All Chapters of She Tempted The Devil : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
91 Chapters
Christmas Day Again
Asmo woke up the next day feeling energized and calm. The Carols night, which turned into The Seven Confessions of the Fallen Angels, helped lift the weight of Asmo's past transgressions. Now, he had the clearest conscience on the block, giving him the confidence to say, "Merry Christmas, Devils! Rise and shine. Come on, your chores won't do themselves. It's Christmas day again!"Lucifer was the first to rise without being coerced into doing something Asmo wanted. He was intrigued by Asmo's statement, particularly the way he said "Christmas day again." Asmo sounded like he had lived through this Christmas before. It was then that Lucifer realized he had forgotten something important.Lucifer, the prince of pride, would normally never forget a thing. His mind wandered for the rest of the day, trying to uncover what exactly had slipped his mind. He was sure Asmo was hiding something else, but he didn't want to alert Asmodeus before he had a chance to find out the truth. So, Lucifer play
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New Year Celebrations
As the year came to a close, Asmo had finally achieved the unthinkable - he had convinced his brothers to stay on the island with him until the end of the year. He couldn't help but feel like he deserved an award for this remarkable feat. Who else could manage to keep the Devils at bay and docile for so long that they began to enjoy the peace and quiet? Even Satan himself became more compliant and less rebellious as the year progressed.Now, it was time for the best part of the festive season - lighting up the night sky. However, there was a problem: Asmo had brought no fireworks to the island. How would they manage to celebrate without them?Knowing how inventive Asmo could be, it was entirely possible for him to have an alternative for the absence of fireworks.When night fell and the countdown to the new year began, Asmo gathered his brothers around a specific part of the island and briefed them on his next plan of action.As Asmodeus began to reveal his crazy plan, he spoke with a
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Big Bang
As the doomsday clock of the missile ticked down to its final moments, the air crackled with an eerie tension. The Devil and his brothers stood frozen, their eyes fixed on the looming threat above. Then, in a sudden burst of blinding light, the missile streaked upward, leaving a fiery trail in its wake.At first, there was a collective gasp as the missile soared higher and higher, its ominous presence casting a shadow over the island. Then, as if defying the impending catastrophe, the night sky erupted into a kaleidoscope of brilliance. The missile detonated in a spectacular display, unleashing a dazzling array of colors that painted the heavens.The explosion transformed the dark canvas of the night into a breathtaking spectacle, each burst of light illuminating the faces of the Devil and his brothers in a surreal glow. The resounding boom echoed across the island, reverberating through the very core of their beings.Amidst the chaos of light and sound, a sense of wonder and relief w
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A FEW DAYS AFTER NEW YEARS EVE...Asmodeus stepped into Mammon's opulent office, the air heavy with the scent of wealth and power. The polished marble floors and towering windows offered a breathtaking view of the city below, a stark contrast to the desolate island where they had been stranded. Mammon, seated behind a mahogany desk, exuded an aura of authority as he regarded Asmodeus with a mix of curiosity and concern.They were having a drink and recollecting what happened after Satan stole Asmo's yacht.Mammon: "Asmo, do you remember that time when Satan pulled that stunt with our private yacht on New Year's Eve?"Asmodeus: "Oh, how could I forget? It was a classic Satan move, leaving us stranded on that resort island while he took off with our yacht."Mammon: "And the best part was when his grand plan to escape in the yacht backfired, and he ended up stranded in the middle of the sea with no fuel!"Asmodeus: "Ha! That was priceless. We were living it up on the island, and suddenly
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In a rich, quiet estate nestled within the bustling metropolis of New York City, a mailman pedaled furiously on his bike, tossing newspapers with precision at the opulent doorsteps of each luxurious mansion. His movements were a symphony of grace and purpose, the morning air vibrating with the soft thud of the newspapers landing in perfect alignment with their intended destinations. As the newspapers settled, a sense of anticipation permeated the surroundings, as if the delivery of the news held a profound significance that transcended the mundane act.One such newspaper, propelled by an unexpected gust of wind, sailed through an open window, narrowly missing the owner of a grand mansion, Asmodeus, the former king of hell. Startled by the unexpected intrusion, Asmodeus emerged from his abode, his imposing figure exuding an air of regal authority. His piercing gaze bore witness to the headline that had disrupted his solitude: "Valentine is coming. Where is your lover? Don't be sitting
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No More
In the vibrant corridors of the college campus, Alan, his golden locks catching the sunlight, confidently strode towards the public washroom. With a vigilant glance around, he ensured privacy for what he believed would be a discreet.Plugging in his earphones, he retrieved his phone, a sly smirk playing on his lips as he prepared to immerse himself in a tantalizing R18 video. Little did he know, destiny had different plans in store.As Alan eagerly tapped to commence his clandestine viewing, his eyes widened in shock as the imposing figure of Asmo, the once-feared ruler of hell turned CEO of an STD awareness company, materialized on the screen. Clad in a pristine white coat, Asmo's presence commanded attention as he addressed Alan directly, his words laced with a potent blend of authority and amusement."Hello, Alan," Asmo's booming voice echoed through the video, freezing Alan in place, his heart thumping with apprehension. Asmo continued,"Caught you in the act, didn't I? You thoug
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Valentine Bounty
As Valentine's Day approached, Asmo, the former king of hell, found himself drawn to the orphanage where his favorite employee, Maria Ave, had been raised. With the cool breeze of February blowing through the city, Asmo arrived in style, driving the latest model of a sleek car, his coat catching the attention of passersby with its elegance and finesse.Entering the orphanage, he was greeted by the harmonious voices of children, turned into a choir under Maria's guidance, singing the timeless melody of 'Ave Maria'. Mesmerized by the scene unfolding before him, Asmo observed from afar, marveling at the beauty of their performance.It was only after Maria had finished her session with the children that she noticed Asmo's presence. Excitedly, the children rushed towards him, eager for the gifts he had brought. Asmo skillfully distracted them with the expensive tokens of his affection, allowing him to approach Maria undisturbed.With a jovial smile, Asmo knelt before Maria, his eyes filled
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Planning Committee
In the opulent halls of Asmo's mansion, adorned with lavish tapestries and flickering candlelight, the atmosphere buzzed with anticipation. Asmo, clad in his finest attire, paced restlessly as he awaited the arrival of the esteemed event designers.As the designers trickled in, each one bearing an aura of creativity and flair, the room ignited with energy. Asmo, his gentle demeanor contrasting with the opulence surrounding him, greeted them with a warm smile, while the servants of the mansion darted around, eyes wide with wonder.Amidst the vibrant chatter and clinking of glasses, ideas began to flow like a river. "We could transform the courtyard into a magical garden," suggested one designer, gesturing animatedly, while another proposed a whimsical carousel for the children.Yet, amidst the flurry of suggestions, discord brewed. Egos clashed, and tensions simmered beneath the surface. Asmo, growing increasingly frustrated, searched for a solution amidst the chaos.Then, like a beaco
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Mammon sat at his CEO desk in the World Bank headquarters, attempting to bury his personal turmoil beneath the weight of his work. His thoughts, however, were consumed by his ongoing conflict with his beloved brother Asmo. As he grappled with his emotions, a palpable presence entered the building, sending a shiver down Mammon's spine.He instinctively reached for the security cameras, hoping to identify the intruder, but before he could focus, the screens shattered into a thousand pieces. Alarmed, Mammon moved to call for security when a figure materialized before him, holding the severed head of his female secretary.The being's presence was both familiar and immensely intimidating. In a flash, Mammon conjured his Saber, ready to defend himself against this unexpected threat. To his astonishment, the Saber dissolved as it made contact with the being, leaving him defenseless. Before Mammon could react, the figure spoke, its voice carrying an otherworldly authority, "Be blind no more,
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Mammon, consumed by contemplation, had been ensconced in his thoughts for what seemed like an eternity, pondering his next move with meticulous precision. Having dispatched the most skilled assassins known to man to eliminate Maria, the captivating woman who had captivated his brother Asmodeus to the point of forsaking his rightful claim to the throne of darkness, Mammon found himself at a crossroads. With his brother's sanity hanging in the balance, Mammon knew he had no alternative but to remove Maria from the equation, hoping to restore Asmodeus to his former self.In a moment of divine inspiration, a brilliant scheme crystallized in Mammon's mind, prompting him to vanish into thin air and reappear in a secluded town in the heart of Italy, where he materialized in the very abode of Delilah, Maria's devoted personal assistant. Delilah, taken aback and trembling with fear at the sudden appearance of the enigmatic figure before her, found her voice stifled by an unseen force, renderin
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