All Chapters of Her Presence Changes Lives : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
106 Chapters
Chapter 51
Natalia couldn't help but let out a frustrated sigh as she sat alone in her room, unable to shake off the feeling of confusion and sadness that had been haunting her ever since her argument with Anthonio.She had tried to make amends, to reach out to him and talk things out like they always used to, but every attempt had been met with silence. It was as if he wanted nothing to do with her anymore, and that thought alone made her heart ache."Why won't he talk to me?" she mumbled to herself, running her hands through her hair in frustration. "We've been friends for so long, I don't understand why he's acting like this."Meanwhile, on the other side of town, Anthonio was doing his best to keep his distance. He knew that if he allowed himself to get too close to Natalia again, he would only fall right back into old habits. Habits that had taken him down a destructive path before.He didn't want to hurt her, didn't want to drag her into his mess again. And so, he decided that the bes
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Chapter 52
Anthonio knew that he needed to find a way to move on from his feelings of sadness and hurt over what happened between him and Natalia. And so, he started seeing someone new - a girl who shared many of Natalia's qualities and interests.At first, Anthonio was hesitant about getting too close to someone again. But the more time he spent with this girl, the more he realized that he was ready to let go of his past with Natalia and start fresh.When Natalia caught sight of Anthonio with his new love interest, her heart sank. She felt a stab of jealousy and hurt that she couldn't quite explain. It wasn't like she was still pining for him - she had accepted that things between them were never going to be the way they used to be. But seeing him with someone else stirred up emotions she had been trying to keep buried.As she rushed back into her apartment, she couldn't help but sob as she thought about everything that had happened. It wasn't fair, she thought to herself. Anthonio shouldn'
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Chapter 53
The revelation that the new girl was engaged, but still wanted a deep relationship with Anthonio, left him feeling uneasy. He was attracted to her and enjoyed spending time with her, but he didn't want to be the cause of any heartache and drama."I don't know if that's a good idea," he said hesitantly. "It seems like you have a lot to sort out before you can commit to anyone else."The new girl looked at him with a mixture of frustration and longing. "I know, I know," she said, shaking her head. "But I can't help how I feel. I feel more alive and happy when I'm with youAs the days went by, Anthonio found himself growing more and more conflicted about his feelings for the new girl. On one hand, he enjoyed spending time with her and was attracted to her. On the other hand, he knew that there were potential complications to pursuing a relationship with someone who was already engaged.He decided to sit down with her and talk things through, wanting to make sure that they were both
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Chapter 54
Anthonio looked at himself in the mirror and sighed. At 37, he felt like he had wasted so much time on relationships that didn't work out. He wanted something more, something that would last.He made the decision to visit Natalia. He needed to know why she didn't want to consider him for marriage, and if there was anything he could do to change her mind.When he arrived at her apartment, she looked surprised to see him. "Anthonio, what are you doing here?"Anthonio took a deep breath. "Natalia, I need to know something. Why don't you want to consider me for marriage? We've been through so much together, and I love you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you."Natalia looked down at her hands. "Anthonio, I'm not sure I'm ready for that kind of commitment. I know I've hurt you in the past, and I don't want to hurt you again."Anthonio took her hand. "Natalia, I'm willing to take that risk. I love you, and I want to make things work. But if you're not ready, I understand. I jus
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Chapter 55
After resolving their issues, Anthonio and Natalia found themselves in a slightly different kind of relationship. While they still cared deeply for each other, they both agreed that getting married was not something they wanted at the moment.Anthonio explained, "I think we're both pretty independent people. We love each other, but we don't need to get married to prove anything. We still want to be able to live our lives on our own terms."Natalia nodded in agreement, "I agree. We've both been through enough in our lives to know that being true to ourselves and our feelings is the most important thing. And right now, we feel good about being together, but we don't want to put any more pressure on ourselves."Anthonio smiled, "Exactly. I don't want to mess up something great by trying to fit it into some kind of traditional mold. I'm happy being with you in the way that feels right for us."Natalia's face lit up, "That makes me so happy to hear you say that. I feel the same way. A
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Chapter 56
When Natalia got home, she immediately picked up the phone and called the family lawyer. She wanted to discuss the case against Justino's mom and what could be done to help her.The lawyer listened patiently as Natalia explained the situation, and after a few moments of silence, he cleared his throat, "Natalia, this is a serious case. I will do everything I can to get Mrs Roger out of detention, but the case will still be on, and we will need a strong defense."Natalia nodded, "I understand. But what can we do to prove her innocence? She wouldn't hurt anyone; she's kind-hearted and gentle."The lawyer sighed, "I know, Natalia, and that is why this case is so troubling. But we have to be realistic. The evidence against her is strong, and the prosecution will not relent easily. We need to find evidence or witnesses that can attest to her character and place her somewhere else at the time of the crime."Natalia felt helpless, "But where do we start looking? And how long will this
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Just when things seemed to be looking up for Justino's mom, a new threat arose. The local distributor of hard drugs was not happy with her decision to leave the narcotics business and start a new life. He saw her as a threat to his operation and decided to retaliate.One night, Justino's mom was at home watching TV when her door was kicked open. She tried to run, but the distributor's men were too fast. They cornered her, and she was badly beaten.Justino's mom begged for mercy, "Please, I have left the narcotics business. I am no longer a part of it. Please let me go."The men just laughed wickedly, "You think you can walk away from us, lady? Think again. You want to leave the business, where do think you are going, so want to expose us, and we are going to make sure we Implicate, except you continue the business" the men said, Justino's mom knew she had to act fast. She found an opportunity to run and took it. The men chased after her, but she managed to escape. She ran throu
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Chapter 58
Anthonio's heart sank as he listened to Natalia explain her problems to him. He knew he had to do something to help Natalia, and the following day, he walked Into Natalia's bedroom to check on her, and he later prepared breakfast for her “Natalia, have you tried talking to your parents?" Anthonio asked.Natalia sighed. "I don't want to tell them anything, and they never seem to understand my problems. all they can tell me Is come back to the State” Natalia said,Anthonio nodded sympathetically. "I understand how you feel, but maybe it's worth a try. They might surprise you or, if you want, I could talk to them for you?" Anthonio said,Natalia's eyes widened. "Really?“,no, please, don't do that, I will do that when I'm ready, though I have mind to call my parents” Natalia said, "Okay just make sure you call them before those will track you you down" Anthonio said with a smile.Later that evening, Anthonio made the call to Natalia's parents."Hello, may I speak to Natalia's father
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Chapter 59
When Natalia came back to the Brazil,As Natalia arrived back in Brazil, she was greeted by her longtime friends Anthonio with open arms. "Natalia, it's so good to see you! I've missed you," he exclaimed, his eyes lighting up with joy.Natalia couldn't help but smile in return, feeling grateful for his warm welcome. "It's good to be back, Anthonio. How have you been?""I've been well, thanks for asking," he replied. "But I must warn you, things have changed since you left. The Mafia soldiers are after you, and it's not safe for you to be out in public places."Natalia's heart sank at the news. She had hoped that she could return to her old life in Brazil without any trouble, but it seemed that her past was still haunting her. "What should I do, Anthonio?" she asked, her voice filled with concern.Anthonio placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder, "don't worry, Natalia. I'll make sure you stay safe. We'll keep you hidden until we figure out a plan."Natalia nodded, feeling grateful f
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Chapter 60
Anthonio was nervous until they arrived home, and the next day, they continue their task, Anthonio drove Natalia to the prison to visit Justino, and she told him that his mom dropped a debit card, and she said she has paid lawyer to fight the case out, and Natalia told Justino that he will soon regain his freedom, everything has been set”, Natalia explained, "Thank you, Natalia. I knew I could count on you," Justino said with gratitude, tears welling up in his eyes.Natalia gave him a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, Justino. We're going to get you out of here. And as for Ethan, I promise we will find him and bring him back to you."Justino's expression softened. "Thank you so much. You have no idea how much this means to me. I just want to be home with my son."Anthonio chimed in, "We're going to make that happen, Justino. We won't rest until you regain your freedom" Anthonio said, Justino nodded and wiped his eyes. "I trust you, guys. Thank you for everything."As they left the p
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