All Chapters of Love Bites: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
46 Chapters
11 // Congratulations
I was delirious! At first, a part of me was anxious, I kept glancing at the side mirror to check if anyone was following us. Luckily, my phone was off since this morning, but there was no doubt I would find a million missed calls and messages from my mother, and undoubtedly, Gift. I was trying so hard not to think about everything, but I couldn't help it because I knew by now, I was talk of the town. My mother probably wished the ground could swallow her. And my dad. Oh, gosh! I wonder what he was going to tell everyone, especially my mother! After all, he was supposed to drive me to the church and walk me down the aisle. "Oh, God!" I fanned myself. You'd swear the car windows were not open, it felt like I was literally making my way through the pits of hell. "What's wrong?" Esra threw me a quick glance before returning her gaze to the open road ahead. We were nearing her house, and that made me even more restless. I never thoug
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12 // Hope
Congratulations. The father of my unborn child congratulated me when I announced the news of my pregnancy. And guess what I did? All the food I'd been enjoying came back up and I threw up, meanwhile baby daddy stormed out of the house. "Yvonne!" Esra banged on the door. "You have to eat something, you need to garner strength after you..." She trailed off as if searching for the right word. "Vomited. I vomited, Esra! It's normal for pregnant women, in case you didn't know," I remarked, hugging the pillow tightly against my chest. "Okay, calm down. I didn't mean to upset you! If you are not going to eat, can you at least let me in?" I'd locked her out when she ran after me earlier. I sighed and went to get the door. "I'm not hungry," I grumbled. She rolled her eyes. "Yvonne, you are always hungry." She walked past me and placed the food on the headboard before sitting on the bed, and then she patted on the empty sp
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13 // No More Apologies
Well, turns out it would take more than a little disgusting vomit to get Silas to change his mind. I couldn't believe that this was the same guy who treated me like I was just a gum under his boot a while ago. He cleaned up my mess, ran me a bath, and then made me lunch. Thankfully, I didn't get sick and I was finally able to sleep through the afternoon. It wasn't until I heard Esra's car that I realised I had overslept. I kicked the sheets off my body and scrambled out of bed, and then I slipped into my push-ins and ran out of the room. I just down the stairs in time for the front door to open. "Esra, I'm so sorry!" Her brows drew together as she approached me with worry written all over her face. "Yvonne, what's wro..." She held my hand, her eyes shifting to the kitchen. "WOW!" She gasped, dropping my hand like a hot potato. My guilt was giving me heartburn, it was completely unfair for her to return from work and still have to cook. "
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14 // Stuck With You
When my sister smiles, her smile reaches her eyes. She could brighten anyone’s day with just her smile. However, after a spending a few seconds in her presence, my excitement died, she looked sad, and what worried me most was that she came without her baby, and Ivy never went anywhere without Angel. We sat down for breakfast, and I waited until our food arrived before bringing up the topic. “Ivy, how are things back home?” Her lips stretched into a grimace. “Uhm… YV, let’s just eat first,” she said, already looking as if I’d made her mood ten times worse. “Mama kicked me out on the night of the wedding,” she finally said. “WHAT? And you are only telling me this now? Where are you currently staying?” I bombarded. “Yvonne, calm down, okay. I’m fine, I moved in with Sipho.” My forehead creased in confusion. The Ivy I know would be over the moon at the opportunity to finally move in with her man, what changed? “I know what you are thinking, why am I
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15 // Monster
A question that swirled in my head after Silas' confession was what exactly it meant to be a mate. The moment I connected the word to all the paranormal romance I read, it made me feel dizzy. There is this popular opinion that I always regarded as peer pressure doing the talking in order to convince people that we all need to go in the same direction, because that's how things are meant to be. Which was absurd if you ask me. I mean, who in the world made it a rule that we are not meant to be alone in this life? It was just putting people under pressure to do things that will deem them a part of society. And that's exactly what I stood by for a long time, until I was told that I had to marry the pastor's son. But that did not deter my opinion until I met Silas, and everything about him made sense, it felt right; spending the night with him felt like it was meant to be, and it made me want to unlearn all the principles I locked myself into apart from the
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16 // Not Since I Met You
What do you say to that? What words of comfort do you offer in a situation like this? One of the ways in which vampires are created, as stated on Wikipedia, is through the use of dark magic. And Silas was a product of that, he was turned into a vampire by his mother, using witchcraft. I don't know what I expected, a part of me still believes that I was in a dream. I think that I was in denial as much as the qualities were there, it didn't make sense how he could have turned into a vampire when vampires only existed in fiction. A part of me had assumed that maybe he was bitten by another vampire and thus, transformed into one. However, that was not the case. He died, and it was death by suicide – he killed himself. I was dying to embrace him, to ask him what was so terrible that it drove him to kill himself. I wanted to hold him and take away the pain he clearly still suffered through. But I did none of that. All I did was try to
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17 // Heartbeat
'They grow up so fast.' That was amongst some of the things I hated hearing, especially when it came from that supposedly distant family relative or friend who hasn't seen you in years, or the actual family member and friend. As if children were not supposed to grow. I personally believe it was just a ruse to get the parents to disclose every single progress the child has made, and they could if they were proud of you. But I didn't want to imagine what it was like if the opposite was true, like in my case. A true disappointment to my mother. I often wondered what she told people about me, she probably painted herself as a saint while I was deemed the outward daughter. She had completely written me off, and she hung up on me and blocked my number the moment she heard my voice when I tried calling her. She shattered me for the last time, honestly. I was reeling in the aftermath of having a mother like her. It make me often doubt myself, I
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18 // Shared Dreams
"Are you scared?" I told Silas about my run-in with Gift earlier, he was puzzled when he saw me runnimg to the car earlier and begged him to drive. I had no other choice but to confess about my arrangement with Gift and what transpired at the wedding venue in my absence. "I am terrified! I can't stop thinking about his reaction, he's probably going to tell his parents and they're going to interrogate my family and the next thing they are going to start spreading rumours about us, they will shame us to make themselves look better after the whole scandal at the church," I said breathlessly. "My mom will never forgive me for this." I called her earlier before my appointment, and she hung up on me. And when I called on my dad's phone and asked him to tell her that I would be going on my first check up today and that I'd like her to be there, she refused. I could not bring myself to feel anything besides fear and sadness while at the hospital, beca
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19 // Embracing Love
I was woken from a beautiful dream by someone calling my name. I pried my eyes open and struggled to keep them open for a full minute before I rolled out of bed, my feet tangled up in the blankie. I'd decided to take a nap sometime after working on the painting for a few hours. It sucked not having a phone because I couldn't check the time or set an alarm. Tossing the blanket aside, I staggered to the bathroom and washed my face, scowling at the paint stains on my dress. I needed to get an apron as soon as possible. "YVONNE!" Esra's urgent voice had me hurrying out of my room. "Esra?" I called as I neared the stairs. Esra stood at the bottom of the stairs and held out her phone. "There's a call for you?" "Who?" I mouthed as I took the phone from her. "It's Cas. I'll just finish setting the table and then I'll join you for dinner after showering. I hope you don't mind?" She said, looking uncomfortable. "But you can go ahead and eat if you are too hungry." I gave her an awkward
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20 // It's A Date
Perhaps I should have taken Esra up on her offer to patch me up, otherwise, I wouldn't have woken up in the middle of the night feeling like there was something trying to rip through my back at the slightest movement. Now I regretted going to Silas' room, it would have been easier to wake her up while right next to her. I wanted to go to her room but then remembered that she had bought hot spray after waking up with a stiff neck a few days ago. The only problem, I had to go all the way down to the kitchen. I had to take care of this before Silas noticed that something is wrong. The last thing I wanted was to cause a rift between the two siblings. I took my time going to the kitchen, thanks to my back. I felt like an elderly lady with back problems. Can I tell you a secret? This house is kinda creepy at night. It somehow always felt bigger and a lot emptier, and the silence felt like the calm before the storm. And what made it worse was the fact that they did not turn off the lig
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