All Chapters of Wanna be yours, Mafia King: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
103 Chapters
chapter forty one
“You fainted because you lost too much blood but luckily, it wasn't anything fatal. The poison had been severed and the injury should heal as you rest here for a couple of days" The doctor said to me as I laid down on the bed. I sat up seconds later and was about to pull out the syringe when Sebastian stopped me. “Didn't you hear what he said? He said you're to rest here for a couple days so your wound would heal" I tilted my head at him. “And why is it necessary that I must rest here?" Lucien scoffed. “Levi this is your health we are talking about here, why can't you rest here?" I pursed my lips then let out a sigh. “Because Karla is probably worried sick about me and I need to return" I muttered as I pulled out the syringe from my hand. “And who the fuck cares if Karla is worried? Your health comes first" “Well I care and there's no rule that says I can't get better at home, right doctor?" We all turned to the doctor and he gulped before
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chapter forty two
For the next two days, I made sure to cling onto Levi like my life depended on it. I didn't care if I annoyed him, I needed to have enough of him before he traveled. Currently, we were in his office and I was seated on his lap, peppering his face with kisses. “Karla, I'm not dying you know?" He murmured and I paused before glancing down at him with a pout. “Are you tired of me?" I questioned and he smiled. “Of course not but you have been clinging onto me like I'm running away or something" I frowned. “Maybe you are" He sighed then grabbed onto my hand. “I won't even spend up to a week there, okay? I'll be right back before you know it" I stared at him for a while then sighed before wrapping my arms around his shoulders. “Promise me you won't fall in love with another girl while you're there?" I murmured and he let out a chuckle then placed a kiss on my cheek which made me frown. He hadn't promised me… Just then, Sebastian walked into the o
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chapter forty three
The next morning, Levi was gone but he made sure to leave me in Sebastian's care and although I had fun with Sebastian, it wasn't the same and I missed Levi deeply. I called him even more frequently than I did when he went on his mission and he picked up everytime except on the day of the wedding because he said he wanted his full attention to be on the wedding and I understood but I couldn't help but worry especially since Sebastian was doing everything to take my mind off the situation while Lucien was acting very suspiciously which just made things worse. “Why don't we go somewhere else?" Sebastian uttered as we drove back from the ice cream shop that day. I shook my head then flashed him a small smile. “I'm okay, I just want to rest. Thank you for trying to take my mind off Levi but why are you so nice to me? Ever since I came into you guy's lives, you have treated me like you have known me all your life. Why?" Sebastian smiled. “Because I know you're
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chapter forty four
My eyes widened at her words and that was when I remembered Anastasia had given me a goodbye kiss. “Oh it's nothing, it was just a…a silly game" I murmured as I let out a nervous laugh. Why was I hiding the truth from her? Why didn't I just tell her about my situation with Anastasia? If she found out later on, it was going to hurt her more. It's not like I did anything wrong, Anastasia was the one who kissed me so why… Why couldn't I bring myself to tell her about Anastasia? I stared into her eyes and it was like she was urging me to say the truth but I couldn't so I just smiled and crashed my lips on hers. “I missed you so much" I murmured as I grabbed her waist and pulled her closer. “But Levi…" “Shhh, I didn't go around kissing any girl, okay? Will you kiss me back now?" She stared up at me and gosh, she was beautiful. I always knew she was beautiful but she shone differently that night and the last thing I wanted to do was hurt her. She wrap
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chapter forty five
~A FEW DAYS LATER~ ~KARLA~ “I heard that you and Levi are practically inseparable at the office as well, Karla" I heard Lucia murmur as I sat down at the dining table with Levi. He chuckled at her words and I blushed when he placed a kiss on my cheek. I've been wondering why he was so clingy these days, not that I was complaining. It almost felt like… like he loved me but I knew that was just wishful thinking. “I won't be going to the office today so you can take this as your day off, okay?" Levi suddenly said and I turned to him with a frown. “Why? Where are you going today?" I questioned and he sighed. “Sebastian has an event to go to tomorrow and he has made me promise to follow him to get a suit" Just then, Sebastian walked into the dining room and I glared at him making him raise his hand in surrender. “Hey you have been hugging him for days now, it's my turn and I need my brother" I frowned. “Why can't you go with Lucien?" I questioned
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Chapter forty six
~ANASTASIA~ Levi immediately pulled away from me as he walked towards Karla but before he could hold her, she ran out of the room. “Karla Wait" He muttered and tried going after her but I grabbed his hand to stop him. “Levi…" “I have to go to her" He carefully yanked his hand out of my grip and ran out of the room, leaving me devastated. It was obvious he cared for Karla and I couldn't help but notice that she had striking similarities to Kiara. Even her name sounded the same. Could that be the only reason why he was attracted to her? Because she reminded him of Kiara? But even if that was the reason, could I compete with that? I pulled the chair closer to me and sat down with a sigh and at that moment, Lucien walked in. “I saw Levi and Karla running away and I knew something must have happened. What's wrong?" He muttered as he pulled a chair and sat down next to me. “I don't think Levi wants me. I'm too late" I murmured and the tears
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chapter forty seven
~LEVI~ After I was done with sorting out the papers for my next business in Germany, I let out a yawn as I stretched my body. I checked my watch and I gasped as I stood up from my chair. Fuck I was late. Karla must be waiting for me. I walked out of my study and hurriedly walked towards my room to get ready when I suddenly heard my name being called from behind. “Levi" I paused then let out a sigh before turning around to see Anastasia. “Anastasia, why aren't you asleep yet? I'm sorry I can't chat, I need to…" “I don't feel so good, Levi" I frowned as I noticed how pale she seemed. “Anas…" Before I could complete my sentence, she lost her balance and fell to the ground. I immediately rushed up to her and gathered her in my arms before carrying her into my room. I placed her on the bed then reached for my phone to dial Lucien's number when she stopped me. “If you are trying to call Lucien, don't. He left a few hours ago and he sai
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Chapter forty eight
~KARLA~ Tears streamed down my face as we waited in front of Anastasia's hospital room door. Levi was inside there with the doctor and he hasn't come out for a while. I felt so bad and I felt so disgusted with myself because earlier, I had thought she was feigning a sickness just to get Levi's attention but she hadn't been faking it at all and I felt so bad for thinking about the worse of her. Sebastian had tried calming me down but the more they wasted time inside the room, the more bad I felt. Soon after, Levi walked out of the room with the doctor. “Thank you doctor" The doctor nodded then excused himself and I immediately walked up to Levi. “How is she? Is she okay? What was wrong with her?" Levi opened his mouth to speak then he frowned and placed his hand on my cheek. “Why were you crying?" I sniffled as I wiped away the remaining tears on my cheek. “Because I feel so bad for thinking she was faking it. I'm sorry Levi, I feel so
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chapter forty nine
~ANATASIA~ Apparently, Levi had a very important meeting to attend to so he called Lucien who was more than willing to stay by my side. “Are you better?" Lucien questioned as he handed me a glass of water and I smiled as I took it. “Yes" After drinking the water, I turned to him and noticed his questioning gaze. He has been staring at me that way since he got here. “If you have something to ask, ask Lucien" He sighed. ”What did you do?" I tilted my head as I flashed him an innocent look. “What do you mean?" “You know what I mean. You weren't that sick when I left. Was this the plan you were talking about? What happened and why are you at the hospital?" He questioned and I sighed. “I didn't expect it to be this serious to be honest" He frowned. “Explain" I sighed again. “Yes I'd admit that the process of becoming Queen of witches does have some effect on my physical health but it's not something I can't handle. I needed to get Levi's
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chapter fifty
I ran up to my room and Sebastian was hot on my heels. I banged the door in his face as I rested my back on the door while I cried my eyes out. “Karla, will you let me in?" I heard Sebastian utter as he knocked on the door softly. “I'm tired Sebastian" I murmured as I sat down on the ground while I cried into my hand. My heart was aching so badly and I didn't know how to stop it. “You want to give up?" I sniffled as I thought over his words but before I could say a word, he spoke. “You can't give up, Karla. That's what Anastasia wants and I know for a fact that Levi does have feelings for you. He's just a fool" I frowned. “If he had feelings for me, he would have believed me" He sighed. “Levi has respect for Anastasia and believes that she can never do something so low. I'm quite shocked to be honest" I frowned. “So I'm the one that can stoop so low? He doesn't respect me?" I muttered. “No, that's not what I meant. Of course Levi respec
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