All Chapters of The Chosen: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
41 Chapters
Chapter Twenty
My whole body trembled as I watched the village people come and go. They all glared at me and blamed me for the deaths of the girls. It wasn't my fault. If only they knew what was going on outside the border, would they then free me?I was scared. Truly scared. I didn't know where Gabriel's men were or how my father was. I worried about his health. Would he be at home shivering in the cold, or was Gabriel's warrior still keeping watch? Undoubtedly one of the men would be here soon looking for me.Sighing, I turned and watched the last villager walk away. She spat on the ground near the wooden door. I felt dirty, and the longer I stayed in here, the more I wondered if the deaths were my fault. Had I indeed caused such hate with the Cursed ones that they now wanted to attack my people?What scared me the most was the fact that most of the village was meant to be a part of Gabriel's pack. If they knew who my chosen was, I wondered if they would be treating me in such a way. Letting my mi
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Chapter Twenty One
Pulling back his fists, Tristan snarled. "No!" I screamed."Stop now!" Tristan stopped mid-movement at my order. I could hear his growls as he struggled against my words. It was as if someone had a hold of his body, commanding him to stop. That's when I realised I had just done what Gabriel had done to others before. His orders now applied to me since I was his chosen.Turning to me with a growl, Tristan tried to move but again was unable to. "Let the order go, Luna. He deserves to be torn to shreds." Tristan continued to growl against the invisible restraints on him, as Gabriel moved towards his beta."Calm down!" Gabriel's snarl sent shivers through my spine. Even a few of the men behind the chief cowered at the order.Walking towards the chief and Matthew, Gabriel's shoulders flexed. His muscles almost seemed as if they were shaking with every step he took. "Your title of the chief is now revoked for imprisoning your Luna, and questioning my ruling."Turning to Matthew, Gabriel's l
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Chapter Twenty Two
Watching Father collect all of his weapons, my heart began to pound wildly within my chest. It had been doing this since early this morning, and the more it continued, the more I started to wonder if it was trying to tell me something. Since the Choosing I've continued to have this feeling, almost like something terrible was coming that I wouldn't be able to control.A lot had happened since that day. Gabriel let me come home giving me a choice to follow him or not. The women in the town that attended the choosing began to die from the cursed ones, causing the village to go into a panic. I was labelled a traitor for not going with Gabriel and thrown into a cell. Thinking back to all these things, I did not realise I never really fit in here. If what Gabriel said about the majority of the town being wolves was right, I truly felt everything was a lie.The sound of metal hitting the floor had me jumping out of my thoughts. Snapping my eyes to Father's still prone figure, I watched his h
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Chapter Twenty Three
I stared at Gabriel as I processed the words he just said. I could see his mouth moving as he carefully made his way towards me, but I couldn't hear anything. Everything was white noise to me. Blinking, I stumbled towards the door."Take me to him," I whispered, as I staggered in my steps. Stopping his movement towards me, Gabriel gazed down at me as if he hadn't heard anything."Take me to him now! He needs me." I yelled."Follow me." Came his sudden rough voice.Keeping up with Gabriel as we made our way through the large cabin, my mind raced on all the possible ways he had been poisoned. I couldn't understand why someone would want to kill him. Father had done nothing wrong. Clenching my fists, I felt the anger surge through me. It almost felt like it wanted to take over my body, but as I took a deep breath, a sudden wave of calm took over its place.Holding my hand, Gabriel gave it a gentle squeeze. "I will find who did this, Annabelle... and when I do, I'll make sure they suffer
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Chapter Twenty Four
Days had passed since my father's death. With each day, I found the anger building and the want for revenge seeped deeper into my veins. I found myself lashing out at the servants, and the lack of having Gabriel around only seemed to heighten my anger.I missed him and yearned to be near him, to touch him, but as quick as the thoughts broke in my mind, anger took over its place almost instantly.Standing in front of the large floor-to-ceiling windows in Gabriel's room, I watched the sun break over the horizon. Its soft pinks and yellows almost thawed out my frozen veins, as a rare small smile graced my lips. Opening the window, the soft breeze gently brushed against the silk of the silver dress I was wearing.I had found it on the bed this morning, a small note in its place. The dress was picked by Gabriel. Why he couldn't give it to me in person, had my veins filling with anger once more. Shaking the thoughts from my mind, I decided to leave the room for the first time since my fathe
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Chapter Twenty Five
Staring at Gabriel with wide, panicked eyes, I watched as his eyes continued to shift from his dark brown eyes to the silver that always had my heart racing. His nostrils flared with each deep breath he took, only adding to my excitement. Every small intake of air that passed through my lips had his ears twitching as if he was waiting for me to say something.Licking my lips, I turned to Mrs Knoll. "I don't understand." My voice was soft, almost like a whisper, but I knew everyone in the field would've been able to hear it."If I had to take a guess, it would be because your chosen is an Alpha." She said. Gently placing her hand on my lower back, Mrs Knoll directed me to the shade of the trees. Although her words were calming, I still couldn't help but feel something wasn't adding up. Why was my scent suddenly changing if I had been with Gabriel for a little while? Something just wasn't adding up to me.Surely there had to be something else that was going on. Turning my head slightly,
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Chapter Twenty Six
I stared at Matt as pain pulsed through my shoulder. I didn't understand what was happening. Gritting my teeth, I tightened my hand around the arrow in my shoulder. "I told you I would kill you if I saw you again." Came Matthew's reply.Groaning in pain, I turned to the woman in the room. The longer I gazed at her, the more familiar she became. Panting through the pain, I groaned once more. "Who are you?"A small pout graced her lips. Taking a small step closer towards me, I watched as a small smile replaced the frown on her face. "I thought you would at least recognise your mother, Annabelle."Frowning, I shook my head. There was no way this woman was my mother. My mother abandoned my father and me. She left us with nothing. "I don't have a mother... no mother would abandon her child for her greed."A flash of hurt crossed her face before it hardened with a scowl. "You know nothing.""I know enough to know you are no mother to me." I snapped.Nodding, she smirked. "Very well."Before
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Chapter Twenty seven
The sounds of snarls and growls filled the forest, with smaller animals scurrying out of our way and into safety. My heart pounded in my chest as I chased after Sharlee in her wolf form. The sound of my paws hitting the ground along with my panting filled my ears, as my senses began to pick up on things I had never heard before. I could hear rabbits running as we neared, along with birds chirping in the trees off in the distance as faint growling behind me seemed to get closer and closer.The more I focused on the sounds around me, the more my head began to hurt. It was as if someone had taken fathers hammer and repeatedly pounded on the side of my head. Shaking my head, a small growl fell from my lips before I pushed my legs to run faster. Dodging and jumping over trees, we found ourselves back at the lake.Turning to me, Sharlee changed back into her human form. Holding her hands up high, she sighed. "You need to listen to me!" she said with panicked eyes. It was almost as if she wa
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Chapter Twenty Eight
Staring at Gabriel with wide eyes, I watched as his face became red. His eyes flashed from bright silver back to their dull ones, with each deep breath he took. With each rise and fall of his chest, I feared his beast would take control.Swallowing the lump in my throat, I took a careful step towards my chosen. Reaching out a shaky hand, I flinched as a deep growl slipped from Gabriel's throat, and his eyes snapped to my hand. As if realising what he had done, Gabriel sighed before pulling me into his arms. Resting my ear against his chest, I felt my heart falter as his bet widely."I won't let them take you, Anna." Kissing the top of my head, a small growl fell from his lips.Gripping the side of his waist, scenarios of what could happen to the people I knew sent shivers down my spine. "I can't have our people dying because of me," I whispered.Pulling back just enough so his eyes connected with mine, I watched as they swirled with different hues of grey. I knew he was angry by the w
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Twenty Nine
Watching as people began to leave the room, I felt my lungs start to burn. Releasing the breath I hadn't realised I had been holding, I felt my lungs yearn for air. Taking a deep breath, I leaned over the chair in front of me. Beside me Gabriel's sudden growl echoed off the wooden walls, sending chills down my spine."I don't care if he is my father and former Alpha, he needs to respect me and my chosen." He whispered, to no one in particular. I agreed. Although his father was someone powerful, I couldn't help but feel that since I had arrived there was more growing tension between the two alphas. It was as if Gabriel's father was still trying to stay in power, yet seemed to be failing.Standing from my bent position, I turned to Gabriel with a small frown. "Your father is waiting for you... you should go." I whispered.Snapping his gaze to me, Gabriel stared at me for what felt like minutes. I watched as the pink flesh of his tongue came to swipe across his bottom lip, something I no
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