All Chapters of Unraveled Destinies : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
176 Chapters
Chapter 11
Jane’s Pov As I watched Jaxson answer his phone and get lost in his conversation, a sense of frustration washed over me. I had been on edge ever since our unexpected encounter at the office, and now it seemed like fate was determined to keep pushing him into my life. Without waiting for him to finish his call, I made a quick decision. I needed to distance myself from this situation, at least for now. I walked away from him and hailed a passing taxi and quickly climbed inside, giving the driver instructions to take me home. As the taxi pulled away from the office building, I let out a long sigh, trying to calm the storm of emotions raging inside me. Seeing Jaxson again stirred up memories and feelings I thought I had buried long ago. I looked out of the window, watching the city streets pass by. "I hope this won't become an everyday thing," I muttered to myself, a mix of frustration and resignation in my voice. The thought of having to navigate this unexpected reunion with Ja
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Chapter 12
Jane’s POVWe finally arrived at the hospital with a combination of worry and uncertainty. The moment we rushed through the hospital doors with Keana in my arms, a team of nurses and doctors were there to take her from me. I felt a sense of helplessness as they took her away, disappearing into the maze of white-walled corridors.I stood there, trembling and unable to control the tears in my eyes from where they had taken my little girl. My heart felt like it was trapped in despair, and I couldn't stop my mind from racing with terrifying thoughts.Sarah stood beside me with her hand gently resting on my shoulder as she tried to offer me some comfort. "Jane, she's in good hands. The doctors will take care of her." she said and gave me a warm smile.I couldn't shake the feeling of fear that had settled in my chest. "What if something's seriously wrong with her?" I whispered with my voice filled with fear.Sarah gave me a reassuring smile. "We won't know until they figure it out. But w
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Chapter 13
Jane’s POVMy mind raced with a whirlwind of emotions. Jaxson Sinclair, the man who had been absent from our lives since that fateful night, was now on the other end of the line. I couldn't help but feel a surge of anger and frustration, knowing that he had the audacity to contact me after all this time.I got angry and ended the call immediately without responding to him.After ending the call, I blocked his number so he wouldn't be able to call me again. As I did that, a rush of mixed emotions consumed me. My heart was still pounding, and the shock of hearing his voice over the phone left me feeling unsteady.How did the idiot get my phone number? And most importantly, why is he calling me? What does he want from me now?Sarah entered the room and her face turned into concern as she saw the turmoil on my face. "Jane, what's up?" she asked, her voice laced with worry.I took a deep breath as I tried to steady myself and make sense of the situation. "Sa
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Chapter 14
Jane’s POVMr. Bryan's smile widened, and he nodded. "Yes, Jane, you got the job."Relief and joy surged through me, and I couldn't help but break into a grin. It was a moment I had been waiting for, a chance to pursue my passion and create a better future for my children.I couldn't contain my excitement as Mr. Bryan confirmed that I had indeed secured the job at the art gallery. My heart danced with joy, and I couldn't help but express my gratitude."Thank you so much, Mr. Bryan," I exclaimed, my eyes sparkling with happiness. “I couldn't have done this without you sir.” she continued.He smiled warmly with his eyes filled with pride. "It's my pleasure, Jane. You've earned this opportunity."I was still riding the wave of happiness when Mr. Bryan surprised me by reaching into a small refrigerator he had in his office. He pulled out a bottle of champagne, and my eyes widened in surprise."There's no need for you to pour me some champagne," I protested, not
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Chapter 15
Jane’s POVAfter much contemplation, I decided to embrace the opportunity for a night out with Sarah. It was a rare chance to let loose, have fun, and momentarily set aside the responsibilities of motherhood. I could already envision the laughter, dancing, and shared memories that awaited us.When Sarah returned to the room, I smiled and said, "I'm in!."Sarah's face lit up with joy, and she let out a jubilant cheer. "Yes! We're going to have the best time tonight!"Her enthusiasm was infectious, and I couldn't help but share in her excitement. The prospect of a carefree night out with friends was an opportunity I couldn't pass up.Sarah grabbed my hand and started dancing around the room once more, her energy and excitement obvious. "We're going to get drunk tonight, Jane! It's going to be epic!"As we danced and laughed, I couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation building within me. I was ready to embrace the adventure that awaited us, all while cher
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Chapter 16
Jane’s Pov"Of course, Mr. Bryan. I'll be there shortly," I replied, my mind racing with curiosity and a tinge of anxiety. What could be so urgent that he needed to speak with me on a weekend morning?I hastily got dressed, my mind swirling with thoughts about the unexpected call. Did it have anything to do with my new job? Or was it something entirely unrelated, a new challenge or responsibility at my current workplace? The possibilities played out in my mind like scenes from an unpredictable movie.I hastily got dressed and left to go to the office without telling anybody.As I entered Mr. Bryan's office, he greeted me with a warm smile that did little to ease my apprehension. "Jane, please have a seat," he said, gesturing to a chair across his desk.I complied, my eyes meeting his expectant gaze. "What did you want to talk to me about, Mr. Bryan?" I asked, my voice steady despite the fluttering nerves in my stomach.Mr. Bryan leaned forward, his expressi
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Chapter 17
JANE’S POV.I stood in front of Mr. Bryan as I rubbed my palms together. I was really nervous, with so many unanswered questions running through my mind as I anticipated his reply. Will he revoke my new employment letter? Is he upset or disappointed in me? It was as if Mr. Bryan could see through me. He smiled lightly as he finally looked up at me.It is evident that Mr. Bryan is a man of few words. He doesn't talk much and that is what I liked about him: his calmness. That is my kind of man. I like my men calm and gentle but of course I haven't been interested in men lately so I quickly snapped out of my world of thoughts.“Do not worry yourself too much about it, Jane; it is not a requirement for you to resume your new job on Monday; I only wanted you to help me get someone who is as competent as you are."I'm still looking, sir; I will let you know if I find someone. “I will really appreciate that, Jane. Come, have a seat; don't just stand there. I took my seat but I avoided eye
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Chapter 18
JANE’S POV.“He is my boss. Sarah, I cannot go out with him. Sarah interrupted me before I could finish my statement. And possibly come up with an excuse, and I hate that sometimes she knows me too well. “Point of correction Jane, Ex boss. You no longer work for this person; you'll resume at the art gallery on Monday, so don't think too much about it.“But I'm scared. Sarah, I've not gone on any dates for years. I've not looked at any men since I got pregnant with my kids. I honestly don't know how to feel about this. I don't even know how to face Mr. Bryan when we go out together. How can I even converse with him casually? You know I'm already accustomed to his seriousness. “Mr. Bryan is a good and humble man, Jane; with all the billions he has, he is still gentle and down to earth. If I were not married, I would have seduced him and gotten married to him. Maybe by now, I will be shaking my ass in his penthouse in Paris. Sarah made an attempt to shake her ass but it was her big st
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Chapter 19
JANE’S POV“We finally got to the restaurant and Bryan held my hand as we made our way to the rooftop. It was a fresh feeling. I cannot remember the feeling that comes with date night; it has been ages. The elevator took us to the rooftop and as soon as the elevator opened, I was left in awe. The whole place was decorated with rose flowers. Bryan pulled out the seat for me to sit on before he took his. “This is so beautiful, sir. I love the arrangement.“Sir?? Do you still want to call me that? Bryan gave me a look as he poured me a glass of champagne. “Why are we the only ones here? “I booked the whole space for us, Jane; I wanted us to have some peace and quiet. Don't you like it?“I love it, but you didn't have it, sir. Sorry, Bryan. But you have to give me time to adjust; you know this is still new to me. A few days ago, you were my boss at the office and now I am here drinking champagne with you on this beautiful rooftop. “Take all the time you need, J
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Chapter 20
JANE’S POVI wish the car could go faster but Bryan was already driving at 100 miles per hour and I wouldn't want him to get pulled over by the police. I was looking outside the window all through the ride as I wished I had a superpower—maybe something like a flash—so I could be with Sarah and hold her hands. "Jane, she is going to be fine. Sarah is a strong woman. Do not worry too much about it.“I know Bryan; Sarah is always trying to make sure everyone around her is doing okay; she likes to be there for everyone through difficult times. Even though she tries to hide it most of the time, I can still see through her. I see the fear in her eyes—the fear of the unknown. She is scared of motherhood; she fears she will fail.But she is the total opposite of what she thinks of herself; I see the way she looks after my kids and the love and compassion she shows them. I know she will do well raising her kids.“I would have been the proud father of a seven-year-old by
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