All Chapters of THE LYCAN KING'S HIDDEN PRINCESS : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
50 Chapters
Alari's povMy dreams were plagued by memories of my mother training, learning to use her powers and by the time I woke up, I felt like I could take my trainer on.Of course I couldn't, it just felt like it with my new found knowledge. Damien had left already and left a note telling me where to find him. I quickly got out of bed and put on my training gear and raced to find him. I wasn't quite sure but I think I knew what to work on for me to progress faster. I didn't know where the training grounds were but my guards did and they took me there without question. First thing I saw when we broke through the tree line leading to the training grounds was Damien's ripped and naked back. He was only in shorts and sneakers, his entire upper body unclad to every eye there. It wasn't too obvious but a lot of the women were checking him out.He turned to face me and smiled as I approached. “Hey darling” he greeted, wrapping a hand around my waist to pull me next to him. “Hey baby” I gree
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Demonic little things
Alari's povDamien and I made our way back to the castle after a lot more sparring and correcting my form way too many times. Kyle had showed up about two hours in, joining Damien at pointing out my mistakes as Lesley and I fought. My muscles were tense and begging me for a break by the time I hit the shower. Damien joined me and as much as I loved my time with him in the shower, my mind couldn't help but going back to when I was fighting with Lesley. I couldn't stop thinking about how I always caught hits that were for sure supposed to hit, nor explain the rush I felt when my mind opened up everytime it happened. “You're not here” Damien whispered into my ear, successfully bringing me back to the current and making my body shiver. “Sorry, can't seem to stop thinking about today's training” I said, turning around so he could wash my back. “Yeah you were awesome love, and a quick learner” he said and I only hummed, wondering if he didn't notice.
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Love Letter
Alari's povThe next three weeks were the most grueling of my life, I swear I thought I was going to die in more than one occasion. I pushed myself until I couldn't even move and still found the strength to go past that. I don't know how or when it happened but whenever it was, I started using my strength to the fullest. I stopped holding back and it was then I realised, I'd actually been holding my progress back by being so afraid to hurt someone. They didn't even care whether bones broke or not. Plus mom's memories were coming in handy, and that thing I do, seeing without looking, yeah I was getting real good at doing that. “Okay, that's enough for today” Kyle heaved as he bent forward, using his knees to hold himself up. “Tired already” I panted, mimicking his stance, to which he chuckled at. “Yes, I'm beat” he said, standing up straight when Brent brought us water bottles. “Thanks”
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Damien’s povPeace in the midst of chaos is something I'd never felt before yet here I was, watching my mate address her security detail and castle staff. She was in control, not afraid or angry, like we were a step of ahead of everything. “We are in control, trust mate” Roman said, but it wasn't that I didn't trust her, I was afraid for her. My heart stopped when she linked me and told me Narcissa had left a note. All I could think about was that she was in danger and I wasn't there. I dropped my guard, I left her side and the enemy took that chance to sneak in. “You couldn't have seen it coming love” a voice I hadn't heard in a while said, making me blink a few times before raising my head to look at Alari but she was still focused on everyone there. “S.. Sapphira?” I asked and she chuckled, her voice tickling my brain in the most pleasurable way. “Yes, you left yourself wide open sugar” she said and I was a little embarrassed but happy to speak with her none the less. “It's
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Mercy for a traitor
Alari's povI'd been expecting a note the next day but was quite disappointed?... Pleased! I was pleased that the biggest threat to my life and Kingdom hadn't accessed my bedroom. But it did leave me anxious to know when we'd hear from her again, or was increasing security the right move to make?As much as I wanted to believe that we had countered our enemy's attack pretty good, it felt like I was waiting for the other shoe to drop.And I wasn't disappointed… and maybe a little excited I was right. It had been quiet for two days after the first note and just when I was expecting the day to go without a hitch, I found another one. A sticky note on the sliding door leading out to the balcony, which was open by the way and I knew it couldn't have been Damien who opened it. We'd left the room together like we'd been doing since the first note and only seperated when I came to shower if he had something important to attend to. One thing I was happy about was that it didn't quite shak
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I come in peace
Narcissa's povI was just coming down from an earth shattering orgasm when the door to the mistress's quarters flew open. Minerva marched inside, not even batting an eye at the erotic scene before her. “Mistress, a word” she bowed, not sparring me a single glance. Not that I cared what she thought about me, she wanted me dead and for as long as I was useful to the mistress, she couldn't touch me. “Oh speak already Minerva, I don't have all day” my mistress said, not moving from where she lay with her head between my legs. “The spy was caught and is held in their dungeon and we haven't even begun phase two of the plan to capture the girl” she said, sounding annoyed. “Another failure, like the rest of you!” She sneered, her glare burning into my skin. She was the physical embodiment of ‘if looks could kill’. “Seems I was wrong to trust you pet” my mistress said, throwing my leg over her shoulder and kissing a trail down my inner thigh to the soft spot between my pussy and thigh.
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A woman scorned
Alari's povThe sounds coming from Damien were sounding more animalistic with every passing second, and I didn't know whether I should worry or not.He looked bigger, hairier, and I was pretty sure he was hunched over, just a little. Not sure if it's the accurate thing to assume but I think Damien was mid shift.Was it even possible? For both man and beast to be present at the same time?“Sheesh, why do I feel so unwelcome?” Narcissa taunted, was she trying to get a reaction out of him. “Stop messing around” I growled at her, getting ready to shift if need be. “You guys are no fun! Boo” she said, giving us a thumbs down, and I swear I almost asked how old she was. “Keep your guard up Lari” Sapphira reminded. “I wanted to see for myself if the rumour was true” she said staring at me intensely. “And what rumour is that” I asked, needing her to state her reasons for invading our home.“That your elven whore of a mother left an exact copy of her. Down to her eyes” her gaze hardened,
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Knock me out
Alari's pov“Are you okay?” Damien asked, now fully human again. “Yes” I answered, and I was. “That was a lot to take in my love, are you sure you're alright?” He asked again and I leaned into him, hoping his scent could calm me enough to push down the blood lust but the slight smell of blood in his scent made it worse. “I am alright, I really am. It's just…” I didn't know how to say it, maybe I did and didn't like what it implied. “You want to rip her heart out while you watch the life drain from her eyes” he said softly, making me look up at him. “I'm very familiar with bloodlust my love, and I'm also aware I reek of blood” he joked, reminding me of how we were spiritually connected. He could feel the need to kill pulsating through me. “And no, it doesn't make you a bad person, not when it's deserved” he said, making me sigh and return my head to his chest. “How did she even get in here? This place has zero privacy! She couldn't have just walked in” I said, only now thinking
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Alari's pov “So… you've been able to communicate with Lylla since your shift?” Dad asked as we descended the steps to the dungeon. “Yeah” I said, turning right at the bottom of the stairs.“And you have her memories?” He asked again and I looked back at him with a smile. “Yep” I smiled, the surprise on his face quite amusing. “Illuminus” I said and a ball of light appeared on my hand and I turned back to navigating the dark hall way. “Alari, if you have her memories then you can find the dark elves!” Mom exclaimed, as if just figuring it out. “Actually, no. The memory was wiped” I said with a sigh as we reached the end of the hall. “Fucking Pixies” mom muttered under her breathe and I just smiled, at least now dad and her felt the same about Pixies. “Okay, what now?” Damien asked as my eyes went up and down the wall before us. “Pull that torch down” I said, pointing at the torch on his right and he did so without question.We waited a few seconds before the sound of chains pu
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Hold her
Damien's pov I couldn't stop my heart from racing, every part of me wanted to stop this but I knew I couldn't, I had to let her do this. “Noli intrare malum, non transitum” she began her spell and I wondered what language it was. Latin maybe?It wasn't long after she said those words that I noticed something happen in the pool. I could feel the pull getting stronger, like it was calling out to me. She repeated the incantation and the writings on the stones lit up, making me tilt my head to the side in wonder. “Is it working?” I asked lowly so I didn't disturb her and her dad nodded with a whispered ‘yes’.Something was happening with the water, the light within it seemed to be whirling around Alari. She said the incantation again and I felt a jolt of electricity rush down my spine. Before I could question what that was, I felt the bond I had with every wolf and Lycan in the Kingdom awaken.The life force of every shifter under the Kingdom fuelled my Lycan and I could feel Roman p
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