the other hand, she was surprised by how little emotion she felt towards him. Part of her wanted to scream and lash out at him, but another part of her just felt
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Chapter Fifteen
One morning Brenda stood in the kitchen, absentmindedly making a sandwich as her mind drifted to the thoughts of Ralia. She had been contemplating the idea of letting Damien send Ralia to a boarding school only so she would be safe from his abusive behavior. Brenda knew she couldn’t protect her little sister forever, and sending her to boarding school might be the best option to keep her safe. Lost in thought, Brenda didn’t hear Damien walk into the kitchen until he cleared his throat behind her. She turned to face him, trying to keep her composure as she silently wished he would just disappear.“Is there something on your mind?” Damien asked, his voice laced with suspicion.“No.” Brenda hesitated for a moment, but then decided to come clean. “I was just thinking about Ralia,” she admitted. “I think it might be a good idea to send her to boarding school.”Damien didn’t seem surprised by Brenda’s opinion about that, he had already made arrangements so it didn’t matter to him. He simply
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Chapter Sixteen
Brenda tried to shake off the persistent thoughts about Damien’s lack of intimacy as she walked home from school with Carla. As they strolled down the quiet suburban street, Carla suddenly turned to Brenda and asked, “So, what do you do for fun?”Brenda shrugged, “I don’t really do much, but I like to read and watch movies.”Carla raised her eyebrows, “That’s it? You need to loosen up a bit, girl! How about we do something spontaneous this weekend?”Brenda hesitated, unsure of what kind of activity Carla had in mind. “I don’t know, now that Ralia is in school, I usually spend weekends locked up in my room reading. ”Carla’s eyes widened in surprise, “You’re married I know but you have to ease up a bit, you’re so young. And besides it’s not like your husband actually cares, it’s not a real wedding right? So have fun my dear.” Carla tried to convince her friend.Brenda smiled, “Yeah, I guess you’re right. He doesn’t care about me so I just avoid him like he ignores me too.” Brenda said.
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Chapter Seventeen
Brenda stood at the sink, scrubbing a stubborn stain off a dish. She glanced out the window to the pitch-black outside. She couldn’t help but smile as she thought about the plans she had with Carla this weekend. They were going to spend the day shopping in the nearby stores, and then grab dinner at Carla’s favorite Italian restaurant. As she rinsed off the dish and placed it in the drying rack, Brenda’s mind wandered to the last time they had fun. It wasn’t long ago buy it felt like it. Well was a beautiful day, and Brenda was so excited about it. Brenda faintly remembered the Italian restaurant, she had been there only once but it was enough for her to guess how much fun they would have, she couldn’t wait.Lost in thought, Brenda almost didn’t hear her phone buzzing on the counter. It was Carla, sending her a text to confirm their plans. Brenda quickly replied, excitedly typing out a message about how much she was looking forward to the weekend. But as she put down her phone, Brenda
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Chapter Eighteen
Brenda woke up with a sense of excitement tingling in her body. It was finally the weekend she had been waiting for. She had made plans to meet her friend Carla at an Italian restaurant later in the day, and she couldn’t wait to catch up over a plate of spaghetti. As she went about her morning routine, Brenda’s mind kept drifting back to the plans for the day. She hummed happily as she tidied up her room, anticipating the fun she would have with her friend. But as the clock ticked closer to noon, Brenda’s excitement began to wane. She couldn’t help but think about the unexpected news her father had brought to her the day before. Edwin Ramirez had requested to meet with Brenda and she had thought it was a strange request, and her father agreed, but he told her to go see him anyway. She had no idea why Edwin would want to see her, she shook her head, trying to push away the uneasy feeling that was creeping into her heart. She was determined not to let it ruin her plans for the day. But
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Chapter Nineteen
Brenda sat nervously at her table, fidgeting with her napkin as she stole glances at Edwin Ramirez. The man was two tables away, and he was surrounded by burly men, who stood around him with their arms crossed and their eyes constantly scanning the room. Brenda couldn’t help but wonder why anyone would need that level of protection in a restaurant. She couldn’t shake off the uneasy feeling that crept up on her as she sat at the corner table of the restaurant. As she glanced around the room, Brenda couldn’t help but notice the way everyone seemed to avoid the corner where Ramirez and his bodyguards were seated. It was as if they were afraid of him, or at least aware enough not to interfere with his business. Brenda couldn’t help but notice the way he carried himself also. He seemed confident and in control, as if he owned the restaurant itself.Brenda had been apprehensive about coming to see him, but her father had insisted, and now she was stuck in this situation. Summoning her co
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Chapter Twenty
Brenda was feeling restless as she stepped out of the restaurant. It had been a long day, and she just wanted to head back home and get some rest. But as she walked towards her car, she felt a sudden urge to turn back and head inside, her mind kept flashing with the image of the stranger who had just handed her his number. She hesitated for a moment, trying not to feel desperate and wondering if it was a good idea to meet up with a complete stranger. But something about the way he had smiled at her had left an impression on her mind. She made up her mind and turned around, making her way back inside the restaurant. As she entered the spacious place, she scanned the room and spotted the stranger sitting at the bar, just as she had left him. She walked up to him, feeling a bit nervous, and introduced herself.“Hi, I’m Brenda.”“Hey, I’m Alfred.” He said raising his brows recognizing her.“Sorry to bother you, but I was just wondering if you’d like to go to another bar with me and chat?
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