All Chapters of MY DAD'S BEST FRIEND : Chapter 61 - Chapter 67
67 Chapters
DANIELknew something was wrong the moment I saw Genevieve sneaking up behind a car.Then came King’s fucking loud voice, because he does not know how to stay quiet.Then Aspen’s full-body shudder as she barely remains upright.But the only person I care about is the girl who’s standing in front of them, her mouth falling open and her nails clinking against each other fast, as if she’s on a mission to injure herself.I step to her side, holding her elbow because she’s on the verge of something, and it is not something good.Her gaze slides to mine and it is a myriad of confused, muted colors as she gulps. “Dan…they said…Dad…called her my mother. It is not true, right?”I tighten my jaw, then glare at King, who’s clenching his fists because he knows he fucked up. He couldn’t just keep quiet. No, he had to make a scene and have her find out this way.He hasn’t been subtle at all since he woke up from the coma. Even I could see that his animosity toward Aspen was uncalled for. She hit ba
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GENEVIEVEate is gone.He disappeared the same day my life shattered topieces after I learned I have had a mother all along who did not know I existed.The same day my dad threatened to remove her from my life again.The same day I cried until there were no tears left, then instead of going home, I went to Dan’s apartment because I needed him. Not anyone else, just him.He’s the only one who’s able to chase away the chaos and make me feel at peace.He’s the only one I think of when my world splinters to pieces. It is not that he mends it together—he’s not my fixer. He’s just the other half who helps me in being me.In fighting away the emptiness.But he wasn’t there and his phone was turned off.So I called Sebastian and he said he had no clue where his uncle was. He still does not. Because Dan left nothing behind and the perpetrator is my father.I could feel it deep down in my heart that Dad had something to do with it. Not only did he drive Dan away, but he also made him the devil
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In the tapestry of love, the difficulties form intricate patterns, weaving together the fabric of our experiences and memories. It's in the trials and tribulations that we discover the resilience of the human spirit, the ability to bounce back from heartache and forge ahead with newfound strength.The journey of love teaches us that perfection is not the goal, but rather, it's the acceptance of imperfections and the willingness to work through them. It's about recognizing that no relationship is without its share of obstacles, and that the process of overcoming them is where we find growth and deep connection.Overcoming the difficulties of love requires a commitment to self-improvement, patience, and a profound understanding of our partner. It's about listening, compromising, and showing kindness even when emotions run high. It's about finding the balance between individual growth and the growth of the relationship itself.In the end, love's difficulties are an invitation to embrace
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DANIELknew this would be hard, but I did not think it would be this fucking unbearable.There is always been an emptiness inside me—it comes with all the baggage of being an unwanted child. But I have managed it well through the years.Or, I thought I had.Turns out, I was only numbing it with no way to effectively deal with it. Which is why I am here, in the middle of nowhere.On the mountain.I have done a lot of hiking and thinking, mostly about her.The girl I left behind without a word because her dick of a father is testing me.“Stay away for a while and take the time off as an overdue vacation,” he told me that day. “If she’s really serious about you, she will not move on. But if she does move on, you will fuck off from her life.”He also wants ten percent of my shares, which will give him the majority in W&S. We agreed to never sell our shares to outsiders or each other in order to keep an equal power balance. But he’s using the circumstances to twist my arm.I agreed anyway.
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GENEVIEVEIn the end, love's difficulties remind us that love is not meant to be perfect; it's meant to be real. It's not about avoiding conflicts or challenges but about navigating them together, hand in hand. It's about finding the courage to confront the issues that arise and the humility to recognize our own flaws.Through the difficulties of love, we discover that love is a dynamic force, ever-changing and evolving. It's a journey of self-discovery and a shared adventure with another person. It's about learning, growing, and evolving together.Love's difficulties may test our patience and resolve, but they can also deepen our emotional connection. They make the moments of laughter and tenderness all the more precious. The difficulties are like the shadows that define the contours of the relationship, making it multi-dimensional and unique.Ultimately, love's difficulties are part of the intricate mosaic of life, and they are a testament to our humanity. They remind us that love i
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THREE YEARS LATERSomething is evidently amiss, and the signs of its presence are glaringly conspicuous. The unmistakable manifestation of this disquieting anomaly lies in the unequivocal fact that Genevieve, a typically unwavering and unswerving companion, has taken a perplexing turn towards avoidance when it comes to me.A deviation of this nature is an anomaly in itself, as Genevieve has historically been impervious to any inclinations towards avoidance, even in those moments when my behavior has teetered on the precipice of insensitivity and provoked her ire. Instead of retreating or descending into a sullen disposition, she would typically seek solace on my lap, insisting that I impart lessons on decorum and propriety. However, the current situation presents a stark contrast, as she has continued to maintain a conspicuous distance from my presence for a duration spanning two whole days. This departure from her established demeanor is compounded by another observation that is not
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ONE YEAR LATERon’t cry…I am here…” I croak, patting my hand “D on a chubby chest and holding another chubby bottom so she can suck on my breast.Only…I am not holding anything. I am not sitting down either and I am only touching the mattress.I startle, my eyes flying open.Our bedroom comes into sight with the pulled-down curtains that make it dark even though the clock on the wall reads ten in the morning. I fumble for the baby monitor, my heart beating so loudly, I hear it in my ears.Holy shit.Shit.Where are my babies? I clearly remember falling asleep breastfeeding Lily and rocking Logan back to sleep around two in the morning.Did I lose them somehow? Dan spends one night working late in the office, one night, and I lose our twins?They are three months old—I think I got pregnant that day before Dan’s birthday a year ago. As soon as we found out the news, I was ecstatic, but that can not be said about everyone else. Dad wondered if I was going to be fine with law school and e
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