All Chapters of Crushing On My Bad Boy Billionaire Best Friend : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
115 Chapters
Chapter 41
LiamI’m in a shitty mood, I didn’t expect for Tate to be such a bitch when we were at the ball game. I have no idea what has got into her lately but she’s just acting weird around me. We need to talk, there’s clearly something going on with her.Fuck, there’s something going on with me too, especially the way I’m thinking about her constantly. Elkie is waiting for me to pick her up. I organized for us to go to Dannie’s Diner then onto the Maple Bar for some drinks and watch the live band. To be honest I just want to get laid. This is the worst part having to take the girl out, schmooze with her, watch her fawn all over me and all just to get it on. That’s why I kind of like Debs, she didn’t want much she was straight up. No strings attached, but Elkie is a different girl.Turns out she is one of the cheerleaders, funny I never really paid much attention to them. They all come across as bunnies, all talk about nails, hair and that kind of shit. Unlike Tate, who would rather talk about
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Chapter 42
Tate I laid awake most of the evening and now I feel like total shit. The thought of Liam being with that girl made me feel literally sick to my stomach. I tossed and turned, read the same page of my book at least three times and in the end just put it away. What was the point? Sometimes, I wonder if I should just come out and tell him and get it over and done with. Maybe he likes me the same way and he’s too scared to say anything. Neither one of us would want to risk our friendship. Only I know the way he sleeps around and dates lots of different girls, that Liam just doesn’t see me like this. It’s nine and he’s coming over in an hour, I should at least haul my sorry ass out of bed and see if Nina has made breakfast. My stomach is making weird noises clearly telling me it wants to be fed. Only, I still feel nauseous knowing that Liam would have been with that leggy girl from the game, the way she was fawning all over him, made me want to slap her. It’s not like I’m not used to se
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Chapter 43
Tate I am flustered as you can well imagine. Does he have any idea what he is doing to me? Probably not, his eyes are now closed. I’m desperate to ask him about last night. It’s sick right? I want to know about that girl and at the same time I don’t want to hear about it. Is this what it’s like for girls when their boyfriend has cheated on them? They want to know all about the other girl. “So what do you want to do today?” I ask Liam as I gather up a pair of black jeans and a grey Rolling Stones tee, my favorite. I need to brush my teeth and fix my hair. I look an absolute mess. Why it’s bothering me today is beyond me, it’s not like Liam hasn’t seen me with bedhead ever before. Only now for the most bizarre reason it matters. Shit. I hope I’m not trying in any way to make him notice me as anything other than my bestie. He opens his eyes languidly, they look straight at me. Our gaze locks for a few seconds, it’s intense I have to look away. The bathroom, that’s where I need to go.
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Chapter 44
Liam Cool. I’m glad we’re heading for the movies. The last thing I want to do is be stuck inside and cooped up all day. I am restless, you know I guess it’s because we’ve got a big game coming up next week and then prom. I couldn’t be asked to organize a date to be perfectly honest. The girls I usually see to satisfy my needs are not the type of girl I want hanging off my arm at prom for all those pictures and one of the highlights of the end of school. No fucking way, man. When Tate said she’d be my prom date I could have turned round and kissed her. In fact, I had to do everything to stop myself. My heart melted right there and then when she said yes. Besides, who else really would I go with. She is my best friend, we always used to play prom king and queen. Sure, we were only kids something like seven or eight years of age. We’d dress up, I’d wear a cape my mother had bought for me for some Halloween outing, it was black lined with red and Tate would wear one of her mother’s small
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Chapter 45
TateIt’s brilliant. I absolutely love this movie and Liam and I haven’t been out to a proper cinema in ages. Usually we hang at his house or mine. Downstairs my father had a full screening cinema room put in. You can sit easily twenty people in there. Because dad is well connected within the movie business he knows a lot of celebrities and we’re often able to get premieres early. It’s a huge perk of being my dad’s daughter. My favorite movie I watched so far has got to be Maverick. God, I absolutely love that film and Tom Cruise. Anything with his name stamped on it and they’ve definitely got me.So, back to Lennie at the counter. I’ve have to admit it really irked me the way she was giving puppy eyes to Liam. I wanted to wipe the smile right off her face. She knows who he is, and I bet she’d love to be dating him. Only Liam doesn’t date. To be honest, it’s already bad enough when I know he’s out shagging some girl senseless just for his sex fix. I swear he’s going to be a man-whore.
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Chapter 46
Liam I don’t want to run out on Tate but I kind of have to. I have a gym session followed by practice. I won’t be done until much later this evening. We have organized that tomorrow I will hook up with her instead. She wants to hang with Tammy and Lilly tonight. “Don’t worry about it, honestly Liam. It’ll be good for me to hang with the girls. We can be all nerdy and read books, chat about guys and you know the dreaded prom.” “We’ve got you covered now, girl.” I say and notice how she blushes. Man, it is fucking adorable. This girl is starting to kill me. “Thanks for coming to the movies with me, it was huge fun. I absolutely loved it.” Tate gushed as we came out of the cinema. I helped her into the truck, personally it was just an excuse to touch her again. Do you think it’s wrong that I am feeling this way about her? I have no idea but it kind of feels weird to me. The worst thing is that she only sees me as her bestie and now the thought of her leaving me to go to Paris or Texas
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Chapter 47
Tate If I told you I feel a bit lost now that Liam is gone, it’d be true. I try to shirk the way I’m feeling by hooking up my laptop and putting on my favorite Spotify playlist. I love Drake at the moment and Taylor Swift. Who is coming to play here again in Cali in a few months’ time. We’ve all got our VIP tickets organized and I am excited beyond belief. I grab my phone from the bedside whilst laying on my bed not entirely sure what I want to do for the rest of the day. Going to the movies with Liam this morning was such huge fun, I love Disney movies and doubt I’ll ever grow out of it. Idly, I scroll through TikTok then jump over to YouTube to catch up on some of my favorite book bloggers and see what they’ve been reading this month. A couple of books I haven’t read look good. Grabbing my journal and pen, I start to make notes so I don’t forget which ones I want to buy. Lilly and Tammy have both messaged me to see if I want to go to the beach with them. I guess I could, it’d giv
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Chapter 48
LiamThe workout was fun. I ended up pressing more than Denver – we’re always trying to out push each other. “Man, you did so good today. What are you on, some kind of steroids?” He jokes. I’ve never taken steroids in my life and I don’t intend to start. That shit just fucks with you. Besides, I don’t want to be some Arnie lookalike, fuck that shit.I shake my head. “Nah, just better than you are. Admit it, Denver you ain’t never going to be as good as me.”“Jerk.” He responds before starting to kit up for our practice session.“Hey, Liam. You’re an ass.” Shouts out Stetson from his locker area.I flick him the finger. He throws his gym tee at me. It stinks. I stink, I can’t wait for practice to be over and we can hit the showers.“Guys, let’s hustle. We don’t have all day. Unless you want to be losers next week I suggest you get your butts on that field right now.” Coach T.J is in one of his grouchy moods, I can’t blame him. The game coming up is the last of our season at school and
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Chapter 49
TateThe sun feels amazing on my skin, it’s so hot today but we have managed to get some lounges with umbrellas that shade us. Thankfully it isn’t too busy. Tammy is wearing a cute pink bikini although it looks more like scraps of fabric since it doesn’t cover very much at all. She doesn’t seem to be too affected by what has recently happened to her and has agreed to go and speak to a private counsellor.“I’m not going to let it get to me. You know it happened, he is a prize prick but my daddy says that the court will throw the book at him in any case. He’ll get is come uppance.” She says shrugging her shoulders then picks her phone up and sticks ear buds in. That means it is end of that conversation. Lilly and I just glance at each hoping that Tammy will be okay. She seems fine and has been her usual fiery and cheerful self.“I wonder how the guys got on with practice today. Denver is all in one about the game next week. I sure hope they win.” Her hair is bundled on top of her hair,
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Chapter 50
Liam Hanging here with the girls is much better fun than having coach shout his mouth at me. Only, I can’t keep my eyes off Tate. Her tiny red polka dot bikini is so sexy on her uber sexy body. It’s difficult to restrain myself from wanting to pull her bottoms off with my teeth and glide my tongue across her clit and make her come. It’s causing me to stir in my board shorts and I am grateful that they’re baggy-ish and that for once I’m wearing boxers to keep everything in place. That’s right, I usually go commando, I hate being restricted down there. But today I am just thankful I’m wearing them. Tammy is lost in her world of music, I bet she’s listening to Taylor Swift and Drake. To be honest, I like Drake too. What we all need to do is organize to go see him in concert during the summer. “Say, you girls fancy going to see Drake during the holiday? It can be our last concert together, you know before we all head off our separate ways to college.” That brings a pang to my chest. S
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