All Chapters of Unraveled Destinies : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
176 Chapters
Chapter 31
JANE’S POVI slept off when I entered the Hospital. I had my phone on my chest all night long. I was so happy to see Jaxson’s text. I didn't respond to it, though, and I was happy he reached out. By the time I opened my eyes, it was daybreak, and Jacob was pressing his phone. Sarah had been awake for a while but they didn't allow her to see us; they insisted she breastfed her baby first. After she was done, they allowed us inside. Jacob gave his wife a hug and a peck on her forehead and she handed baby Daisy over to him. I saw tears drop when he held his daughter for the first time; they were tears of Joy. “Daddy loves you, Daisy. Daddy loves you. It was fun to watch Jacob's face. Had Jaxson replied to my letter five years ago, he would have done the same thing with his triplet too. “Isn't she so pretty, Jane? She looks so much like me."Yes, she does. How are you feeling, Sarah? “I feel hungry, Jane, but the doctor said I cannot eat anything solid. “Should I ord
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Chapter 32
JANE’S POV. The room was quiet, and my kids fixed their gaze on me as they expected and answered, but I was too stunned to speak. I could feel the room compressing me and my hands became sweaty. My kids have never asked me that question before; somehow I knew that day would come but I wasn't expecting it to be today. “Come here, my little cuties. I held the three of them and brought them close to my body.“You know Mummy loves you all, right?“Yes, mummy.“Good, so now is not the time to know about your father, but when you kids get older, you will meet him soon. But for now, focus on making Mommy proud with good grades.“Doesn't he want us, mummy? Is he ashamed of us?"No, Kieth, why would you say that? He loves you all but he is not around for now. He is busy preparing for the day he’ll come and start a family with Us. OK, kids?“Ok, mummy. I left them playing with their toys and I went straight to my room to cry. I was so emotional; everything was overwhelming
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Chapter 33
JANE’S POV.My heart started beating fast, my knees became weak, and I tried to yell but there was no sound coming out. I left the items I bought at the doorpost as I rushed down the stairs.Jacob followed me and met me halfway to the car. He only had his briefs on as he chased after me and held my right arm from behind in a bid to prevent me from moving any further. He was panting as he tried to speak to me.“Jane, I can explain; it's not what you think. I can explain everything you saw. “I would have given you a slap if you were not my friend’s husband. So Sarah’s instinct was right after all.“I’m sorry, Jane; it was just a moment of weakness.“So she was the reason why you extended your trip and lied that you couldn't get a flight back to New York. How can you be so heartless, Jacob?Your wife and your daughter are at the hospital fighting for their lives and you are here screwing her cousin."Please, Jane, don't tell Sarah about this; it will break her he
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Chapter 34
JANE’S POV.My heart skipped a beat when I saw Jaxson. There was no way for me to hide because he was standing face-to-face with me. “Hi Jane, we meet again.“Hi, Jaxson. “Can I pay for that?“No, you do not have to. I can pay for it myself.“I know you can pay for it for yourself; I'm just offering to help.“Thanks, but no thanks."OK, fine, can we have dinner this weekend? “I’m not interested in hanging out with you, Jaxson; please stop trying.“What have I done, Jane? You've been practically ignoring me since I saw you at your office. Did I offend you? Please tell me I'm ready to rewrite my mistakes“So bold of you to come to me after five years and act like nothing happened?“We had a lovely conversation and a passionate night together; that was the last time I heard from you; there was no way I could reach you. You liar, you want to tell me you didn't get my letter?“What letter are you talking about, Jane?“You know what? I cannot deal with this right
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Chapter 35
JANE’S POV.“What are you doing here, Jaxson? How did you find me? What do you want?“Calm down, Jane; your ATM card fell off of your wallet after you made payment at the store,I was looking around to make sure my kids didn't come downstairs; it would be a tragedy if Jaxson saw them. That was the longest 3 minutes of my life.“Thank you for bringing my card; that was so nice of you. I collected the card and waited for him to turn and leave but he fixed his gaze on me.“Won't you invite me in, Jane, to come have a glass of wine?“I cannot invite you, Jaxson; this house doesn't belong to me; it belongs to my friend. I'm just squatting."I see. Here is your card. Have you made up your mind about dinner with me?"We will talk on the phone; you have to leave now; I don't want to get into trouble. "OK, fine, I'll leave. But I won't move an inch if you don't give me a hug.“You are just trouble, Jaxson. I moved to hug him and he pulled me closer, pressed me to his ch
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Chapter 36
JANE'S POVI left the oatmeal on the fire as I ran to the backyard to see what was happening to my kids. I still held on to my spatula as I ran like an Olympic medalist. I found Keana holding onto her water gun that was split in half and her brothers stood still beside her.“What happened, Keana? Why did you yell like that?“Kieth broke my water gun. “Is that why you are crying, Keana? You guys scare me. Don't worry, Keana; I'll get you another one. Now come back inside and have your breakfast. I served my children's breakfast and made corn soup for Sarah. My children’s nanny came and took my children to the park. The house was calm and I had enough time to prepare myself to go to the hospital. I wanted to drive to the hospital but then I remembered I had a date with Bryan so I took an Uber instead. I got to the hospital and saw Jacob sitting outside Sarah’s ward.“Hello Jane, Good afternoon. I like your outfit.“Thanks. I almost didn't reply, Jacob. Why sho
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Chapter 37
JANE'S POV My heart was racing fast because I knew somehow that this stunt Sarah was about to pull was going to blow up in my face when she found out that I knew about Jacob’s infidelity all along.“I don't think that is a great idea, Sarah."Relax, Jane; I'm just trying to spice up my marriage."OK, Sarah, if you say so. I have a date with Bryan tonight; he wants me to attend a banquet with him.“Omg!! That is lovely, Jane. You need to get your hair done, your makeup, and your outfit. What are you wearing? Don't repeat the shoe and bag you wore the last time; you need to do your facials. Hold on, let me call a makeup artist."Relax, Sarah; you do too much. Bryan has already hired the services of a stylist. He’ll come pick me up by 5 p.m.“Girl, I see the excitement in your eyes.“I’m just calm about it, Sarah. Me and Sarah talked for a while before Bryan came; he didn't come inside Sarah’s ward immediately; he was outside catching up with Bryan. They've know
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Chapter 38
JANE'S POV“Hey Jane, can I come pick you up tonight?I ignored the message because I wasn't interested.Spicy was too extra and he made me laugh the entire time. He started telling me about how some guys tried to do him dirty because he was a crossdresser and how he fought all of them for self-defense. He demonstrated everything and I was laughing, forgetting that it wasn't a comedy show. He fixed the wig and when I added a glimpse of myself in the mirror, I was looking like a 24-year-old baddie. He started my make up and in no time we were done. I was taken to another room to pick out some selected outfits, and I fell in love with the first outfit I tried. I didn't take it off.It was a red dress that had an open back and a long slit on the side. It sat well on my size 10 body and my cleavages were showing gloriously. I picked a purse and a shoe that complimented my outfit and by the time I was done, I couldn't believe myself. I was looking so hot; my stomach
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Chapter 39
JANE'S POV So Jaxson is even in a relationship and he was busy disturbing me. I was so upset and angry. I didn't know if I was supposed to be angry and upset but I was. I gulped my remaining champagne and dropped the glass. I was already tipsy. I stared at myself in the mirror. I was looking so hot. My breasts were still standing strong and firm. My Tommy was snatched in the red dress, and my hair was to die for. The hair was a raw, double-drawn, 24-inch wavy curl. It was bouncing gloriously. “You look breathtaking. I wonder who the lucky man is. When I turned, it was Jaxson. I anticipated it; I knew he saw me when I stood up.“Are you stalking me, Jaxson? “Stalking you? Why would I do that? This is the exact banquet I was trying to bring you to, but since you aired me, I brought someone else.“You mean your girlfriend?“Well, yes. Just one out of so many.“You are so pathetic, Jaxson. I never want to see you again. Please stop following me around. I was trying to
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Chapter 40
JANE'S POVWe stayed still for a while to know what was happening and Jaxson and his girlfriend suddenly emerged from the car and walked towards us. Bryan blew down his side glass."Bryan, let’s join you, please. My car broke down."Sure, buddy, you don't even have to ask. Jaxson entered the car with his overbearing girlfriend, and she didn't even say a word.“Is it safe to leave your car there all night, Jaxson? Do you think you need to call someone to come help you tow your car? "It's midnight; I can't get anyone but don't worry about it. I’ll send someone to come get it in the morning; I already texted my driver.“That is great; I hope you locked your car doors."Yes, I did. The trip continued peacefully until Jaxson decided to break the silence."So, Bryan, tell me. How long have you known Jane? I remember she used to work for you, so how did this closeness start?I wonder why Jaxson would ask such a question; what was his motive? Bryan is a gentle young man and
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