All Chapters of MY DAD'S BEST FRIEND : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
67 Chapters
She quickens her pace and I use her hair to keep her in place as I rock my hips, hitting the back of her throat.She sputters and chokes, but she does not attempt to push me away. If anything, she encourages me. She opens her lips the widest possible and lets me fuck her mouth.And I do it. I thrust forward until the friction is unbearable, until all my blood rushes to where her skin meets mine, where she’s handing me the reins to use her mouth any way I see fit.My back muscles tighten with each jerk of my hips and I can feel the orgasm ripping through my balls.Before I know it, a growl echoes in the air as I empty down her throat.“Do not swallow it all,” I order as I pull my dick out of her wet heat.She stares at me with those eyes that I always feel the urge to see in order to gauge her mood through them.“Keep my cum in that mouth.”She clamps her lips shut and a trail of cum streaks down her chin. I sit up and pull her toward me by the arm and then my mouth is on hers.I thrus
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GENEVIEVEAs their journey continues, the young couple's love story becomes a shining example of the enduring power of passion, commitment, and shared dreams. It is a story of love that evolves and deepens, becoming a treasure to be cherished.With the passing of years, their passion transforms into a rich and profound connection. Their love is a wellspring of strength, providing unwavering support through the challenges and triumphs of life. The ardor that once defined their youthful days is now a steady flame, radiating warmth and stability.Their desires, though they have evolved, are as powerful as ever. Their longing is not just for the touch of a hand or the taste of a kiss, but also for the companionship, shared adventures, and the knowledge that they are on this lifelong journey together. It's a love that has transcended the confines of youth, deepening into an unbreakable bond.In the face of life's trials, their passion remains a source of solace and inspiration. It serves a
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Because even though he’s standing up for me, he’s doing it in a way a guardian would. In a way where I am just under his care.Where I depend on him.“I do not approve of this, and neither does Brian,” Debra announces. “You need to divorce her.”“With all due respect, I couldn’t give a fuck about what either of you think.”“Daniel! How dare you speak to me in that tone?”I sense it then, the hardening of his walls. They are turning into pure metal with each second and I want to stand and check on him, make sure he’s okay, but his demeanor stops me. This Dan is kind of scary, and it is not the type of fear I would jump straight toward. This type is darker and causes my spine to jerk into a line.“Leave, Mom,” he grinds out through his teeth. “And do not come back here again.”“I am not moving until you promise to do the right thing.”“The right thing? What’s that, Mom? Is it throwing me at the staff to raise me? Or maybe it is trying every trick under the sun to get rid of me when you
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DANIEL“I thought you would not survive Mrs. Van Winter.”I glare at my nephew as he slides on top of the conference table, facing me. The other partners left, but he stayed behind to play the bastard role.“You knew she was coming and did not tell me?”He raises his hands in the air. “Hey. I only got the call after she left. A furious one at that in all of Mrs. Van Winter’s snobbish glory. She kept asking if I knew and then said of course I did and that I should bear the consequences if this becomes public and all that fun stuff. But most of all, she was royally pissed that “the little girl” kicked her out. Ginny really did that?”“Genevieve. The name is Genevieve.” And she did. She kicked out my mother even though she’s not the type who shows rudeness without a reason. Despite her smart tongue and sass, she’s not an antagonist. But she has a strong sense of justice and that is what pushed her to talk to Mrs. Van Winter that way.I have been in a gloomy mood ever since she left this
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GENEVIEVEIn the realm of youth, where the world is painted with vibrant colors and every emotion is felt with intensity, love takes on a form that is passionate, fierce, and irresistibly exhilarating. It's a whirlwind of emotions that ignites the hearts of young lovers and sets their souls ablaze.Young love is a force of nature, untamed and unyielding. It's the feeling of your heart skipping a beat at the mere sight of that special someone, the electric charge that runs through your veins when your fingers touch, and the rush of excitement that makes the world seem like a playground of endless possibilities.Desire in the throes of young love is like a firecracker on the Fourth of July, a burst of energy and fervor that consumes every thought and action. It's the longing for stolen glances, secret rendezvous, and whispered confessions in the moonlight. Every moment spent together is a treasure, every stolen kiss a taste of paradise.Passion in young love is a tempestuous sea, with w
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“My evening, Dan. I was having fun until you showed up.” I am feigning nonchalance and lying through my teeth.No, I wasn’t having fun. I was miserable and headed down a path I did not like even in my intoxicated brain.“You were having fun grinding against those kids and I ruined it, is that what you are saying?”“We…were dancing.”“I saw your ass and stomach rubbing against their fucking dicks, Genevieve. There was no fucking dancing involved.”“Maaaybe.”“Did you like it?” His voice is calm, but his entire body is tight, especially the hand on the steering wheel. That strong, veiny hand that I dreamt about when he wasn’t there.“Did I like what?”“Humping them, gliding your body against their dicks and turning the two of them so fucking crazy with lust that they would’ve taken you on the dance floor. Did you like it?”“Maybe I did. Maybe I am a slut.” I throw his jacket to the side, still high on the alcohol-induced adrenaline.I remove my seatbelt and close the distance separating
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DANIEL“F uck!” I kick my shoes away and run to the pool.Where Genevieve just jumped in because she wasn’t thinking and she’s drunk as fuck. If she had access to her brain, she would’ve remembered that she does not know how to swim.She’s the type who always has some sort of a crutch, even when she’s in the shallow end of the pool. No matter how much King tried to teach her, she never learned to swim.The seconds tick by like a damn lifetime the more she does not resurface. She’s not even flailing around like she usually does when the crutches are taken away.I curse under my breath as I plunge in after her, diving deep into the cold water.The more time I spend getting to her, the harder my fucking heart beats. It does not slow down even after I grab her by the arm and haul her to the surface. She splutters for breath, coughing and choking on water.Her legs circle my waist and she uses me as a lifeline. Her entire body is wrapped around mine as I swim to where I can stand.I grab h
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GENEVIEVE’m in a courtroom.I mean, yes, I have been inside one before when Dad takes the lawyer mic. He’s a witty but very sharp lawyer, the type whom everyone pays attention to when he speaks.But I have not done it since I became Dan’s intern. He said I wasn’t ready back then, but today, he just stood beside my desk and said, “You are coming with me, Shaw.”It is kind of hot when he calls me by my last name at work.They still do not know we’re married, because I kind of begged Chris after I apologized for what I did to him and Alex that night a week ago.He totally spilled it to Jane, though, albeit accidentally. She looked at me weird, but she promised to keep my secret, too. Now, I feel a bit more at ease that I can talk freely with them without feeling like I hold the keys to some intelligence stuff.Chris still does not understand why I even have feelings for Dan, but Jane does, and that is okay. It is also okay if no one else understands, like Dan warned me.The morning afte
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GENEVIEVEAs the love story continues to evolve, the couple finds themselves facing not only the joys but also the trials of life together. They become each other's pillars of support, always there to celebrate achievements and console during hardships. The trust and intimacy that they've built during the initial stages of the romance serve as a solid foundation upon which they can rely.They create memories together, both big and small, from exotic getaways to lazy Sunday mornings spent in each other's company. These shared experiences become a testament to their love, providing a rich tapestry of moments to cherish and reminisce about.Challenges continue to arise, as they do in any relationship, but with open communication and a deep commitment to one another, the couple faces these obstacles as a united front. They learn to navigate disagreements and compromises, always with the knowledge that their love is worth the effort.With time, the romance deepens into a profound, lasting
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Jeez. Debra is a bitch who only likes her sons divorced. Or married to the women she picks, I guess. “You mean like she did to you?”“Her reaction to me was nothing compared to how she acted with Nick and Julia. She was an absolute nightmare and used her influence to have Julia fired from her job and basically blacklisted her in New York City.”“What did Nick do?” I stop pretending that I am focused on helping him prepare the ingredients and lean against the counter to face him.“He fought it at first, but it was too much drama and daily fights and he was caught in the middle. But then he gave my parents a choice—either they leave Julia alone or he’d burn all the plans they had for him. They threatened to disown him, and I never saw my brother as relieved as he was in that moment. As if he’d been carrying a load since he was born and he could finally get rid of it. He chose to be disowned, took Julia, and left the country. Just like that. A few years later, he and his wife died in an
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