All Chapters of Marked by the Alpha’s Enemy: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
184 Chapters
AlishaI struggled to finish up the dinner I had eaten. It had been over a few days or maybe even up to a week now and still the memory of Derek’s callous, cruel words to me were stinging. Simon was silent as he ate and I pushed my food around with a glum expression.“You know, you need to feed yourself. For the baby, dear, if not for too itself,” Simon was gentle as he said that, as usual. But his words packed a punch. “So I guess what I’m asking is, do you want to talk about what’s been bothering you recently?”He had asked me this before but I didn’t respond. Or maybe, I didn’t know how to. I didn’t want to tell Simon that the Alpha, the son of the woman he was close to… had fully made it clear to me that he could never have me as his mate.And I couldn’t tell him of how much my hopes had crashed and how I had somehow fallen in love with him in such a short time. I was going to end up putting my burden on him and that wasn’t what I wanted. He deserved to not always be my emotional
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Derek“Alpha! Alpha Derek!” It was that and the persistent knocking which woke me up. I jolted up fast with my heart pounding and realized it was just barely the crack of dawn.What had happened?Storming over to the doors, I practically ripped it open. A maid was standing there, looking frightened to the core.“What happened?” I growled at her.“It’s your mother, Alpha,” the maid sniffled pitifully. “She fainted at the living room-““Mother!”Suddenly I was taken back to the days as a child when I would rush to her side as she sobbed in pain.No!I ran out, brushing past the maid who came to report to me and quickly moving to the living room.There she was, unconscious on the floor when I found her and a maid trying to shake her awake.“Move,” I commanded the maid who did as I asked and I took my mother in my arms, not paying mine to anyone else. Her head killed and I was glad to not see any visible bruises on her. But still… something had to have caused this.“Call the doctor over
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AlishaDerek was angry; that much I could definitely tell. And I just knew there was a whole world of trouble waiting for me.I saw Simon off as he gave the maid and i instructions on taking care of Melissa.“I’ll see you tomorrow, dear,” Simon made me goodbye and I wanted to beg him to take me with him. But I had no choice. Melissa was suffering from fatigue and needed someone to monitor her to ensure she wouldn’t fall unconscious anytime soon due to overwork and stress.I felt like I was being forced into a role I did not want. It felt like the fates were working against my control and it was not my choice to move or not. I just had to obey.And Derek.The way he had looked at me, bored holes into me with his eyes in his mother’s room was one I couldn’t forget.It felt like I was back with Sebastian, in the Silver Moon Pack, and enduring years of abuse.A shiver ran down my spine as I walked back in.Maybe I should just stay out of his way, I thought, entering the hallway to return
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Alisha’s POV“Are you alright?”The room was quiet and the lamp was the only source of light in the room.I sat with Melissa in bed and watched as she breathed, finally awake and calm.“I suppose I’m really not… I’m sorry you had to see that, my dear. I’m usually not that emotional.”“There’s nothing wrong with being emotional… and, well… you seemed to be in pain…”“I just… Memories can still haunt you. You may be able to push them away when you’re awake but when asleep they come back with a vengeance.”“I understand what you mean,” I said and she looked at me with surprise written on her face.Had I somehow said something wrong again?“You’re too young,” she whispered, although her eyes spoke of hurt. “You shouldn’t know what I mean.”I looked away briefly. She was right. I was too young but had already lived a life of hurt.“Do you want to talk about it?” I asked her, my voice low and assuring - the sort of assurance one only gave when they had lived in a similar situation before.T
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Derek I led the object of my ire and frustration to the guest bedroom not far from my mother’s room. She was here to take care of her after all - therefore she shouldn’t be staying too far. “Clean up the room for her,”I ordered the maid which was nearby, and the maid bowed. Then I turned around and walked off, not wanting to say any more words to Alisha. Just having her near me caused me a strange sort of feeli mg that I didn’t like. I hated it; hated being near her. With a sigh I entered my study and shut the door firmly behind me.I had work to do - work I had been avoiding since I barely stayed at home yesterday. Not as well get it done now. I worked through the paperwork all through the rest of the morning.And in each second I tried to focus through the work, there would be the image of her face, of her eyes and beautiful figure.It was only when a knock came on the door that I raised my head, my thoughts full of conflicting and turbulent emotions. “Enter,” I ordered, and
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AlishaThe warmth of the sun’s rays peeking in through the white curtains combined with the comfortable, soft sheets on the bed that felt like heaven on my skin, only served to drag me deeper into the arms of Morpheus.I closed my eyes, breathing in and out with ease, my hand over my baby bump.That was until the sharp knocks on the door.I sat up, just as the door opened.My eyes were wide with shock at Derek’s intimidating form storming in and shutting the door firmly behind him.He looked angry, my mind supplied. My anxiousness only intensified.“What right have you?” He snarled at me as I slowly got up from the bed, feeling disoriented.“What..?” I asked him only to be immediately put on alarm as I found myself roughly yanked from where I stood and my back pressed to the wall. “Derek!”“Do not call me by my name! I am your Alpha and you will address me as such, or else!” The promise of punishment made me shut my mouth with a click, even as tears welled in my eyes.He gazed down at
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AlishaI shifted, keeping my eyes closed and trying to fall asleep.Yet…I grunted, shifting again. It was uncomfortable sleeping in so many positions these days. The book that Simon had given me from his library had mentioned something like that, but I didn’t expect it to come so soon.I sat up finally, frustrated and tired.I was thirsty.Just when I was close to sleeping.The ground was cold as my feet padded down from the bedside to the door of the room.I’d just go to the kitchen and take a sip of water, I reasoned.The nightgown I wore was a pastel blue cotton one which I assumed belonged previously to Simon’s mate. He had been kind enough to drop off some things for me this afternoon, but I’d have to return to the clinic tomorrow. Work awaited, and I still didn’t feel as comfortable here as much as I did at the clinic.Derek being the main reason why I wasn’t comfortable in the first place. I sighed to myself; I had to try and forget about him. Giving him space would make thing
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DerekI couldn’t, for the life of me, fall asleep.Instead I was left pacing the hallway in quiet footfalls, trying to get my mind settled.And it was all because of her.A sigh tinged with frustration left my lips as I turned around at the end of the hallway and began another lap of pacing.Damn her.Damn this.Even my own mother had turned against me.I had spent most of the past two days outside to prevent myself from even running into Alisha or taking in that scent of hers in my home. I had been forced to this by my mother and her.But I was done. I was done playing this game.Why couldn’t she see that I wasn’t interested in accepting our mate bond? I hadn’t once lied to her about it! I had even been kind! Yet she dared to blindside me and make me the villain.Well I was done.If she was going to make my life hell, then I could always do the same.I turned and entered my study, a plan forming in my mind.…It was just barely 4am, when I entered Alisha’s bedroom.She had forgotten
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DerekThe doctor arrived about an hour later, to find that his ward was nowhere to be seen. I didn’t care, though, and stayed silent as Melissa and Simon talked about her.She looked much better, I thought, seeing how she looked happier and full of life in the past two days than the previous week. Perhaps this rest had done her some good.“Alisha must be very tired,” my mother remarked to the doctor who nodded. “The maid only saw her later this morning and she looked exhausted. So I think we should let her rest.”“I’ll check on her later,” Doctor Simon commented but I cut in.“Actually she is on an errand,” I stated. “And it will be long before she returns.”The doctor and my mother looked aghast at my statement, much like I expected. They treated her like she was made of glass, I thought angrily.“But she needs some rest! Derek, why did you do that? The poor girl must be so tired,” my mother declared.“There was work that needed to be done and she was available,” I shrugged, not in t
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Alisha’s POVIt was dark, and I was in the water, swimming endlessly. Everywhere was dark and cold and I felt lost.Where was I?I heard a sound and turned to see two lights. Suddenly it became clear.I was in a dream and I had to wake up.Putting all energy behind my strokes, I swam towards those two lights. The cold began to thaw and I felt warmth envelope me.Mother, the lights called me.My children. Not one, but two.I had to wake up for my children.I reached towards the warm lights, which seemed so far away. But then, it was all around me in a flash, and I was blinded by the magnificence of its glow.I was safe.I opened my eyes, my vision blurred for a few seconds, and found myself looking up at a familiar ceiling.The scent of cleaning fluids and home made me realize where I was.The pack clinic.I sat up slowly, looking around in wonder. The sunlight peeked through the curtains. How long had I been asleep?Looking down at myself, I found I was still in the clothes I had worn
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