All Chapters of Caught Between Two Brothers : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
100 Chapters
A criminal’s proposition
SERENA’S POVI could feel my body aching as I finally gained consciousness again. I opened my eyes slowly and winced, taking in my surroundings. All I could see was an empty room made of bare concrete walls and a single bulb overhead. I realized that my wrists were bound tightly behind the cold metal chair. I started to panic instantly. Where the hell was I and how long had I been there ? Twisting against the ropes, I opened my mouth to scream but only gagged noises came out as my mouth was tied. I tried to shake off myself from the chair but it was too tight. The door scraped open suddenly, and three men entered.My heart leapt into my mouth as I stared at them. Two hefty men which I recognized from earlier were standing with an average sized man puffing on a cigar. His hair was cut short and he was wearing glasses and sprouted a long beard.He grinned toothily, stepping forward."Don't even think about screaming, girlie," he warned as he puffed on his cigar. He snapped his finger
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SERENA’S POVI barely slept at all last night, Richard Miller's threats replaying in my mind over and over. I also didn’t let anyone at home know that I was kidnapped so that they didn’t need to worry about anything.By the time sunlight started peeking through my curtains, I gave up any pretense of sleep. My head pounded as I dragged myself out of bed, but I ignored it. I couldn’t wait to get to work and confront Bianca, because just maybe she had some way to explain all this. As I hurried out the door, Mom called after me. "Serena, are you all right?" I forced a smile and pecked her cheek. "I'm fine, just running late." But her worried frown told me she didn't believe the lie. Once in my car, I sped towards the office, not even caring that I was breaking more than a few traffic laws.Bianca strolled in like she owned the place just after 7am, looking put together as always. I stormed up to her, unable to wait a moment longer. "We need to talk. Now."She rolled her eyes melodramat
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Spend the night with me
CAMERON’S POVSeconds slowed as I stared at her, swallowing hard. "I —I never stopped loving you, Serena. And I always will." I had definitely been dying to tell her that but if she wasn’t sober right now,she definitely wouldn’t remember by morning. Then slowly, hesitantly, she took a small step closer to me until we were just a breath apart. My heart raced as I searched her eyes, and then finally, very gently, she pressed her lips to my cheek. A shiver went down my spine at the feather light touch. Lifting a hand, my fingers found her silky hair and I whispered, "You need some rest, Serena."She pulled back, eyes flashing defensively. "Don't tell me what to do Cameron. You have no idea what I'm dealing with." "Then help me understand," I pleaded gently. "Let me be here for you." For a long moment she just stared at me, and then she turned away, heading for her room.I followed suit, watching her change into a short black dress that hugged her full curves."Where are you going n
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It was just one night
KADEN’S POVI woke up with a start as soon as the glaring red light of my alarm clock pierced through my bleary eyes.7am. Groaning, I rubbed the sleep from my face and tried to sit up, only to freeze in panic at the sight of a mess of mint green hair fanned out on the pillow next to me. My brain scrambled to make sense of what I was seeing. This had to be just one person. I realized with dawning horror that it was Bianca, her chest rising and falling softly with sleep. "What the hell?!" I choked out, scrambling backward so violently that I toppled right off the edge of the mattress. My memories were fuzzy, but I knew for certain this was not supposed to happen.Bianca stirred awake and rubbed her eyes, sighing tiredly."Kaden?" She yawned, before peering over at me with bewildered eyes. "Why are you almost on the floor? It's Saturday, go back to sleep and relax.No need to yell.""Don't you dare tell me to go back to sleep!" I exploded, adrenaline and anger replacing my shock. "Exp
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Can’t remember
SERENA’S POV "Ugh, where am I?" I grumbled, as my eyes popped open,trying to adjust to the brightness. My head pounded like someone was banging inside my skull with a hammer.I slowly pushed myself up into a sitting position, the soft cotton instantly feeling cool against my bare legs. Glancing down, I realized with a start that I was clad only in an oversized t-shirt that was not mine. The worn fabric hung loosely around my shoulders, and my chest tightened as I recognized the design. It was one of Cameron's concert tees, plus his sweet scent was all over me. That's when it hit me. I knew this bedroom. Knew those deep grey walls and sleek modern furniture. This was Cameron's apartment. The same loft he used to bring me all the time when we were dating. I dragged my hands down my face, trying to piece together how on earth I ended up here half naked and hungover. "Morning sleeping beauty." Cameron's low voice came from the doorway, pulling me from my thoughts. My head snapped up to
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Me or him?
SERENA’S POVI was about to fire back a sharp retort when Cameron cut in smoothly. "She was with me. Got a problem with that? You really shouldn’t because you were with your girlfriend, enjoying her company. Saw you two getting cozy as you headed upstairs." Kaden's face flared crimson. "Back off, man. You don't know shit about me and her." Cameron just smirked, infuriating Kaden further. "All I know is she was wasted and upset. Good thing someone was around to take care of her properly." Their eyes were locked in a tense stand-off now. My head was spinning. "Alright, that's enough." I said firmly, stepping between them. "What happened last night doesn't matter. Kaden, I appreciate your concern but my night is really none of your business."He scoffed, clearly intoxicated by raging jealousy. "None of my business? I was worried about you.. what you might have thought..”My response was quick. "I just wanted a peaceful morning but clearly that's impossible with you two bickering. I do
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Long enough
SERENA’S POVI felt my heart racing and cheeks burning as I stammered, "Mom, how long were you standing there exactly?" She looked at me with concerned eyes, "Long enough to hear the raucous yelling but not make out what was being said. I am wondering what all the fuss was about between these two grown men." She shot a chiding look at Cameron and Kaden, who appeared to have calmed down a bit.I took a deep breath to calm my nerves. Quick, I needed to come up with an explanation. "It was just a, uh, legal case thing at the company. Work stuff, you know how messy disputes can get." Mom furrowed her brows, clearly not fully convinced. "A legal case? Between you, Cameron and Kaden? What on earth is this case about that has the three of you arguing like that?" she pried.I shuffled on my feet anxiously, mind working frantically to think of a very believable lie. "It's just a property development plan we're working on together that hit a disagreement. But like I said, it's being handled
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SERENA’S POV"So I take it you all have heard the news," I said with a sigh, setting my bag down heavily. My mother rose from the couch, hands clenched together tightly. "Serena, is it true what we saw on the news? You're defending that man?"I sighed, nodding as I hung up my coat. "Mom please,do not look at me like that. You know as well as I do he has a right to legal representation, guilty or not." Dan snorted derisively. "Please. That monster doesn't deserve rights. Did you forget what he's accused of? How could you represent that monster, Serena?Do you have any idea the things he's done? The people he's hurt?""I'm well aware of the charges," I replied, keeping my tone even. "Murder one. But it's precisely because of allegations this serious that competent counsel is needed the most. I have an obligation to see that due process is followed."Dan looked more irritated by the second."You think you can defend a ruthless man like that? He'll destroy you if you try. Get yourself out
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KADEN’S POVEver since that night with Bianca, things hadn’t been great with Serena and I. I didn’t know if she just avoided me or she was genuinely choked with the stress of representing Richard Miller. Till now, I still didn’t understand why she was taking up the bastard’s case. I hoped she would at least give me a chance to explain myself one of these days. It was fucking killing me inside. When I drove in from work that evening, I swiped at my phone to see Bianca’s text requesting an urgent meeting. What could be so important that it couldn't wait? "We need to talk. I'm coming over." Nothing good ever followed an ominous message like that and I felt quite uneasy.When the doorbell finally rang, I swung it open prepared for the apocalypse. "Kaden, there's something I need to tell you," Bianca said without preamble. Her expression gave nothing away as she brushed past into the living room. "Alright, you're worrying me now. Just spit it out," I replied quickly."Relax, I have s
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The Engagement
SERENA’S POVMy chest felt tight as I watched Bianca and Kaden leave my bedroom, closing the door behind them."Damn it," I muttered, hitting the mattress in frustration. I had cried more tears over him than any other man, and it was getting pathetic. I must have looked like a fool, crying like that in front of them. In front of Bianca. What was even wrong with me? I couldn't put my finger on it, the tears just kept flowing of their own. I hated showing any sign of weakness. I walked over to my en suite bathroom and looked at my puffy, red eyes in the mirror. I splashed some cool water on my face, trying to wash away the evidence of my episode. As the water dripped down my cheeks, my heart still ached with a pain I didn't fully understand. Where was this coming from?Ughhhhhhhhh!I took a few deep breaths, drying my face with a towel. I had to pull myself together. I couldn't let this...whatever this was continue affecting me. There was work to be done. When morning came, I was sh
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