Marked by the Alpha’s Enemy의 모든 챕터: 챕터 51 - 챕터 60
184 챕터
AlishaThough I had my doubt, I had been convinced by Simon to go for the date. In fact he had all but strong armed me into it, guilting me by asking, “What would Derek think when he waits for you and you don’t show?”He had given me that grave look of disappointment when I tried and failed to explain that Derek might not have really cared if I didn’t go for the date. It was hard to say no to Simon, just like it was hard to say not to Melissa and Derek.So here I was, stood in front of him at the forger of the large mansion called his home, dressed as nicely as I could manage with this big belly of mine. And trying so hard to not give in to the bone deep tiredness i felt.“You look amazing, darling,” he said to me and made heat rush to my face, just like always. I was still very unused to receiving compliments from people, much less him.“It’s nothing,” i managed to mumble before clearing my throat. “You look good too.”As he always did, i reckoned. With his dark shirt and jeans that
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Alisha:I didn’t stop him this time when he leaned in and kissed me without warning.Everything seemed so perfect and I couldn’t imagine not having this moment with him.Whatever Sebastian had been to me, it was a pathway that led me to my true mate and happiness, to Derek.I laid my head on his shoulder after the kiss, feeling lighthearted, and hummed. There was a pleasant warmth within me as I heard the calm heartbeat of his.“You must be tired,” he enthused, and I felt his hand stroke my head gently. It elicited tingles running down my spine and I relaxed even more, closing my eyes.“Just a little,” I said.“Don’t worry, you can rest for a little bit. You’re carrying our child, after all.”“Children. They are two,” I corrected him. His hands stilled on my head and I frowned, my eyes still shut.“Ah…” he sounded off but I didn’t have the presence of mind to pinpoint what he meant by that. “I see.”Then he resumed his petting of my head and I shivered at the nice feeling. It was so e
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Derek:Shit.This was the worst time for Alisha to be near here right now. I turned and could see her floundering, looking caught.“Uh… well-“ she stammered.What do I do?“Alisha, dear,” i heard my mother and saw her walking up behind Alisha.Gerard noticed her as well and I could hear him shift beside me.“Melissa- i mean…” Alisha looked uncomfortable, but relaxed visibly when my mother put an arm on her shoulder.“I’m sorry for stressing you out this morning to come over quickly. I know you have to go to work,” my mother emphasized, giving me a look. And I caught on.“How did the checkup go?” I asked, and Alisha turned to look at me with bewildered eyes. “Well?” I asked her seemingly impatient. “Derek, don’t be rude,” my mother cautioned me, playing along. “She said I was getting better. So don’t be up in arms over it. I’m only grateful she could come over on such short notice to check on me this morning.”It was then I saw Alisha take the hint and she nodded awkwardly.“Right,” s
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SebastianWas I dreaming or just fucking cursed?I didn’t know, but in this sea of pleasure there was only one thing that could cure me.“Sebastian,” Alisha moaned underneath me, as I drove my hips to meet hers over and over and over again.Not enough.It wasn’t enough.I growled, pinning her to the bed with one arm while I continued to pound into that warm heat, hearing cries of pain mixed with pleasure. I didn’t care. All I chased was my own completion.It wasn’t easy to reach, but I kept the vision of Alisha in my head while the girl underneath my grip suffered.“Please! Alpha, please..! Stop it!” She cried.The well of pleasure within me still wasn’t enough.I let out a snarl and dug my claws into her, hearing her wail loudly as I sank myself deeply into her, calling out Alisha’s name.Finally!I released the girl after riding out the high, breathing heavily as I stood.The sheen of sweat on my brow was wiped with a towel, and only then did I turn to look at the girl on my bed.Sh
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AlishaI worked absentmindedly, waving goodbye to the last patient to leave my desk. And with a sigh, i began to note down the date of the next appointment on the patient’s folder. Even as I did, I couldn’t stop thinking about him.I had never been on a date before last night. When I had been with Sebastian… i had not even been granted the mercy of being recognized as his mate. So it was a new thing to me to be courted, or rather to go on a date and slowly build a relationship. That had been Simon’s advise to me last night, as he implored me to meet with Derek.I usually didn’t want to raise my expectations but… i couldn’t help thinking about how perfect last night was.Dining in the courtyard, under the stars… and then being able to be embraced by him.Even though I didn’t want to give in to Derek due to our past issues, it was becoming harder and harder to stay aloof.He was winning and I liked that he was.“You’ve had a smile on your face since morning, Alisha,” i looked up as I he
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DerekI was just entering my home from inspecting the borders when I saw my mother storming down the steps.I gaped at her; she looked furious, more so than I had ever seen her in my life.“Mother,” i stopped her from leaving. “What happened?”“What do you think happened, Derek? It’s Gerard! Again! And his damned spies!” She looked furious. “Simon sent me a letter.” She handed it to me.I read through the letter quickly and immediately the words stood out to me.‘A maid from the Beta’s home came here asking Alisha questions. I managed to send her away but she might raise suspicions.’Alisha.I growled in response, turning right around and walking out of the house. I could hear my mother following me as we went right to the pack clinic.My urge to tear out Gerard’s throat and get him out of the way once and for all rose within me.He dared to spy on Alisha?!What nerve!We entered the pack clinic, hearing my mother call out to Doctor Simon.As soon as I spotted him leaving the office i
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Alisha“No.” I replied without thinking.My refusal immediately brought a wave of upset voices as I expected. Simon and Melissa both gave me disapproving looks and the loudest of the protesters was my own mate.“What are you saying, Alisha?” Derek clasped my hand with his, sounding extremely tense. “You can’t stay here anymore.”“And it’s safer with us,” Melissa argued, although her voice was calmer. I could see the lines between her brows and how tense edge and Simon were.I couldn’t help but feel touched at their concern for me, which was clear as day. However I couldn’t bring myself to accept their offer.Finding out about Gerard and his daughter Lila, who was obsessed apparently with Derek… it was too much to bear and it just made me feel like…“What if that makes things worse?” I asked softly. “I have to put my babies first, no matter what. Right now, all they did was send some maid to spy on me. The Beta may have suspicions but he likely has no evidence. He can’t come to any con
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DerekI couldn’t miss it - the presence behind those bushes. They had to be waiting for me, because I could feel their gaze on me like a brand.Of course there had to be another spy.How could I have let my guard down?!While Alisha walked back home with my mother, I grit my teeth as I silently gestured to the guard who had been standing alert at the door of the clinic.He immediately came to me in a flash, and I ordered, “Theres someone over there by the bushes. Bring them to me.” Pause. “If you’re unable to do so, then kill them.”The guard bowed and said, “Yes Alpha.”I turned away, hearing more than one set of footsteps as I walked back to the house. I was deep in thought.Gerard had to have heard that my mother and I ran over to the pack clinic to see Alisha. There was no other way to explain how he would have the presence of mind to put another spy in wait for me.Damn it.I clenched and unclenched my hands, trying to stay calm even though thee was a lot at stake.How had I let
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AlishaI opened my eyes to the sound of birds chirping at my window.This time, instead of the anxiousness I felt at staying in Derek’s home like last time, there was nothing but leave and feeling protected from the ills of the outside.I closed my eyes again, relishing in the soft sheets and the sunlight streaming into the room through the window.This was going to be a beautiful day. It was a new start for me, and for Derek. And I felt blessed to have come this far.Fully awake now, I sat up slowly, suddenly aware of an aroma in the air. I sniffed, turning my head only to meet the eyes of Derek who was seated in an armchair.“Good morning,” i softly said.Then I noticed the tray of food beside him. That had to be where the aroma was coming from, i deduced, standing up slowly. The weight of my pregnant belly had changed my center of gravity ever so slightly that getting out of bed was getting difficult.Regardless the food was calling out to me with its aroma, and I was salivating at
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Alisha:I had never been more nervous for anything in my life.The maid that Derek had assigned to bathe and dress me was a young girl, who chattered endlessly about her family, especially her brother who was a low-ranking warrior in the Pack.I listened, using her excited words as a way to distract myself from the anxiousness building up within me that my stomach felt heavy with unease.Melissa was there in the bedroom looking through various clothes when I stepped out of the bathroom wearing a fluffy white robe. She looked just as tense, is not more, than I felt.“Alisha, dear,” she smiled at me. “I brought over some really nice clothes. Why don’t you try them on and see which you prefer?”I looked at the expensive silks and satins in her arms. They were a lot more than I had ever expected to wear.“I don’t know if I’ll be able to pull of off,” i nervously stated, in an attempt to calm the air. “They look so… luxurious.”“They’re yours, dear. Don’t be silly,” Melissa chided me. “I h
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