All Chapters of Pain Before Bliss: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
61 Chapters
Ch. 31: Working to Save His Life
Garrett then continued solemnly. “His most problematic areas have been addressed, but as Dr. Johnson stated, he was badly and severely injured, sir. He’s also intubated, so even if he weren’t in critical condition, he still wouldn’t be able to talk. The tube is helping him breathe, due to the collapsing lung. We had to put him on anesthetics and realized it would be best for him to be in a medically induced coma for the time being.”Dr. Johnson picked back up. “The coma is only until we can address all of his concerns. He still has a long way to go and his road to recovery won’t be easy, so he will not have it easy going forward for a while. We’ll get him on the list for a transplant and hope to find a match rather soon; he would have to be under strict observation and he’ll have to have weekly check-ups. Once he comes to and everything is progressing and healing, he would have to undergo physical therapy.”“We recommend talking to him, let him know that you’re here. Any concerns you
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Ch. 32: Keeping Secrets
Hartley knew that something was wrong, but he could not help his son, in any way possible. He may have supernatural abilities, but Derreck had to pull through on his own. This was an internal battle between the will to live and succumbing to his injuries.Hartley and Joshua were in the waiting room, sitting on pins and needles. Joshua was angry, frustrated, confused and in pain. The more he thought of Derreck fighting for his life, the more everything within him began shifting.Hartley looked over in Josh’s direction and saw a faint flicker in his eyes. He fixed his gaze and looked more intensely. His eyes widened in shock once he realized the faint flicker that he saw, was not his imagination.He then moved closer to Joshua and began speaking to him in a hushed tone. “Joshua. You have to take control of your emotions and calm down.”Joshua unknowingly let out a slight snarl and looked at his father. There was a thick haze hidden beneath Josh’s greenish-blue eyes. He couldn’t shake th
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Ch. 33: Packs in the Balance
‘You like to get to the point, I see.’Artemis growled loudly. ‘I don’t have time for this.’ Artemis took a stance that showed she was ready to defend herself and rip this wolf’s throat out. The other wolf was a silvery grey, with stark blue eyes and black paws. He was smaller than she was, so she knew this wasn’t an Alpha wolf. Maybe a Gamma or worse; a rogue. The grey wolf pounced towards Artemis and as he jumped, she slid underneath him and caught his belly with her paw, while grabbing his back paw with her teeth. She flung the wolf away from her and the wolf let out a small yelp. ‘He’s inexperienced Artemis. Keep an eye on him.’She smirked. ‘Gladly. Let’s get this over with.’ She then watched as he came at her again. This time though, he tried to pull off the same stunt that she had, but it was of no use. Denice smirked slightly, knowing that he had exposed himself; she could tell he lacked experience. Artemis swiftly moved her paw to his face while grabbing his throat and fl
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Ch. 34: A Slave to His Pack
Beta Jake walked over to the door and sensed the pack doctor’s presence. He opened the door and greeted him politely, while Denice freed the restraints on Avery’s wrists and ankles.“Hello Dr. Justin, do come in. This is Avery, our little wolf. Please see to him.” He then linked him and let him know of everything that they had found out about Avery. Dr. Justin’s eyes widened slightly, but walked into the living room and sat across from Avery.He slowly and cautiously attempted to examine him. He raised his hand to Avery and once again, he flinched. Denice then spoke. “Allow me, Dr. Justin. He doesn’t seem to trust anyone except me.”She looked at Avery’s timid expression and spoke. “It’s okay Avery. He’s the pack doctor and he only wants to examine you. We won’t hurt you, I promise; but Dr. Justin has to examine you, so he knows how to treat you.”Avery nodded and then looked over to Dr. Justin. “Please sir, be gentle.”They each gave puzzled glances and looked back over to Avery. He
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Ch. 35: Their Unforgivable Torture
**** TRIGGER WARNING – MENTION OF TORTURE AND ABUSE **** Gregory couldn’t be more proud hearing the way that his Beta spoke. “Thank you, Jake.” Avery looked up at the three people standing in the room and the tears fell from his eyes. “Thank you, all of you. We have to save my sister and I know that you will help me do that.” Denice spoke, while her tears continued to stain her cheeks. “Avery, we will help and do all that we can, okay?” Avery didn’t speak, he just nodded his head in gratitude. Gregory shifted his attention to Denice and Jake, before speaking. “Beta, continue to think of a way to get them in and out in one piece. Listen to him; he needs us, they both do.” “Yes Alpha.” Gregory then walked out of the room, so that Avery could continue. He then took a deep breath and wiped his tears away. “They used my sister as a bargaining chip. Threatened to take her from my life, so I did what they asked of me. If I didn’t do what they asked, they would torture me. Beneath the pa
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Ch. 36: Long-Awaited Rescue Mission
Denice looked at her grandfather in astonishment and confusion. “His mother? How would she have known my mom?”He sat down at a chair that was away from his desk. He gestured for Denice to sit on the couch across from him. “His mother and Ayanna were the best of friends; inseparable even. She talked about her a lot so, I know how much she trusted Garrett’s mother. Before your mother disappeared, she told Garrett’s mother of your true origin; how you weren’t Dylan’s daughter. Dylan has known that you weren’t his daughter, but he doted on you in the beginning. Ayanna always spoke about how he took you in as his own, but then, something changed.” His gaze darkened at that thought and as he paused, he saw Denice’s gaze; it was very distant and cold.She couldn’t understand why, but it bothered her that Garrett’s mom knew and didn’t do anything. “How did you come to find out about Dylan’s ‘infidelity?’” Her gaze changed slightly.He sighed and stood up to gaze out the window as he spoke. “
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Ch. 37: A New Pack to Call Home
‘Dammit! We can’t find her. Avery, where could she be?’‘She should be in the packhouse or near it. Sometimes she likes to go to the waterfall.’ Jake let out an exasperated sigh. ‘A waterfall? Th-That goes beyond what we had planned for, but we will get her.’ They moved further into the pack, doing their best to not make any noise as they trekked further into Blood Moon’s territory. As they got further in, they heard the faint sounds of a waterfall and they almost ran to her, but had to remember not to. Their breathing hitched in their throats as they got closer to her and she was startled. Anna turned her body in their direction and almost let out a scream, but Riley came up behind her and covered her mouth. In a whisper, Gregory spoke. “Hey, we’re not here to hurt you. We’re here to take you away from here. It’s time for volatile retribution.” Her eyes lit up and she resisted the urge to scream. She stammered a response and softly spoke. “H-how did you? My brother, Avery! He’s al
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Ch. 38: Familial Bonds
Avery jerked his head in the direction of Jake’s voice and was befuddled. “Alpha Gregory?” Jake sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “Yes, this used to be his daughter’s room.” Avery was stunned silent. Jake then began walking out of the room, but Avery’s next question stopped him in his tracks and rendered him speechless. He asked without missing a beat and his grey eyes glinted. “Was her name Ayanna?” Jake linked Gregory and he was upstairs within seconds, with Denice trailing not far behind. Denice looked around the room, puzzled. She stared at her grandfather and awaited his response anxiously. Gregory looked at Avery shocked and walked towards him slowly. Denice covered her mouth and the tears formed in her eyes as Gregory spoke. “How? How could you have known that? My daughter hasn’t been near here, much less lived here, in over a decade.” Avery’s attention shifted slightly and that’s when everything began to make sense. “Ayanna, her talents were passed down to my siste
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Ch. 39: When Will It End?
Three months had passed since Derreck was placed in the hospital. His recovery was slow-going, but he was making progress. Hartley took over temporarily at the company while Derreck was in recovery. While in a coma, Derreck dreamt about her nonstop. He felt haunted in his dreams with how much he was dreaming of her; her jet black hair, icy blue eyes and her laugh. He craved her touch, everything about her really. He was sitting up in his hospital bed when a knock pulled him from the depths of his mind. Jared walked into his room and bowed his head slightly before speaking. “Senior Gray, I have done what you asked.”Derreck huffed. “And?” Jared gulped hard before continuing. “We’ve come up empty handed sir. After the incident, Mr. Jones told us of where we could find him, but the place was swept clean the same day.” Derreck let out a roar of frustration. Apollo wanted blood! “I want that fucker’s head on a pike! Don’t come to me ‘til you have found him!” “Y-yes A-Alpha.”“Leave me!
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Ch. 40: Brutal Honesty & Hidden Truths
After being brought back into his room, the doctor gave him an hour before he had to go back into surgery. Once he was left alone in the silence, he picked up his phone and dialed her number. ‘Please pick up.’ He thought to himself. The phone rang 3 times before the call was connected. “Hello?” “Leah, hey.” “Hey Derreck. How is everything?” His heart was crumbling as he watched her. The spark that was once there was much less than it used to be; her attention wasn’t on him completely. She seemed… distracted. “Everything is fine. Well kind of, but anyway, how are things?” He threw the question back to her. “Everything is good on my end. What’s going on? How’s your recovery? Why are you still in the hospital?” Her questions spewed out of her one after another. Her questions pulled at him, but he only felt fury and rage. ‘Now she cares?’ He thought to himself. ‘She hasn’t even called in 5 months and if she had, she would know why I’m in the hospital.’ The more that he thought t
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