All Chapters of Desired By Three Mafia Lords : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
78 Chapters
Chapter Thirty-one
Brenda had been feeling trapped for days now. Damien still forbade her from leaving the house, but at least he had stopped locking her up in her room. She was free to move around the house, but only within its four walls. And while Damien had changed the guards on duty and given them strict instructions to keep Brenda from leaving, she had given up on trying to escape. It was clear that Damien had the power to control her every move, and she was resigned to spending the rest of her days in this luxurious prison.But today was different. Brenda woke up with a sense of enthusiasm she hadn’t felt in a long time. She decided to bake some cookies, something she hadn’t done in years. She entered the kitchen and started to prepare everything, humming a tune. As she worked, the house was filled with the delicious aroma of freshly baked cookies.Damien had been holed up in his office for hours, working on a deal that could make or break his father’s empire. When he finally emerged, he walked s
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Chapter Thirty-two
Damien and Oscar sat at the mini bar, watching the baseball game on the TV while sipping their drinks. Damien’s frustration was palpable, and Oscar could tell something was bothering him.“What’s on your mind, Damien?” Oscar asked, pouring himself another glass of whiskey.“It’s my father,” Damien said, his tone heavy with irritation. “He’s been delaying handing over the empire to me for months now. I’ve been waiting my whole life for this, and he keeps pushing me aside.”“I understand how you feel,” Oscar said, nodding. “But you have to be patient. You don’t want to lose everything because you couldn’t wait a little longer.”Damien scoffed. “It’s my birthright, Oscar. I shouldn’t have to wait for it.”“I know, I know,” Oscar said, holding up his hands. “But sometimes, things don’t happen as quickly as we want them to. Just try and be patient, okay?”Damien sighed and took a long swig of his drink. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”The two friends continued to talk for a while, but the co
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Chapter Thirty-three
As Damien stepped out of Oscar’s bar, he fished out the keys to his sleek black car. He fumed as he got into the driver’s seat, his mind replaying the confrontation with Alfred. The thought of Brenda hanging around with his rival sent him into a rage, and he knew he had to deal with the situation. He turned the Ignition and was about to drive off when his phone rang. He hesitated for a few seconds before answering it.“Hello?” Damien barked.“Boss, we’ve got a situation,” a voice on the other end said.“What situation?” Damien asked impatiently.“One of your workers has stolen from you,” the voice replied.Damien’s anger surged. He hated thieves more than anything, and he knew he had to handle the situation personally.“I’ll be there in ten minutes,” he growled, ending the call.Damien arrived at the warehouse where the stolen goods were kept, and he stormed in. His men were gathered around, looking nervous.“Who’s the thief?” Damien demanded.One of his men stepped forward and pointe
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Chapter Thirty-four
Brenda woke up to a quiet morning with a heavy heart and a throbbing headache. The house was silent except for the sound of the birds chirping outside. The sunlight filtering through the curtains was too bright for her, and the chirping birds outside only served to amplify her misery. She opened her eyes and looked at the ceiling, her mind still heavy from yesterday. She had cried herself to sleep last night, her tears leaving streaks on her pillow. Brenda couldn’t believe that she had asked for a divorce, she had thought it would make Damien change his ways, but now she realized it was a mistake. She had never thought it would actually come to this.The thought of ending her marriage was terrifying, but the thought of staying in a loveless relationship was even worse. As she lay there, feeling sorry for herself, Brenda promised herself that she would go through with the divorce. She needed to start over and find someone who would truly love and appreciate her.She sat up in bed and pu
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Chapter Thirty-five
Brenda woke up to the sound of a knock on her door. She opened it to find one of the young maids standing outside.“Good morning, ma’am,” the maid said. “The boss invites you to have breakfast with him. He would like to have some positive talks with you.”Brenda was surprised by the invitation. Yesterday, Damien had apologized for everything he had put her through. He seemed different now, like he actually cared about her. She decided to accept the invitation.Brenda stood in front of her closet, debating what to wear. She wanted to look nice for Damien, to show him that she appreciated his apology and his efforts to change. She didn’t want to appear too eager or too indifferent, so she settled on a floral dress that she hoped struck the right balance.When she arrived at the dining room, Damien was already seated at the far end of the huge table. As she approached, he got up like a gentleman and then sat back down when Brenda was comfortably seated. Brenda felt a surge of gratitude f
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Chapter Thirty-six
Inside a grocery store, Brenda pushed her cart down the aisle, taking her time to select the freshest fruits and vegetables. The produce section was always her favorite part of the grocery store; it was bright and colorful, and the scent of fresh produce filled the air. Brenda breathed in deeply, savoring the aroma, and smiled to herself. Her day had been peaceful so far, and she was grateful for it. She and Damien had had a positive talk earlier that morning, and Brenda felt a renewed sense of commitment to their marriage pact. It wasn’t going to be easy, but they were both willing to put in the work. Brenda felt proud of herself for making the decision to end her friendship with Alfred, even though it had been difficult. She knew it was for the best, and she felt confident that she would eventually come to peace with it.As Brenda turned the corner, she scanned the shelves, looking for the last item on her list. When she spotted the bright red packaging of strawberries, she made her
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Chapter Thirty-seven
As the days went by, Damien and Brenda had become inseparable. They would spend most of their days together, doing everything from cooking to watching movies, and their nights always ended with passionate sex. Brenda had never felt so close to anyone before, and she was surprised by how much she enjoyed Damien’s undivided attention. But as the weeks passed, Brenda began to feel tired and restless. She tried to ignore it at first, but one afternoon, as she was washing the dishes and singing along to the radio, she suddenly felt dizzy and had to lean against the counter to steady herself. She knew something was wrong.After a few moments, she made her way back to her room and lay down on the bed. The room started to spin, and she felt nauseous. Brenda hurried to the bathroom and emptied her stomach in the toilet. She felt scared and confused as she had never felt like this before, suspecting that she might be pregnant. Later, while taking a bath, Brenda rubbed soap on her body and notic
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Chapter Thirty-eight
The tension between Damien and Brenda was palpable, neither of them spoke a word to each other for the rest of the day. The air was thick with tension as they both retreated to their respective rooms, neither daring to break the silence. Brenda lay in bed, her heart pounding in her chest as she imagined all the possible scenarios that could occur now. She knew she had been careless, but she never expected this to happen so soon. Brenda remained locked up inside her room, too scared to face Damien after he had found out about the pregnancy.Damien, on the other hand, stayed in his room, brooding over the situation. The only time he left his room was to pick up a file from his office. He tried as much as possible not to think about the fact that Brenda had been careless and had gotten pregnant. But what bothered him the most was the belief that Brenda was still seeing Alfred, her lover. Damien thought it was impossible he was responsible for the pregnancy, considering they only started
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Chapter Thirty-nine
Damien made his way towards his sleek car, his eyes brushed past his loyal driver, who had hurriedly approached the vehicle at the sight of his boss. With a dismissive wave of his hand, he signaled that he would be driving himself today. The driver nodded respectfully and retreated, leaving Damien alone with his thoughts. He stretched to drop the small bag he had packed some clothes in inside the car, but the bag slipped from his grasp and hit the ground with a thud. Damien glanced at it briefly before picking it up, contemplating the escape it promised. He then shook off the notion and climbed into the car. The engine roared to life, drowning out the whirlwind of thoughts in his mind.Damien drove out of the grand entrance of his luxurious house, his mind heavy with conflicting emotions. The weight of impending fatherhood loomed over him, suffocating his desire for freedom. As Damien leaves the house, he felt a pang of guilt but quickly brushes it aside. He never wanted a wife, neve
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Chapter Forty
Damien stood in front of his childhood home, taking one last look before getting into his car. The mansion had always been his safe haven, but he knew he couldn’t stay there forever. He had a pregnant wife waiting for him, and he needed to face his fears of becoming a parent. As he marched towards his car, Damien’s mind wandered to his father. He had been hoping to convince him to hand over the family business, but his two weeks stay had not been fruitful. Damien was disappointed, but he felt refreshed after spending time in his childhood home.Damien took a deep breath as he walked away from the front door of the mansion. The sun was shining bright and warm on his face, but his mind was still clouded with thoughts. He had not expected to stay up to two weeks, but the comfort of the familiar surroundings had been too much to leave behind. He had spent his days seeking advice from his mother, who was always ready to listen and offer a sympathetic ear. He had also hoped to convince his
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