All Chapters of His Deadly Obsession: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
149 Chapters
Escort my important guest
Ben did not give up hope and made another proposal to Diana."Then would you bother if I dropped you off at home?"Ben's proposal was sweet. But Diana's lips were tightly sealed. She knew Ben was her colleague but every time she could not just reject him.'What's wrong if I go on a date with him? I have no real relationship with Max. Going on a date with Ben can't hurt...' Diana contemplated, glancing at Ben. Finally, she agreed to his proposal."Then let's leave."As they were about to depart, Max's voice unexpectedly echoed, calling out to Diana."Diana!"They quickly made a U-turn. Diana, caught off guard by Max's sudden appearance, found her thoughts lingering on him even as she stood there with Ben.Diana raised an eyebrow at Max's audacious claim. She maintained her composure and responded to Max with a calm tone, "Why are you here?"A smirk played on Max's lips as he confidently moved closer to Diana. He replied in a playful manner, "Of course, I am here to pick up my girlfrien
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Don't you want to talk
On the other side of the story, in the confined space of Max's car, a tense exchange unfolded."Let me go, Max."Max, unmoved by her shouts, pushed her into the car without a care for her well-being. As he stepped into the car, he locked the door and started the engine. In a matter of minutes, the car accelerated, the urgency in Max's actions palpable."Max, what are you doing?" Diana questioned, the unease evident in her voice."Don't you want to talk to him? Why not you call him right now?"Max gritted his teeth in response, his tone cold and detached.After driving a short distance, Max came to a sudden stop at the corner of the road. The silence inside the car was shattered as he gripped Diana's hand with force."Max!"Diana exclaimed, furrowing her brow as she attempted to loosen his hold. However, the more she struggled, the tighter Max's grasp became."Diana, do you really think to call that man?"Max questioned, the intensity of his gaze locking onto hers."Yes, I will give h
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Summon a maid
Hazel, taken aback by the unexpected request, hesitated for a moment. Her mind raced, unsure of how to respond. Before she could gather her thoughts, Francisco, with a sly smirk, interrupted, "It's okay."A mix of relief and confusion played on Hazel's face. She was about to express her thoughts, but Francisco, once again, cut in, "But I will come here to see you another time."His words hung in the air, leaving Hazel in a state of mild astonishment. Francisco's demeanor, a blend of charm and mystery, intrigued her. As he climbed back into his car, the engine hummed to life, and he rolled down the window."Until next time, Hazel," he said, a glint of playfulness in his eyes.As the car slowly pulled away, Hazel stood there, watching the vehicle disappear into the night.**Max returned to the mansion, his face a storm of anger that left no room for interpretation. His clenched jaw and furrowed brow painted a picture of frustration and resentment that was hard to ignore. As he made his
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Take this
Diana was acutely aware of how to hurt and annoy him, a strategy that seemed to bring her a strange sense of satisfaction.Max shifted his gaze away from Diana, his thoughts tangled in the web of hurt and resentment.Diana's soothing voice cut through the tense atmosphere, a deceptive calmness masking the storm that brewed beneath the surface. "You should now get some rest," she advised, her words carrying a hint of concern."Call her right now," Max urged, his tone a sharp command.Diana pursed her lips, the rage bubbling within her threatening to explode. The wounds of jealousy and pain were fresh, and Max's insistence on reaching out to the maid reignited the flames of her anger.Diana, her face stern and determined, put the first aid kit box on the table with purpose. Max remained on the bed, his posture unchanged, caught in the crossfire of their unspoken conflict.She stood up and went to get a glass of water for him."Take this."Max's laughter echoed, a bitter sound that reve
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What about your patient
Diana, with a deep breath, gathered the strength to make Max look at her. There was an unspoken understanding between them, a silent agreement that transcended words. Yet, Max, interpreting her silence as a green light, continued his tender gestures."Not tonight, Diana," Max's words carried a magnetic force, and for a moment, she felt the pull of his charisma weakening her resolve.However, Diana, though ensnared by the chemistry that crackled in the air, remained steadfast in her decision.She maintained a stoic silence, a silent battle waging within her. Max, interpreting her silence as a reluctant affirmation, leaned in to place a devoted kiss on her neck.His lips met the tender skin, and for a fleeting moment, time seemed to stand still. Diana's hand instinctively stroked through Max's hair, entangled in the fervor of the moment. But soon, a realization struck her—Max was not moving."Not tonight, Max."She mumbled, a sigh escaped her lips.Diana carefully shifted Max beside her
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"Oh, Max." Diana, caught off guard by the directness of the conversation, responded, "No, I haven't gone to his room." "Give him the utmost attention. He must come round as soon as possible." The weight of Francisco's words hung in the air, and Diana replied with a simple, "Yes." Her stunned manner reflected the unexpected nature of the conversation. "Just who do you want to come round?" The atmosphere in the mansion shifted as Max's voice reverberated through the room. Buttoning his shirt, he descended the stairs with a nonchalant demeanor. Diana instinctively averted her gaze, but as Max approached, he turned to face her with a frigid gaze that seemed to lack any sentiment. Francisco, engrossed in his laptop, seemed unfazed by Max's entrance. "We were speaking of you, Max. How are you feeling now?" he inquired, maintaining a composed tone. "Me?" Max feigned ignorance, adding, "What has happened to me?" With a casual glance towards Diana, Francisco said, "I've heard you're
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"Hazel!" He called, prompting her to turn back. Her posture exuded professionalism as she faced him. "Yes, sir," she responded, her eyes meeting his. Francisco, intrigued by her promptness and composure, took a moment before asking, "Why are you leaving?" Hazel, momentarily caught off guard, gathered herself. "I consider this to be an important call for you," she replied with a confident smile, revealing her understanding of the intricacies of his role. A smirk played on Francisco's lips at her response. He took a deep breath, nodding approvingly. "You are my PA, so you don't have to leave every time." His words were a mix of acknowledgment and a subtle invitation to delve deeper into the layers of her professional persona. "Ah my mistake." "I sincerely apologize." Hazel's lowered her green eyes. Francisco, with a tilt of his head and a smirk playing on his lips, acknowledged her words. "Come here," he casually beckoned, a tone of intrigue in his voice that Hazel found bo
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Francisco, turning to face Hazel, murmured, "Karan, that's extremely kind of you.""But my PA will pick out my clothing this time."Hazel felt a mixture of astonishment and responsibility. The weight of choosing attire for someone as influential as Francisco stirred a sense of importance within her.Mrs. Karan, though momentarily surprised, gracefully acquiesced to Francisco's decision.Hazel's eyes narrowed as she heard Francisco's directive, but he paid no attention to her reaction, casually settling onto a plush couch and lighting up a cigarette. Mrs. Karan, seemingly unperturbed, extended an invitation."Please come. I will show you the men's area," Karan said with a slight smile.Hazel, a bit nervous as it was her first visit to a renowned branded store, followed Karan towards the men's section. In the midst of high-end fashion, curiosity got the better of Mrs. Karan."It seems Francisco really depends on his PA more than his girlfriend," she remarked.The mention of a girlfriend
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You are beautiful
Accepting the packet, Hazel swiftly entered a designated changing room. The space was sizable, surrounded by large mirrors that reflected her every move. Taking a quick glance in the mirror, she efficiently dressed herself.The gown she found in the packet featured a combination of black and maroon, mirroring Francisco's outfit. The colors blend seamlessly to create an elegant ensemble.As Hazel stood ready to touch the mirror, a girl's voice surprised her from behind."Hello, ma'am," the girl greeted.Hazel jumped in surprise, not expecting anyone else. The girl quickly reassured her, "I was brought here by Mr. Francisco to do your makeup. Don't be surprised."Hazel processed the information and nodded, "Ah, okay.""Please take a seat. He gave me ten minutes," the girl said with a friendly smile.Realizing the limited time and Francisco's punctuality, Hazel promptly took a seat.After a few minutes spent in the dressing room, Hazel emerged alongside the other girl, the anticipation o
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Who is she?
Diana, maintaining an air of composure, tilted her head and somberly remarked, "I apologize for not seeing you." "Do you need something?"Max seized her hand, "Okay, let's go now." Her compliance seemed a momentary respite, but her next words cut through the fragile peace.Diana replied as Max seized her hand, "Do you not have something to do, Max, or do you simply want to be fired from Francisco's company?" "In what sense do you mean that?" Max arched his brows, a mix of confusion and frustration clouding his expression."I advise you to quit being a bodyguard and look for another job. I know how to defend myself well."Her proficiency in martial arts and the use of firearms were not to be underestimated, a skill set born out of the shadows of her own dark experiences.Max, persistent in his attempt to take her home, held her hand and urged, "Diana, get off your duff. Now, let's get home." However, Diana was not one to be easily swayed, and she smoothly freed her wrist from Max's g
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