All Chapters of The Alpha Assassin: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
86 Chapters
Chapter 40
I slept well that night. I focused on the lingering adrenaline as it left my body, and my exhaustion took over. Thankfully, it kept my nerves and thoughts of Ezra at bay. I felt stiff when I woke, surprised that it was well past dawn. I hurried to get ready, but even rushing, Alice was already waiting for me when I left the bathroom.I stifled a yawn and looked at her sheepishly. “I couldn’t sleep last night,” I explained.She nodded in understanding and waited for me to sit and start on my hair. I had a thousand questions that bubbled up, but I suppressed them. Alice didn’t seem any different than normal, but she rarely did. I admired her steady composition her slightly aloof behavior; it was grounding, it was something I could count on in a world of uncertainty, and for the first time, I realized I was grateful to her. “What?” she asked. I realized I was smiling at her in the mirror, but I didn’t immediately erase it, just let it fall slowly. I blinked a few times and decided on
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Chapter 41
Ezra was sullen when he returned to the library that afternoon. I left only for lunch, more to catch up on gossip. My nerves prevented any hunger, but I had to keep my strength up. The gossip was about Dominick, but it seemed that no one could confirm his death. The talk was almost immediately shushed by Amelia, even though I could tell she was dying to find out more.Ezra sat on the chair next to me across from the fire. I put down my book about old pack treaties and laws and gave him my full attention. “The next challenge is moved to tomorrow; it has to be changed completely,” he said. “Is that more work for you?” I asked, trying to assess his cold mood. “A bit, but I volunteered.” Half of his lips tugged up, and he leaned forward so the sharp yet beautiful planes of his face danced in the fireplace. “It’s the challenge they want,” his voice dropped. “Now that they’re only two, they don’t want to skip to the dual. They’re doing a sort of race.” “And that’s different from an obs
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Chapter 42
“Sam’s coming,” I said. Ezra’s hands dropped, but they lingered behind me, and I reluctantly pulled myself off him.I didn’t get or send a note, but this is where I held council now. I realized it was also where I felt the safest at this pack.Ezra stood and looked back at me with longing and the briefest, brightest smile I thought I might have imagined before he faded into the shadows of the bookshelves near the door. “Leave the letter in our book,” he whispered and then disappeared as if he were a shadow himself. Sam knocked and opened the door. Ezra was a blur on silent feet behind him. Sam didn’t even notice him a few feet away. I shivered; he was a honed killer, but the shiver was more of delight and lust than fear. “I was hoping you were here,” Sam wore a smile, but it was shallow. “You look flushed. Are you okay?”I instinctually touched my warm cheeks. “I was standing too close to the fire,” I said, trying not to smile at the too-recent memory. I straightened my skirt and m
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Chapter 43
I got the clear from Ezra. I ensured at least one of the ranked members saw me before bed, but even with Luna Natalie’s impassive nod when I told her I was off to my room, her eyes were vacant. I thought about that as I slipped out, how she was excited about the trials but seemed to either forget that her own blood was to fight to the potential death or maybe she was ignorant to the fact of how sadistic her own sons were.You were the one that ended him - Aksala reminded me - Beautifully, I might add. I smiled, I did, but death was expected in the trials, or so I was told. I was just helping the fanfare. Sure. sure - Aksala barked a laugh. With each step away from the packhouse, I actually felt lighter. The nerves I carried with me all day, the ones that hardened when I thought of this meeting, were dissipating. I was sure Aksala had something to do with that. The fact that I wasn’t alone anymore was a huge burden lifted.I walked the path more confidently than I felt, checking a
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Chapter 44
After Ezra left the library last night, I tried to push the thoughts of us away and focus. He left all the details I needed in our book, and I scribbled the outcome of my own meeting. My heart was thudding the entire time, and I was unsure if it was because of Ezra or how close I was, we were from taking a public stand against Black River. After a quiet breakfast, Tia almost knocked me over in the hallway, handing me a note. I was expecting it to be from Sam, but it was in Ezra’s neat handwriting. How did he know about Tia? Did I tell him? But I kept forgetting that he was a hired assassin; his job was to know things.Our Place That was all it said, and I nodded at Tia gratefully. She was bouncing up and down, and her eyes sparkled. She nodded back vigorously and almost skipped away.I walked into the library and up next to him. He nodded slowly in acknowledgment before looking back vacantly into the fire. He was tenser than normal, and I knew I was too.“No talk of his death?” Ezr
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Chapter 45
He tensed only for a second, but I heard the sharp inhale of his breath and smiled. “Where did you get that?” he crooned and wrapped a hand around my wrist that held the dagger. I let him think that he could stop me with only that. “Do you want to play?” His face was closer to mine.I twisted the dagger a small bit. “That’s why I’m here.” My smile widened. “Wait..” His grip loosened, and the blindfold was ripped off. The now evening light seemed almost blinding compared to the pitch black. I blinked as my eyes quickly adjusted, and I made out his startled expression, which quickly turned into a wicked smile. “Simone.” He looked me over in disbelief as I ripped off the scarf covering my hair, whipping some strands loose from my braid. “This is a nice surprise,” he said but seemed utterly puzzled.“I was hoping it would be you,” I purred. “How far away is Nolan?” I asked.“Even if he were close, he couldn’t save you. Not from me.” He tilted his head, studying his prey. “Neither will
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Chapter 46
I froze, but Nolan did too. I didn’t know how much he saw, but me standing over his very dead brother in an entirely blood-stained white dress probably didn’t look so good. I opened my mouth, trying to un-freeze, but Nolan moved first. He bolted, shifting almost mid-air, that shocked me more than anything. I willed my feet to move, and they finally did. I started to stumble after him, my mind racing with all the negative possibilities, and my body fought to keep up.Can we catch him? - I asked AksalaWe’ve only shifted once - she explained gently, too gently.That would take time, and by now, he would already be almost back in the eyesight of the crowd if he wasn’t already.I could have maybe thrown the dagger; I could have tried to shift earlier, but that was no use now. I knew in the back of my mind that I made a huge mistake. I wasn’t listening hard enough, wholly focused on my own fight. You always had to be aware of the greater battle around you. There rarely was only one oppon
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Chapter 47
I jumped awake to something touching my cheek, brushing what felt like my hair away. I swatted it off. It took me too long a moment to realize it was Ezra, and I was still sitting on the floor. Opened my eyes, but they felt heavy. Too heavy. It took me another long minute to groggily pull myself to stand. I stretched against my sore muscles for something to do, stifling a yawn. Sleeping sitting up on the floor was a bad idea, I needed to stay limber. But I knew I would have gotten no sleep without Ezra’s warm, steady presence. “Hi,” I grumbled.“Hi,” he said. I forced my eyes open to see him still sitting motionless on the long windowsill. “You look well rested,” I noted and couldn’t hide my disdain. He was perfect; he always was. I envied him; he was what I wished I could be. Half of his lips quirked up. “I rarely sleep deeply. I can get some sleep while still keeping watch,” he admitted.“Warlock,” I muttered, and my sleepy smile echoed his as I made myself go to the bathroom
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Chapter 48
I wanted to talk to Ezra and send a note to Sam, but Alice intercepted me on the steps, insisting that I get ready for the funeral. I hadn’t really seen her outside my room before, and that shocked me. She wasn’t ever in the kitchen, but I knew there were other tasks. I hadn’t thought of that before that before, and I should have been.Where was she when she wasn’t with me? “The funeral?” I asked Alice as she brushed my hair. Again. She dropped my hair and met my eye. I didn’t look away. Not now. “Yes?” she asked. “What about it? Are you okay to go?” She eyed me as if death might tear me at the seams.“What do you know about it?” I asked. I couldn’t be caught blindsighted.She looked over her shoulder as if anyone else could possibly be in the room. Well, Ezra could. That thought filled me with a jolt of joy even though I knew he wasn’t. I didn’t sense him. “Two of them,” she whispered, her eyes wide, and I made mine match hers. “Why didn’t they say?” I asked, a hand over my chest
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Chapter 49
Nolan’s eyes widened, and he looked away from me. “I don’t know,” he admitted. I took a deep breath through my nose. Something inside me crumpled, and I lost some of the anger.“I understand,” I murmured, “the good and the bad are muddled.” That was one overly simplified way to put it.I felt him glance at me, but I was looking ahead. “Yeah. They are,” he agreed.But who were we to discern when the bad outweighed the good? We all had different ideals.But that was why I was here. To enact justice. Part of me felt that was cheap, a huge part of me that wanted another reason, but I knew deep down I didn’t need one. I knew my reason. It was vengeance, and I clung to it.It was tight and fiery and lit me up from the inside. It tasted of justice, and I knew it would feel like it, too. My fingers tingled at the possibility, at the very idea of more vengeance. I clutched them into a fist and tried to hide my smile.I tried to focus and pull a response from my mind. An honest response. “
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