All Chapters of The Alpha Assassin: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
86 Chapters
Chapter 20
“It’s your birthday,” Alpha Raymond drawled with a smile that made my stomach flip. “Yes,” I said, looking down, wondering not for the first time how he knew that, but it was probably in some public record for ranked members. I wondered what those records showed of my pack now.“Do you sense your wolf yet?” Dominick asked, eying me hungrily. “No.” I shook my head, clutching my fork. Why was breakfast taking so long to get to the table today? I needed anything to distract me, to distract them. “You’ll get it soon enough,” Luna Natalie said, sounding bored.I was excited to get my wolf, for someone to talk to, even if they were part of me. But my nervousness ate any of my lingering excitement when I awoke today. My nerves weren’t something that even doing my morning stretches twice helped calm. Since the night I killed the visiting Alpha’s son, I never bothered learning his name; I realized how out of shape I was. So I spent some time before breakfast, daily stretching and training
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Chapter 21
The voice in my head, my wolf, pulled me back to myself. Hi - I thought.Rough day?I choked on a laugh - Rough few yearsI know - She paused - I know Having her with me calmed me more than I knew was possible. For once, since I was stolen from my pack, I felt that I wasn’t completely alone. Even if my wolf was part of me, she was a counterpart. Her showing up alerted me to my stark loneliness that I pushed away where it couldn’t linger on the edges. I felt stronger than ever, powerful as if my wolf awoke every sense along with her, and she might have. I stood up tall and brushed off the dress. I made it this far. I had been through worse and come out of it. I am from a long line of Alphas. Alpha blood runs through me. Powerful blood runs through me.I am power, and I am blood. __I made it through a polite dinner. I could tell by Alpha Raymond’s constant stares that he thought I would have come in crying or broke down at the table. But I wouldn’t give him that, and I didn’t feel
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Chapter 22
The next morning, I woke early despite not getting much sleep. I didn’t want to get pulled back into those fitful dreams. Even after the events of last night, I felt charged. The senses that awoke with me when I gained my wolf when I shifted never dulled. I didn’t realize that I would be this powerful even after we shifted back. I could hear the scuttle of Omega’s waking down the hallway. I could smell the lingering dampness of the bathroom from last night's shower. I could see the dust motes floating through the air. I knew my wolf senses would be heightened, but I felt like I was looking at a whole different world. I looked in the mirror. I didn’t look different. Possibly, my dark hair was a bit shinier, and my gray eyes flickered with something that wasn’t a fiery hate. But I could have been imagining things. Wishful thinking, maybe. On the way down to breakfast. I was pulled back against something hard, someone hard. Palms dug into my waist so deep I yelped. “I didn’t know
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Chapter 23
I blinked. I had never been so caught off guard, not even when he sat silently on my window, outright accusing me of poisoning him. To his credit, he wasn’t wrong. What did I live for? For the vengeance, for their deaths, for some sort of peace after the turmoil that was my recent life. I opened my mouth to say something; Ezra’s gaze was fixated on my mouth. “What do you live for?” I asked. I couldn’t think of one decent answer that he would find acceptable to his answer, and I knew better than to lie to him. I knew I couldn’t lie to him. One side of his lip twitched up, but he wasn’t amused. “I asked you first. No family, no pack.” He swallowed. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like that. I was just asking.” “It’s true, I don’t have any of that. I’m a prisoner,” I whispered. Ezra took a step towards me, his hand twitched as he lifted it, but then he dropped it again. I followed the movements, a crease between my brows. “After it’s all over, then what?” he asked. I averted my
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Chapter 24
I drifted from the library while Ezra stayed motionless. I was clogged with emotions and uncertainty, and I had to take a few minutes of silence. But before that, I had to do something. I couldn’t let my sadness overtake my plans, and Dominik gave me a fantastic idea this morning. I listened outside the Alpha and Luna’s office wing of the original packhouse, and her nothing, not even an Omega cleaning. Maybe The Goddess started to take pity on me after all. I slipped into the room Ezra had shown me and grabbed what I needed. I listened again. Still nothing. I had just enough time to carefully extract what I needed and set the place as I found it. Then, I did something I rarely ever did before. I went to the new wing. I knew the layout; it was in Amelia’s office here. She rarely, if ever, used this. Only for meetings with The Luna. I slipped in and memorized the rooms months ago. I thought I knew their schedules; I was pretty sure they were training. I knew that I was being reckl
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Chapter 25
Shock rippled through me, rooting me to the spot. I had to be wrong, but I knew, I knew I wasn’t. Logic fought with my emotions, nothing made sense, and I was abruptly pulled back to that dark place where only pain and confusion existed. My fiery anger was quelled completely by grief. We have to go - My wolf sounded far away, but she was right.Just start walking - She pleaded. Did I not? I looked down, and my feet were still rooted to the dark fraying carpet. I swallowed and forced them to move. They felt heavy and wouldn’t do what I wanted. I didn’t walk away, I broke into a run, and I couldn’t stop.I ran down the stairs, through the front hall, and out the front door I hadn’t used in Goddess knew how long. I didn’t know if I passed anyone. I didn’t care how I looked. My mask shattered completely, and I left it on the floor of the hallway outside that office. I ran into the woods, brambles tugged at my dress, and my hair ripped through twigs. I wished I could have felt any of th
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Chapter 26
I didn’t see or hear Miles again. For all I knew, he slipped out as quietly as he came. If I had my senses about me, I would have stayed and listened, see if Miles had any plans for me or if Alpha Raymond agreed to anything regarding my welfare.But I knew no matter how many times I wished I could go back to the moment I ran, nothing would have changed. I wouldn’t have been able to focus with that ripping shock and betrayal that sliced me in half. This would be risky, hell, everything I had been doing was risky, but it gave me new determination, new purpose. If this new plan didn’t work out, I could go back to just ending their pathetic lives. But even as I thought it now, that plan seemed so dull and lifeless compared to the colorful promise of unending revenge.Ezra called it justice. I didn’t care what word we used for it as long as we could pull this off. I got the sense that he was still trying to figure me out, and I didn’t trust him completely either. Not with my full plan. I
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Chapter 27
The next day went by fast. There seemed to be a bustle of activity even though it was only a conference. One they weren’t even hosting. I realized just how secluded these ranked members were from even those in their own pack. My thoughts strayed to the constant activity of the packhouse at Blood Moon, how it was open to all, and how you could always find something to do in the great hall. But here… besides some visitors and, of course, the upcoming trials, the ranked members isolated themselves from everyone. I didn’t understand it.I waited for him in the library, absentmindedly flipping through a book that told the heroic tales of the previous Alphas of Black River that guarded their stolen land against the evil intruders, even though they started as intruders. A conqueror's tale, I snorted, slamming it shut. I wondered how many of these books actually told an unbiased account, but I doubted many, at any of the packs, did. I felt him edge closer. I could hear his soft steps on th
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Chapter 28
The room quieted as I walked in. I wasn’t entirely sure why, but it was the desired effect. That’s why I came late. If I only had a few moments, I needed as many eyes on me as I could. But would they recognize me? I changed in the past four years as any child would, but everyone also thought I was dead. I wasn’t on anyone’s radar anymore. I didn’t look for them as I walked across the room. I didn’t take in the surroundings either. I focused on slipping into that place I used to go when I trained, where the only thing that mattered was my next move, where nerves had no place. I picked a point to stare at on the wall across from me. A large window with the stars twinkling beyond despite the warm glow of the party within. I learned early enough that if you walked somewhere with enough confidence, people would move out of your way. And they did. I smelled some food near enough and changed direction to give me something to do, an end goal, instead of just walking into a wall. Before I
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Chapter 29
“Yes.” I looked up at him, but I couldn’t remember his name. “I’m sorry, you feel familiar, but I cannot place you.” “Samuel, now the Alpha of the Crescent Ridge Pack.”“Alpha.” I widened my eyes and bowed my head.“We would play kings and knights when my parents came for meetings. This was years ago.” The memory untucked something latched onto the back of my mind, where I tried to keep my thoughts blurry. “You wouldn’t let me play with your dragons, though.” He laughed. The memory surfaced, and it into something real and fucking painful. I clutched at my stomach and cursed myself for wincing. “Sam,” I breathed, pushing forward looking up at him. “I-I forgot.” “I thought you were dead.” He lowered his voice and looked around. “Where have you been?” “Black- er- Blood forest,” I started to explain, Sam’s face darkened. “They saved me,” I said innocently. “Simone,” he said again. “What happened? After the challenge, we heard everyone was dead once your father wouldn’t back down afte
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