All Chapters of A fresh start with the Lycan king : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
105 Chapters
It was a bright morning. I was in my room with the housekeeper, Miss Prisca and we were both poring over a magazine that featured wedding dresses. We were trying to select my outfit for the wedding and we had been at it for an hour now, i was so indecisive because they were all beautiful. There was a knock on the door. Three rapid knocks, I knew it was one of the guard at the door. The three knocks was their trademark."Come in" I said tearing my eyes away from an especially seductive curvy wedding gown.Ever since the incident two days back in the training arena, King Magnus had increased security outside my door."You have a visitor, Luna" The guard said, popping his head halfway through the open gap."Alright, send the person in,"I said, wondering who it was. Maybe Luke had come to see me. I hoped that wasn't the case, I didn't want wicked rumors circulating around."How long would I be kept waiting. Out of my way" I heard someone say, pushing roughly past the guard.The magazine
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The Wedding gown
It was the morning of the wedding and I had just woken up. I felt overwhelmed by the fact as I glanced at the clock in the dim light. It was 6 am. As if on cue, there was a flurry of knocks on the door just then.Miss Prisca and my personal maid Sarah walked in to prepare me for the day. I wasn't ready to stand up though, I had not gotten much sleep in the night since I had been tossing around the bed thinking."What a glorious day. " Miss Prisca said as she drew the blinds open. She was whistling a tune which was uncharacteristic of her."Why are you still in bed" She said, throwing off the covers from me. I grumbled sleepily as I got up. I couldn't get annoyed at her. That was just the way she was around people. There was a joke around that Sarah told me. It was said that the housekeeper mothered everybody into submission .I could see that they were happy for me, Sarah who was usually expressionless had a smile on her face too. She carried a large basket and was bringing out the co
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My heart was pounding as I bolted out of the room, leaving Nikini behind. The knowledge that the dress I was wearing had belonged to Elena annoyed me more than it should. A wave of grief and responsibility crashed over me, leaving me stumbling through the halls with tears blurring my vision."Luna! Please wait" I heard Sarah shout behind me but I didn't care. The entire thing was a sham and I didn't see a point to the wedding.I got to the room stumbling as I fumbled with the doorknob. It finally gave way and I collapsed in a heap on the bed.I hastily removed the wedding gown swearing as I did so. I heard a commotion outside the door Miss Prisca and Sarah stumbled in. They looked like they had been running after me all the way."Why did you run off suddenly, they just called the bride. Your gown! You removed it" She said, shocked to see me out of the gown."I'm not going out there,"I said through blurry eyes which were now becoming puffy."What's the matter?" She asked coming to sit
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Mating ritual
MAGNUS POVThe crowd erupted into cheers and raised their glasses, toasting to our union. The lights dimmed too, and the atmosphere became charged up. This part was generally the best part of a Lycan King's union: the mating ceremony. As if it was bribed, the moon chose that moment to make a dramatic entry, emerging in its full glory from a cloud, casting a radiant glow on the event.I looked over at Sophie; for some reason, she had gone pale. Our argument earlier on had made us ignore each other all day. For a quiet werewolf, she was pretty headstrong. A simple request to wear what I had selected, and she had rebelled. I intended to work on changing that part of her. Elena had been a lot more submissive.But my prediction proved correct as I spotted Sophie heading towards the exit, her steps quick and determined. A wicked grin curled on my lips; I had anticipated something like that and had told the guards to keep a close eye on her. There was no escaping the mating ceremony; it was
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Winter Solstice
SOPHIE POVThe realization that King Magnus and I were true mates after all came as a surprise to us. It was everything I had read. The close connection to the other person where you feel their presence inside you was really true. I had gone home that night thinking of what it now meant for our relationship. Ryka was happy to say the least . She had gone haywire ever since the wedding and the memorable mating ceremony.I blushed at the thought of what had happened. That night had been exciting. I never knew that sex could be so amazing. Another thing Jax had deprived me of in our short lived marriage.Ever since that night though which was two days ago. Magnus had been suspiciously absent. When I had questioned the guards about it, that had said that he was away on business. It was too convenient and a poor attempt to avoid me or so I thought. We were supposed to be on our honeymoon after all.I had received a summon from him the previous night though saying I should meet him up for t
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Under Magnus intense stare, I was lost as to what to say."Honeymoon" I began lamely. He had the most distracting pair of blue eyes I've ever seen and his bare body didn't help things."What about it?" He said, raising a brow."What about it?" I said in a high voice, surprised at his thoughtlessness. "Well, aren't we supposed to have one?""Normally I would but there are other more important things," He said with a sigh. "What could be more important than your bride.""Many threatening things.War for instance.""War" I repeated, thrown off."Yes, there are hints of an uprising among the packs. That was what I was discussing with my warriors. Your people can't be grateful." "Grateful really? For how long have we been subdued. I understand why they would do that.""You're a traitor. So you really want us out of the way," He said suddenly grabbing me by the neck."Who sent you? Are you together with them." He shouted, peering at me intently. "What are you saying. Let me go," I managed
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MAGNUS POVI struggled to control the internal rage coursing through me as I ran further into the woods. This was my usual therapy to prevent me going on a blind rampage. My inner wolf and I have never been on opposite terms like now. We usually didn't agree on things, that had been the situation for as long as I could remember. I didn't even like him enough to give him a name. He was much too feral for my liking and it was all I could do to control him. The only time we had agreed on something was when I had faced Kal Fang, the rogue and killed him. I had given my inner wolf full control then. The quick result had been nothing short of surprising. My reputation as a first class warrior had taken a positive spiral after that. I was generally feared and revered among the Lycans now.As I continued my run through the gloomy woods, I tried to push away the unsettling memories of Elena. It was inevitable I thought of her anytime I thought of Fang. The memories of that night usually haun
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The Library
SOPHIE'S POV"What the fuck" The girl in Magnus' office said as she glared at me with hostility in her eyes.I stood transfixed to the spot wondering who the girl was to Magnus for her to react this way. She looked younger than me, fifteen or sixteen years at most. His child with Elena perhaps. But she looked too old to be his child. Anyway, I had never really thought of how old Magnus was. "Magnus, who is she?" I asked him myself, wanting to clear up the confusion.He looked torn between the both of us and I could see that he cared about her."This is Betty, she's Elena sister, she's back on holiday from boarding school,""She doesn't smell like a Lycan to me. You're replacing Elena with this lowlife," "Betty!" Magnus said in a warning tone but didn't say anything otherwise. I was surprised to see him give her rein to talk rudely to me."Ill give you both time to figure yourselves out. I'll come back later"I said heading to the door."Dont pull the victim card, I'm outta here. You
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Entry and Exit
"That's great news, where is Luke?" I asked, surprised that they called him instead of her mate."I sent him on an assignment and I won't be able to reach him due to his location.""Can I come with you?" I said , feeling the need to go out and explore at least."All right. Quickly change and meet me at the castle gate in 10 minutes. Don't be late" He said, already sprinting ahead of me.It was surprising to see that he really cared about them. I hurried to my room to get changed.He was already waiting for me by the time I got to the gate. I could tell by how he paced around that he was impatient."You're here finally. Let's be on our way" He said, unlocking the Mercedes Benz car as he ushered me in.He cranked up the music high and soon we were cruising at a high speed buoyed by Frank Sinatra's voice. It was a pleasant feeling altogether.I saw Lycan themed places around the town as we went on and I was surprised by the open display of it. It wasn't hidden."How come Lycan don't hide
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The Queen bee
The drive back home was silent as we all absorbed the news that Luke had told us. It was very quiet in the car."I'm sorry to ask this but are you alright?" I asked Magnus, not knowing how he had taken the news. We had just gotten back to the castle and he was still by himself.Luke and I had known better than to say anything on the ride back as he digested the information. I had to ask him though just to be sure."Of course, I'm fine. My father has been inactive for a long time so it's not really much of a shock." He said, sounding surprised that I had thought that he will mourn.I had to be satisfied with his answer. Not like I could push the matter if I wanted to. Usually, it takes time to process death and what it really means. I know because the same thing had happened when I had lost my parents. It didn't hit me until later on.The atmosphere of the castle itself was somber and moody. I wasn't sure that the news had spread just yet but the feelings of the Lycan royalty were comm
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11 Protection Status