All Chapters of She Tempted The Devil : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
91 Chapters
The sports car sped through the dense, hushed woods at a record-breaking speed. Asmo and Maria were inside, their hearts racing as they tried to outpace Satan and escape his clutches. Asmo couldn't teleport Maria back home due to her stubbornness. Despite his attempts, she adamantly refused to be taken, and even when he tried to do so without her consent, his abilities failed him.One of the drawbacks of having her blessing was that she could dictate how and when he could use it. Naturally, his Father would never grant him the power of a Saint without the Saint having control over its usage. Maria's refusal wasn't meant to frustrate Asmo; rather, she was afraid for him. She had overheard Asmo and Lucifer's conversation, and she knew that Satan, the greatest evil in existence, was coming for Asmo. No matter how many times he assured her that he could handle Satan, she remained unconvinced. It was clear to her that they had only two options: leave together or stay to face the Prince of
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Last Words
In a sprawling, dimly lit parking lot on the outskirts of the city, Asmo and Maria materialized, their breaths visible in the cold night air. As they cautiously surveyed their surroundings, a sense of urgency hung in the air, mingling with the tension that crackled between them. The distant hum of traffic served as a stark contrast to the eerie stillness that enveloped the desolate lot.Asmo, his senses on high alert, sought to ensure that his brothers and their relentless minions had not followed them. His attempt to utilize his "Smoke Trail Style" teleportation had yielded unexpected results, leaving him with a profound surge of power that seemed to elevate him beyond imagination. Maria, ever watchful and apprehensive, stood by his side, her eyes reflecting a mixture of concern and defiance.Realizing that his ploy might buy them some time from his relentless siblings, Asmo sought out a car to commandeer. Despite Maria's objections, he revealed the true nature of the parking lot – i
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Turn Back The Clock
Asmo's mind raced with the realization of the intricacy of Satan's plan, acknowledging the devil's cunning strategy to ensnare him. Despite the overwhelming odds, Asmo clung to his unwavering belief in his newfound powers, a newfound strength that surged within him, propelling him forward in the face of insurmountable danger.The weight of the impending confrontation with Satan bore heavily upon him, fueling the fire of determination that blazed within him. Asmo knew that he had to act swiftly and decisively, risking everything in a daring bid to thwart Satan's malevolent scheme and rescue Maria. Surrender was not an option, and Asmo steeled himself for the inevitable clash, prepared to stake everything on the line.As Asmo feigned compliance, allowing himself to relax under Satan's oppressive grip, he bided his time, waiting for the opportune moment to strike. When Satan's hold momentarily waned, Asmo seized the fleeting chance, summoning all his newfound power to vanish alongside th
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A Devil Prays
Suddenly as if by some divine intervention, the heavens seemed to heed his silent plea, and a surge of indomitable strength coursed through him, reclaiming dominion over his own destiny. With a resolute determination, he materialized outside the car, a steadfast guardian standing unwaveringly before Maria, shielding her from the wrathful onslaught that loomed ominously on the horizon.Satan, bearing the harrowing scars of his confrontation with the unimaginable, emerged like a specter of vengeance, his visage marred by the ravages of celestial fury. His countenance, a haunting testament to the cataclysmic clash that had transpired, bore witness to the relentless ferocity that defined his essence.In a chilling display of otherworldly power, Satan, his features obscured by the shroud of his own torment, lunged at Maria with a formidable weapon, a trident forged from the very essence of his wrath. The air crackled with an undercurrent of raw, unbridled malice, the weight of his malevolen
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Happy New Year
Asmo's eyes slowly opened, adjusting to the surrounding light after being momentarily blinded by a sudden burst of white. He found himself no longer in Maria's embrace, but back in Johnny's office. To his shock and relief, Johnny stood before him, alive, strong, healthy, and as talkative as ever.Asmo was at a loss for words. It had worked—the time travel had actually worked. He stared at Johnny, hardly believing his eyes. As Johnny approached, Asmo, overwhelmed with emotion, grabbed and hugged him like never before."Whoa, Asmo, what's gotten into you?" Johnny exclaimed, his breath slightly taken aback by Asmo's intense hug. He couldn't fathom why Asmo was behaving so strangely."Dude, you do realize I'm your manager, right? Unless you're willing to pay me to be your therapist, let's keep things professional," Johnny added with a lighthearted chuckle.The scene was a mix of disbelief, relief, and a touch of humor, as the two friends and colleagues processed the surreal turn of events
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The Devil's Resort
The long-awaited day had finally arrived. Asmo's invitation for the fallen angels to gather on his private island had proven successful. Everyone had shown up, except Belzebub. Asmo couldn't help but notice this absence and turned to Mammon for an explanation.Mammon revealed that Belzebub had downplayed the significance of the family meeting, claiming his status as the prince of demons meant he had other responsibilities. According to Mammon, Belzebub argued that if he joined the gathering, there would be no one to keep the unruly demons in line. Asmo suspected that this was just a convenient excuse, considering Belzebub's previous absences at Asmo's recovery party and the memorable feast at Asmo's house. What could Belzebub be up to?It was unusual for Belzebub to distance himself from his brothers' affairs. Asmo used to jestingly refer to him as "Satan's little bouncer" due to his unwavering support for the Prince of Wrath.Belzebub and Satan shared an unbreakable bond of evil, sec
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Ground Rules
Satan was, of course, the first to rudely intrude on Asmo's well-planned speech, exclaiming, "Did you seriously bring us here to reminisce about our primitive years? I have a Christmas to ruin, a world to plunge into chaos, and lives to take."Asmo closed his eyes and began to take deep breaths, maintaining skin contact with Mammon to center himself amidst Satan's disruptive outburst. The tension in the room was palpable as the clash of personalities threatened to derail the meeting.Just as Satan was about to ask Asmo why he was being ignored, Mammon uttered, "Hush, Satan! Take your seat and be quiet. If you act nice, maybe Santa will take you off the naughty list and bring you the gift of common sense, which might come in handy for you in the new year."Mammon put his hand over his mouth to prevent even more damning remarks. Everyone at the table was shocked upon hearing the brutal verbal jabs Mammon hit Satan with, seemingly unprovoked. The atmosphere in the room grew even tenser a
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Ground Zero
Asmo, his gaze unwavering, met Satan's simmering rage with an unspoken resolve as he rose up from the ground.The air crackled with tension, the weight of unspoken grievances hanging heavy between them. As the room fell into a charged silence, the only sound that permeated the air was the ominous hum of Satan's Saber of Wrath, a testament to the storm brewing within him."Mammon, I know you are no traitor but Asmo...," Satan seethed, his voice cutting through the stillness like a blade. "Did you think I wouldn't see through your deception? as you were orchestrating this charade. You underestimate my will if you believe I will bend to your whims."Asmo, his usual bravado not replaced by a single flicker of remorse, shifted easily under Satan's piercing gaze. "I... I meant for it to come to this.Satan!!!,just give up.Madeus doesn't want to hurt you.Don't refuse to heed to my advice."Asmo, his eyes betraying absolutely no glimmer of regret, rose from his seat, his movements deliber
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What's Next
After finishing their dinner, the pressing question on their minds was what to do next. It was evident that none of them could leave the island, nor could they exact revenge on the resort owner, Asmodeus, for imprisoning them on this deserted island.Asmo was relishing every moment spent with his brothers. He had even managed to subdue Satan himself, and now he was determined to coerce the others into participating in some traditional Christmas activities.He had already begun scheming, making phone calls to initiate his side plans. When Lucifer saw the smirk on his face, he felt compelled to walk up to Asmo, take away his phone, and air his grievances, stating his own ground rules."Since you got what you want, I also have my own reservations and rules to be obeyed. No phones, no internet, and most of all, no secrets are allowed. You wanted us to live like we were still in Noah's time, then let's do it right."Asmo was surprised but quickly got over his shock and replied, "Great, I l
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Christmas Eve Do Over
As the night of Christmas Eve descended, Asmo set up a bonfire in the hopes that his brothers would join him around the crackling flames. Satan was the first to arrive, but Asmo suspected that he was only there to see if he could take advantage of the situation. Using his telepathic abilities, Asmo summoned Madeus, who materialized just in time to make Satan move to the farthest side of the seats encircling the bonfire. The flames danced and crackled, casting flickering shadows on the faces of the three brothers as tension hung heavy in the air."Asmo also blurted out what Satan was itching to know,"Brother Satan, or Saturn, whichever you prefer, I just want to inform you that I am not the one with the nuclear codes for the missile. The reason there is an internet connection on the island is because of an AI which remotely controls the technology. I made sure there were no humans here, so I had to get an Artificial Intelligence assistant to clean up the mess you guys would end up maki
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