All Chapters of Wanna be yours, Mafia King: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
103 Chapters
chapter thirty one
I was furious with myself as soon as I got out of the hospital. Why did I run? What was wrong with me? I was the one who suggested a no strings attached relationship but here I was with my heart pounding all because I heard Levi was supposedly involved with another girl. “You're so stupid" I muttered as I cringed while thinking back on the moment. “Karla, wait up" I paused as soon as I heard Levi's voice behind me. “Why are you out here, the doctor said…" I gasped when Levi wrapped his arms around me from behind. “Don't listen to Lucien, it's not your fault and if I had to save you again then I will" The tears I had been holding back slid down my cheeks while I but my lower lip to stop myself from wailing out loud. I didn't run away because Lucien blamed me, I blamed myself as well. I ran away because of the woman's name that was mentioned. “Oh" Was all I said as I stayed in his embrace. His embrace that made me feel safe, that made me feel loved.
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chapter thirty two
Despite what the old woman had said last night, I had decided to keep my distance from Levi for my own peace of mind. I was already in love with him, there was nothing I could do about that but I could try to get over him. Maybe it wasn't even love, maybe it was…. Who was I kidding? I was in love with him and I think I had fallen in love with him since the first day we met and now here I was, dealing with the consequences. The next day, while Levi was having his check ups, Sebastian had volunteered to go check on things at the company since Levi was not around and I immediately volunteered to join in. “You… you don't want to stay here?" Sebastian questioned and I noticed the way he glanced at Levi but Levi didn't even turn to me. “Yes, I have to start work one day. I need to learn the ropes before Levi returns back to the company" Sebastian scratched the back of his neck as he nodded. “Okay if that's what you want. Let's go then" I hated the way I waited for
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chapter thirty three
After what happened that night with Levi, I didn't sleep in his room and he didn't suggest it either. Luckily for me, the encounter I had with Jason had minimized my fear of him but nevertheless, I still woke up In the middle of the night panting. The next few days were the same with me and Levi. We exchanged little pleasantries and I treated him like my boss, nothing else. Surprisingly, being Levi's assistant was a very easy job especially because he wasn't being harsh on me even though he was cold. It was the same cycle everyday, we'll all go to work together then go our separate ways. I'd get Levi's coffee as soon as he settles down then I read him his schedule before he dismisses me. After that, he made me organize some documents then called me in whenever he needed me. I had to stand by his side while he had some of his meetings and I also followed him on some of his meeting dates but even with all that, we hardly spoke to one another. Even th
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chapter thirty four
~KARLA~ I paused my lips as I stared at him. “So what? You think you can just utter you want me and I'll open my legs for you? Leave me alone Levi" I pushed at his chest with all my strength then ran towards the door without looking back. As soon as I was inside my office, I let out a shaky breath as I fell to the ground. pushing him away had to be one of the hardest things I've ever done in my life. I had been so close to giving in, I wanted him and I was sure that was obvious to him but I had decided to put my own peace of mind first and Levi was a walking mental Hazard. After what happened, Levi didn't call me in or give me anything else to do and I was grateful for that because if he came onto me like that again, I won't be able to refuse him.• ~LEVI~ I scowled as I listened to Sebastian laugh. “Oh my, I can't believe a woman has finally drawn your attention this way aside from Kiara. It's the fact that you are seated there with a bulge in your p
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chapter thirty five
I was seated at the backseat of Levi's car with a scowl on my face. No matter how hard I pushed Levi away, he wouldn't stop kissing me till I agreed to get into the car and there I was being driven away to goddess knows where against my protest. “Levi, I'm not in the mood for this. I just want to go home" I muttered but he totally ignored me just like he has been doing for the past hour. “Levi!" I yelled out his name and he let out a sigh. “Can you calm down, we are almost there" He murmured and I glared at him before letting out a sigh. “Levi, I…" “We are here" He interrupted my words as he abruptly parked the car. He climbed out of the car while I folded my arms and sat there stubbornly. I watched as he let out a sigh before walking around the car till he was in front of my door. He opened it then glanced down at me. “Come let's go" I rolled my eyes. “I'm not getting down from this car till you tell me where we are" I murmured and he s
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chapter thirty six
My eyes widened at his words then I frowned. “What do you really want from me, Levi?" I murmured. Was it really because of sex that he was doing all of this? “You can easily get any girl to sleep with so why are you doing all this just to sleep with me?" I questioned softly and he sighed before shrugging. “I won't deny that I can get any girl I want but I want you. Plus, I enjoy your company. Isn't that enough?" I bit my lower lip as I felt butterflies in my stomach. He could get any girl he wanted but he wanted me? Why did that make me so happy to hear? Levi may not be in love with me but he liked my company and craved my body. Maybe overtime, if I showered him with enough love, he would fall in love with me? “This is not going to end well" My wolf muttered in my head and I Immediately tuned her out. It has been torture without Levi and I couldn't do it anymore. I walked up to him and wrapped my arms tightly around his naked chest. Oh how I missed t
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chapter thirty seven
I let out a contented sigh with a smile on my face. After what happened with Karla last night, we had come back home and had sex over and over again. I hadn't wanted to let her go but she said she was tired and just wanted to sleep so I let her be. I never used to be someone that was obsessed with sex but with Karla, it just felt so amazing and I was addicted to her. I was addicted to her taste and I was obsessed with the way she made me feel. I let out a yawn as I reached forward to touch her but the space on the bed where she was supposed to be was empty. I opened my eyes slowly then furrowed my eyebrows as I glanced around. She wasn't here. “Karla?" I called out as I glanced around but she didn't reply. I got out of bed and out on my sweatpants then quickly brushed my teeth before walking out of the room. I was about to walk into her room, thinking she was there when I inhaled a burnt smell. I furrowed my eyebrows as I walked down the hall and gave
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chapter thirty eight
“I can't go to the office, why?" I questioned as I was seated on Levi's bed, watching him get dressed. After his conversation with Sebastian, he had said his goodbyes to I and Lucia and I had noticed that he suddenly looked serious so I had followed him up to his room. “Because neither of us are going to be there today and I don't want you being there all on your own" I frowned. “Is there something wrong? Where are you going? Is it… is it Jason again?" He froze and I instantly knew I was right. “I'm so sorry, it's because of me he's troubling you so much" I murmured and Levi turned to me with a smile. “Don't worry about it, okay? Get some rest or if you can't then you can take my card and go to the mall or something and get yourself whatever you want. You should get a phone" I shook my head. “I don't need a phone since I have no one I want to reach out to" I murmured then let out a sigh as I stared at my feet. Levi suddenly raised my chin with his f
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chapter thirty nine
~LEVI~ It was only then that I saw the resemblance between Karla and the girl behind her. The girl suddenly scoffed as she wiped away her tears angrily. “I'm not your sister! What kind of sister leaves her family like that without a trace?!" The girl screamed then pushed Karla away. I immediately caught Karla in my arms then turned to the girl. She was fuming and I wanted to say something but I knew this was a family issue. “I'm sorry, I had my reasons and…" “Because of you, mother cried herself to sleep every night and Dad fell into depression, thinking they had done something wrong to you to make you run away without having the conscience to reach out to them. We even thought maybe you were dead or in trouble but here you are, buying all these luxurious things and having the time of your life!" Karla was sobbing quietly in my arms as she refused to raise her head. I really wanted to say something because only her sister knew what she had gone thro
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chapter forty
The next morning, Levi was gone and I was left alone with Lucia to keep me company. Sebastian and Lucien had obviously gone with him but that morning, Sebastian had handed me a phone with all their numbers in it before they left and I made sure to reach out to Levi every evening to know how he was doing. I know I seemed like a clingy wife but I was worried about him. I was grateful for the phone though because during the moments I was alone in Levi's room wearing his shirt and cuddled up in his bed, the phone helped me get through the night. It was either I was scrolling through social media or I was face timing Levi till we both fell asleep. Another thing I did which I wasn't proud of was stalking Levi on Social media and goddess was he popular! He was always the number one trending topic and he was the most desired Bachelor in Italy. “Jokes on them, he won't be a bachelor for long" I had said to myself and I had to shut out my wolf so she didn't ruin the mo
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