All Chapters of Her Presence Changes Lives : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
106 Chapters
Natalia answered the phone and was happy to hear from her sister, Natasha. However, she could hear the disappointment in her voice as they talked about her recent relationships."I just don't understand it," Natasha said with a sigh. "Every time I think I've found someone good, they end up disappointing me."Natalia empathized. "I know, it's tough. But don't give up hope. You never know when the right person will come along.""That's the thing, I feel like I've been waiting forever," Natasha replied. "And now that I have someone new, I don't even know how long it's going to last."Natalia was curious. "Tell me about this new guy. How did you meet?"Natasha went on to explain the details of her current relationship, but she still seemed hesitant about it. "I don't know, it's just hard to trust after all the disappointments. I guess I'm just afraid of getting hurt again."Natalia listened patiently and comfortingly said "It's understandable but you have to trust again. You can't giv
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When they got back to Sarah's house, Jason asked for Natasha's number, wanting to keep in touch. Natasha hesitated for a moment, but something in Jason's eyes made her feel comfortable enough to give it to him.Over the next few days, they texted each other nonstop. Natasha found herself daydreaming about what a relationship with Jason would be like. He was funny, kind, and a good listener. He made her feel special and valued.For Jason, and unbeknownst to Natasha, he saw her as a replacement for his cheating ex-girlfriend. But the more he talked to Natasha, the more he realized that she wasn't just a rebound. He was developing genuine feelings for her.One day, Jason called Natasha and asked her out on a date. She was nervous but excited at the same time, and she agreed.On the night of the date, Natasha spent hours getting ready, hoping to make a good impression on Jason. When he arrived at her doorstep, she was taken aback by how handsome he looked. They went to a fancy restau
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Natasha felt a knot form in her stomach as Jason led her into his parents' living room. She'd been looking forward to meeting them, but now that the moment had arrived, she couldn't shake the feeling that something was off."Mom, Dad, this is Natasha," Jason said as he introduced her to his parents.Natasha smiled and extended her hand, hoping to make a good impression. Jason's dad shook her hand warmly and welcomed her, but Jason's mom gave her a more critical once-over."So, Natasha, what is it that you do for work?" Jason's mom asked, her voice laced with suspicion."I'm a personal escort," Natasha said, feeling her cheeks flush with embarrassment.Jason's mom's face fell. "I see. And who is it that you escort?"Natasha swallowed hard. "I work for a billionaire in the city."Jason's mom pursed her lips. "I have to say, I don't approve of that line of work. It seems quite...unbecoming for someone like Jason's girlfriend."Natasha felt a wave of hurt wash over her. She knew th
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Natasha's heart was heavy as she entered her home, her eyes swollen from the tears she had shed after her conversation with Jason's mom. Her own mom rushed to her and asked what was the matter, concern etched on her face."What happened, my dear?" Natasha's mom asked as she enveloped her daughter in a hug.Natasha sniffled before explaining everything that had happened that day and the different conditions that Jason's mom had imposed on their relationship, including paying her monthly salary.Her mom listened carefully, nodding in understanding here and there. "I know it's a tough situation, but you have to think about what means the most to you. Love is about compromise, but you also have to be honest with yourself."Natasha looked up at her mom, her eyes still teary. "But it's not fair that they want me to give up my job. I don't want to depend on anyone else for my livelihood.""I understand, my dear," her mom said softly. "But you have to listen to what they're offering. It'
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Feeling overjoyed at the progress in her relationship with Jason, Natasha ran to her mom's room to share the news. Her mom was surprised but delighted to hear that they had found a way to work things out."That's wonderful news, my dear. I'm happy to hear that you two found a compromise that works for both of you," her mom said, beaming at her daughter.Feeling the need to share the good news with her sister as well, Natasha called Natalia and spilled everything about the changes in her relationship."I'm so happy for you, sis. Jason seems like a great guy, and I'm glad you found a solution that works for both of you," Natalia said, her voice filled with warmth and love.Natasha felt overwhelmed with gratitude for her mom and sister's love and support. Knowing that they were on her side made her feel even more confident in her decision to pursue a future with Jason."I couldn't have done it without you guys. I'm so grateful for your love and support," Natasha said, feeling emotio
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Shasha couldn't wait to show off her beautiful engagement ring and earrings to her family. As she walked into her house, her mother was the first to notice the sparkling jewelry."Wow, what a beautiful ring! Who is the lucky guy?" her mother asked, her eyes wide with excitement.Shasha beamed with joy and held up her hand, showing off the shimmering ring. "It's Alex! He asked me to marry him, and I said yes!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with happiness.Her mother's face lit up with joy. "Oh, Shasha! I am so thrilled for you! I can't wait to be a mother of the bride soon!" her mother said, hugging her tightly.Shasha grinned from ear-to-ear, happy to have such a supportive and loving family. "Thank you, Mom. We're both so excited for what the future holds," she replied.They spent the rest of the night admiring the ring and talking about the wedding to come. Shasha was filled with happiness and could hardly wait for what was to come.As soon as Alex's ex-girlfriend heard about h
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Alex had just returned from work and was surprised to find his ex-girlfriend, Sarah, standing in his living room. He hadn't invited her, and he had no idea how she had gotten in."What the hell are you doing here?" he asked, his voice hard with anger.Sarah looked at him with a sly grin. "I came to talk to you, Alex. We need to sort things out."Sarah said, and she sat on the couch without minding Alex and his rants, "I don't want to talk to you," Alex said, his eyes narrowing, and he continues to rant, and he said, “please, leave me alone, I'm not Interested In you anymore, you break heart once, and I won't allow you do that second time, please, just leave" Alex said In a hard voice, Sarah took a step closer to him, her perfume wafting towards him. "Come on, Alex. Don't be like that. We used to be so good together." Sarah said, and she was caressing his body, "That's in the past, Sarah," Alex said, taking a step back. "I'm with someone else now, and I'm happy." Alex said, Sar
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Even after Alex and Shasha had patched things up, Sarah wasn't one to give up so easily. She continued to try and worm her way back into Alex's life, sending him messages and turning up unannounced at his workplace.But Alex had had enough. The last time Sarah showed up at his house, he was ready for her."Sarah, listen to me," he said, his voice cold and steady. "I've told you before that this is over. I don't want anything to do with you anymore."Sarah looked at him with a mixture of shock and anger. "You can't just throw me out like this, Alex," she said, her voice rising. "We had something special."Alex shook his head. "No, Sarah. What we had was toxic, and I can't keep living like that. Now I need you to pack your things and leave."Sarah hesitated, looking around the living room as if she still couldn't believe what was happening. But then she saw the determination in Alex's eyes, and she knew that she had lost."Fine," she spat. "But don't think this is over. I'll find a
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When Becca's problems became too much to handle, Alex knew that he needed to talk to someone. He didn't want to cause Shasha any pain again by keeping things from her, so he approached his friend Anthonio."Hey, Anthonio," Alex said, sitting across from his friend. "I need your help."Anthonio raised an eyebrow. "What's going on?"Alex took a deep breath and explained the situation with Becca. He told Anthonio about how she had come back into his life and was causing problems with his relationship with Shasha.Anthonio listened thoughtfully, nodding along as Alex spoke. When he finished, Anthonio leaned back in his chair. "I think I might know someone who can help," he said."Who?" Alex asked eagerly."Well, he's a friend of mine who used to work with me at my old job. His name is Franco. He's a great guy, but he doesn't believe in relationships because he had a bad breakup once."Alex looked skeptical. "I don't know, Anthonio. How is he going to help me?"Anthonio shrugged. "Yo
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Chapter 30
The day of the wedding arrived, and Shasha was up early, getting ready with her bridesmaids. "I can't believe this day is finally here!" she exclaimed excitedly.Ethan walked into the room, dressed in his little suit as the ring bearer. "You look beautiful, Shasha!" he grinned.Shasha's mom bustled in, beaming with pride. "My baby girl is getting married!" she gushed, hugging Shasha tightly.Anthonio arrived shortly after, looking handsome in his suit. "Are you ready, my love?" he asked, taking Shasha's hand."I'm so ready," she replied, smiling up at him.As they made their way to the church, Anthonio asked, "Are you nervous at all?""A little bit," Shasha admitted. "But mostly I just can't wait to be Alex's wife and start our life together."Anthonio nodded understandingly. "I remember feeling the same way on my wedding day," he said. "Just try to take it all in and enjoy the moment."When they arrived at the altar, Alex was already waiting, looking dashing in his tuxedo. "You
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