All Chapters of Her Presence Changes Lives : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
106 Chapters
Natalia was devastated by the news she received about Justino. She had hoped that he would regain his freedom soon so that he could be a part of Ethan's life and be the father figure he deserved. But instead, Justino's sentence had been extended by another four years, leaving Natalia feeling frustrated and defeated.She couldn't help but wonder what would happen if Justino couldn't be there for Ethan as he grew up. Who would guide him and teach him life's important lessons?Natalia confided in Anthonio about her worries, "I don't know what to do, Anthonio. Justino's sentence has been extended again, and I'm just so frustrated and heartbroken. I had hoped that he would be a part of Ethan's life soon."Anthonio listened to her carefully, "I understand how you feel, Natalia. But you need to stay strong for Ethan. You have been doing a great job as a mother and will continue to do so. Justino will always be a part of Ethan's life, even if he is not physically present."Natalia nodded
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Anthonio sat alone at the bar, nursing his drink and staring forlornly into the distance. He watched as his married friends laughed and danced together, surrounded by their spouses and significant others, and couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy."I just don't understand why you're so unhappy," said a voice beside him, and Anthonio turned to see his friend Thomas taking a seat next to him. "You have Natalia, she's beautiful and smart and you two seem perfect together."Anthonio sighed and took a sip of his drink. "It's not that simple, Thomas. Natalia and I aren't really in a relationship.""What do you mean?" Thomas asked, confused. "You're always together, and you seemed so in love."Anthonio shook his head. "We're... just friends, really. But we have an agreement. We support each other and stand by each other, but it's not a romantic thing."Thomas raised an eyebrow skeptically. "That's... unusual. But if you're happy with it, that's all that matters, right?"Anthonio gav
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The following week, Anthonio and Ben, his friend met at the bar they usually met, and he asked, “how far about A week later, when Anthonio and Ben met at the usual bar, Ben asked, “how did you later solve the Issues of marriage with Natalia, has she agreed to marry you?",“Anthonio replied we have solve our problems, when all our plans matured, we will let you know the latest news about us” meanwhile Anthonio knows quite alright that there Is nothing like marriage coming between him and Natalia, but he couldn't open up to Ben, "So, what's the plan then?" asked Ben,"Well, we're still working on it. We want to make sure everything is in place before we announce anything," replied Anthonio."Hmm I understand. You two have been through a lot. I hope everything works out for you," said Ben,"Thanks, man. I really appreciate your support," said Anthonio,"No problem. That's what friends are for," said Ben,Anthonio smiled, grateful for your understanding. I knew I could count on y
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Anthonio and Natalia sat together on their living room couch as Ethan played with his toys on the floor. Natalia's phone rang, and she saw that it was her parents calling."Hey, mom," Natalia answered."Hi, sweetheart," her mother replied. "How are you doing?""I'm good. How about you guys?""We're doing well, but we've been talking about something that we need to discuss with you.""What is it?""Well, your father and I are getting older, and we really want to be closer to you and Ethan. We miss you both so much, and we want to be a bigger part of your lives."Natalia hesitated for a moment. She had grown accustomed to her life in Brazil with Anthonio, and she wasn't sure how she felt about moving back to the United States."I understand that, mom, but I'm happy here with Anthonio and Ethan.""I know, sweetheart, but your father is not doing well. He's been asking for Ethan a lot lately, and we think it would be best if you guys came back to the States for a while. Maybe just to
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“I don't want to spend your money, I need to go, and I need to divorce” Mrs Roger said while tears dripping down from her eyes, “see, I have become grandmother some years back, but up till now I can not walk down street freely with my grandson, and through this business, I lost two children In Mafia battle, and the only one that left for Is In prison, I don't who Is behind all his problems, the prison authority kepos adding more years to his jail term, I'm fed up with all these problems” Mrs Roger explained, “You can't leave me and live, and If you tried It, either you are declared missing or your obituary postal pasted out the following day” Mr Roger said, and he frowned, “look, I trust you, I know that you can't leave me because we are In It together” Mr Roger said,“This Is real problems, I don't how I'm going to get out of these problems” Mrs Roger said, and It was difficult to leave Mr Roger, she doesn't have a choice than to stay, and she walked Into the bedroom and sat on
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Mr Roger regrets his actions because many Innocent souls were lost In the fire Incident, and when he was watching the new, he wept because when the remaining guys escaped, they find their way to another directions, they didn't come to him, and that frustrated him more, As Mr. Roger returned to his farm, he learned that an investigation had been launched into the recent attacks on the detention center and the prison. He knew that he needed to act fast if he wanted to avoid being caught by the police.He quickly went through his farm and gathered anything that could be used as evidence against him. He packed up all of his belongings and loaded them into his caravan bus."Get in the bus," he said to his wife. "We need to go into hiding."His wife nodded silently, knowing that they were in a dangerous situation. She climbed into the bus, and they quickly headed out of the farm.As they drove away, Mr. Roger couldn't help but feel a sense of desperation. They had lost everything, and t
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Chapter 37
Mrs continue discussing and encouraging Justino on the phone, but Justino doesn't want to listen to his mom, and he ended up with the phone conversations with annoyance, Mrs Roger returned home frustrated because she was In a doubt that Natalia might go to the bank behind them and get things done without her knowledge, but Mr Roger said, they should give Natalia benefit of doubt, she won't dare access the bank account without our knowledge, she was In a deep thought, and she was saying all the words to herself, As soon as Mrs Roger walked into their home, she let out a frustrated sigh. "I'm worried about Natalia," she said to her husband. "What if she goes to the bank and does something without our knowledge?" Mrs Roger asked,Mr Roger put down his newspaper and looked at his wife. "I think we should give her the benefit of the doubt. Natalia has been with us for a long time and she's always been trustworthy." Mr Roger explained,"But we don't even know her that well," Mrs Roger
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Despite all the appeals that Mrs Roger made to her husband to stop taking hard drugs, he was still taking the hard drugs secretively, and a while later, he began to fall sick while Mrs Roger was In a great panicking because he doesn't want him to die,Despite Mr Roger's promises to stop taking hard drugs, he couldn't help himself and continued to use them secretively. Soon after, he began to fall sick, and Mrs Roger could sense that there was something different about his health.She took him to the hospital for a checkup, feeling great panic and anxiety. She couldn't imagine losing her husband, and the thought of something happening to him scared her.The doctor examined Mr Roger and shook his head. "I'm sorry to say this, but Mr Roger's habits have taken a toll on his health," he said. "He needs to stop immediately, or his condition will worsen."Mrs Roger looked at her husband, tears welling up in her eyes. "Please stop, please," she begged him.Mr Roger looked at her, regre
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Chapter 39
Natalia understood the nature of Justino's mom's job and knew that it could put her and her children in trouble if they stayed with her. She didn't want to risk their safety and didn't hesitate to accept her friend's decision."I understand, Justino's mom," she said with a sigh. "Your safety comes first, and I don't want to put you in danger. We will leave now, and I hope everything turns out well for you."Justino's mom nodded, grateful for Natalia's understanding. "Thank you, Natalia, you're right. Let's hope things don't escalate and get sorted out soon."Natalia hugged her Mrs Roger, wishing her all the best before signaling for her son and other companions to leave. As they walked out, Natalia couldn't shake off the feeling of unease, knowing how dangerous Justino's mom's job was. She couldn't put her and her son at risk and planned on keeping her distance for a while until things settled down.As they left, Natalia's son Ethan looked at her, sensing that something was wrong.
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Natalia returned home early from work, and when he was relaxing he received a phone call from her sister Natasha, and told Natalia about her recent break up with Jason, she agreed to resign from her job and waiting for wedding to take place, but the Jason's father said that she couldn't work In the company as a secretary, and again, his son can never get married to former business man escort , Jason tried to fix things up but to no avail, Natasha resign to her fate, third person pov and more dialogues, Natalia listened intently as her sister recounted everything that had happened. "I can't believe Jason's father would do something like that," Natalia said, shaking her head in disbelief."I know, right?" Natasha replied. "I had no idea he was so adamant about his son not marrying an escort. It's ridiculous.""It really is. But don't worry, we'll figure something out," Natalia said reassuringly."Thanks, sis. I really appreciate it," Natasha said, letting out a sigh. "I just can't b
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