All Chapters of The Chosen: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
41 Chapters
Turning to Sharlee with a small smile, I pulled her into a tight hug. After sitting on the floor with her and hearing about Ailee, I wanted nothing more than to find Gabriel. He needed to know what his sister was doing. He already had a suspicion about her and now more than ever I needed Gabriel. I needed to know what was going on with his family and where I fit into things.Moving away from Sharlee, I watched her eyes flicker from my face to the door behind me. Bowing her head, Sharlee spoke. "Mrs Knoll."Quickly turning around, I spotted Mrs Knoll standing at the door with a small smile. She looked tired as if she had the weight of the world on her shoulder. Stepping away from Sharlee, I made my way towards Mrs Knoll. Resting her hand on my lower back, she rubbed small circles there."It's best we leave now." Her voice was soft, warmth dripping from her words. Nodding, I followed her out the door. Before the door was able to close in my face, I quickly turned to smile at Sharlee. I
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Thirty One
Staring at Gabriel with half-lidded eyes, I couldn't help the little sparks that drifted down my back. It felt like someone had a flaming torch running along my back, causing the beautiful feeling to tingle in its place. Every little spark that flowed along my skin had my breath increasing, and desire forming in the pit of my stomach. His eyes were burning their bright colour of silver, as his nose flared with every sharp, ragged intake of air he took. This man was indeed otherworldly. Moving my gaze to his lips, I noticed something sharp poking between the plump pink flesh.Carefully reaching up a hand, I found myself gently tracing the hard object. A small growl fell from Gabriel's lips at the contact, his eyes closing at the pressure my finger gave. Biting my bottom lip, I pulled away. "Is that your... canine teeth?"Nodding, Gabriel's eyes slowly opened. As he gazed down at me, I watched his eyes flash brightly. "We need to stop before I mark you as my own." His voice was deep, al
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Thirty Two
Flames lit the path along the forest floor, casting haunting shapes all around me. My feet ached with every stone and twig they trampled over, but something in me burned with fire with every step I took close to our destination. The flickering of the stars above, with the black moon, set the tone for the night. Changes were happening. Those around me could sense it too, as their eyes seemed to anxiously gaze around at the trees.Growls filled the air around me, and some of the pack in their beast forms walked alongside us. I felt stronger than usual with them around. It was as if I had drunk an elixir from the heavens that granted me power. My body hummed with every growl that fell from my people's lips, pushing me to go through with my plans.Entering the large clearing, I noticed many people had gathered. Formed in a circle were lit torches and standing in the middle was Gabriel and a member of the council. Surrounding the ring was every werewolf from the compound, even little child
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Thirty Three
The further I walked into the forest, the more I noticed a foul smell emitting from the trees and the soil the roots connected to. Every tree I passed smelt of rotting flesh and mould. It was a smell I had only ever smelt once in Matthew's father's shop and when my mother had shown up in front of me. It was as if the area was filled with dead animals, the bodies waiting to decompose back into the earth. With each step I took, I felt bile rise into my throat, as swallowing slowly became harder."You've made it easy for me, Anna." Came Ailee's comment. "I thought I'd have to kidnap you..." She said. Her voice was low, as her head moved from side to side as if her eyes were watching the forest around us. "The cursed ones were willing to crash your little ceremony to take you away... so thank you for making it easier for us."Glaring at the back of her head, I wanted nothing more than to hit her. The urge to cause her harm outweighed the want to run back to Gabriel. Lifting my head higher
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Thirty Four
Days had passed since my father's death. Each day, I found the anger building and the want for revenge seeped deeper into my veins. I found myself lashing out at the servants, and the lack of having Gabriel around only seemed to heighten my anger.I missed him and yearned to be near him, to touch him, but as quick as the thoughts broke in my mind, anger took over its place almost instantly.Standing in front of the large floor-to-ceiling windows in Gabriel's room, I watched the sun break over the horizon. Its soft pinks and yellows almost thawed out my frozen veins, as a rare small smile graced my lips. Opening the window, the soft breeze gently brushed against the silk of the silver dress I was wearing.I had found it on the bed this morning, a small note in its place. The dress was picked by Gabriel. Why he couldn't give it to me in person, had my veins filling with anger once more. Shaking the thoughts from my mind, I decided to leave the room for the first time since my father's d
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Thirty Five
The lights from the candles flickered off the temple walls, casting shadows along the dented coble stone. It was as if the shadows were dancing a dance for the devil, calling to him in song. As humming began to fill the hall, a strong smell of blood filled the air almost causing the shadows to dance faster. On their hands and knees, men in red hooded robes lined the aisle that led to a coffin. Each one of the men was slowly bobbing their heads up and down, as the chanting became louder. Laid carefully down the aisle, sat a blood-red carpet with gold trimmings, and as the light hit it at the right angle it looked as if it was flowing. Walking into the large hall, a smirk graced the older male's face. With each step he took down the aisle, the men who knelt along its edges trembled. They feared him. They feared the power he possessed and the reputation he held. His was Satan himself, powerful and full of evil. His blood-red eyes were solely fixated on the coffin at the end of the aisl
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Thirty Six
Staring at Gabriel in shock, I couldn’t help but wonder if he had lost his mind. I understood we had to do something about Ailee, but to banish her was not something I thought he would do. To banish his blood and watch her walk off into the forest, would be sentencing her to death regardless. Taking a deep breath, I mulled over his words. “If you do this Gabriel, there’s no turning back. The council members won’t allow you to bring her back.” Nodding Gabriel walked towards me. “I have no other choice, Annabelle.” As if someone had set off a fire within me, a small idea popped into my head. “Maybe we do have another, choice,” I whispered. Frowning, Gabriel gazed down at me. “What do you mean?” “What if we say we’re banishing her, but find somewhere safe for her to live? Have her set up in an area where no council member would look for her. If we don’t, she will die out there and I don’t want you to have that on your shoulders.” I said. As if understanding the pain he would go throu
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Thirty Seven
Listening to his heartbeat calmed my racing mind. Who was the man in my dreams, and why was he calling out to me? There seemed to be this strange pull, and if I was being honest with myself, it scared me. The only person I felt this way with was Gabriel. Closing my eyes I thought back to the man I had seen. He seemed so familiar to me yet he seemed to have some sort of danger about him. “Come to me, my red rose.” Whispered a voice. Startled by the sudden voice, I gazed around the room as if the young man would appear from within the darkness. “What has you so distracted, my love?” Came Gabriel’s husky voice. Glancing up at him, I couldn’t help but become in awe of him. Even with his sleep-tousled hair, he was handsome. Smiling, I shook my head. “Just a bad dream,” I whispered, loud enough for him to hear. Wrapping an arm around my waist, Gabriel tugged me closer. “If it helps, you can talk about it?” Rubbing my back, Gabriel moved closer till there was no space left between us. Coul
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Thirty Eight
Frowning at Gabriel I couldn’t help but notice his eyes were trained behind me. Glancing over my shoulder I spotted one of Gabriel’s warriors standing there with his head down. His stance was stiff as if he was waiting for an attack at any minute, and the longer I gazed at him the more I noticed something familiar with him. Turning my attention to Gabriel I narrowed my eyes at him. “I don’t need to be watched.” Gabriel sighed as he moved towards me. “I need to know you’ll be safe, Annabelle.” “I am safe.” I insisted but I knew he could see right through me. Of course, he could, how couldn’t he? Since mating with him everything I felt he could too, and that meant he knew that I was hiding something from him. As if sensing my realisation, Gabriel nodded at the young warrior before the sound of the door closing filled my ears. We were alone and I knew exactly what was coming. “Tell me what happened last night.” There was, a question I didn’t want to answer. I wasn’t sure exactly what
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Thirty Nine
“Annabelle is my chosen.” Growled Gabriel, “So I suggest you treat her with the respect she deserves.”Scoffing, the council member took a small step back. “With all respect, Alpha, she is yet to be crowned as Luna for our people.”“Is that so?” Growling, Gabriel’s eyes began to glow. If someone didn’t step in soon, I knew things were going to escalate to a place we wouldn’t be able to control. Clearing my throat I took Gabriel’s hand in mine. Feeling the tingles run up my arm and his hand relax within my grasp; I knew my plan had worked.“you're right, councilor.” I said, “I agree that I am yet to be crowned, but as Gabriel’s chosen mate I do expect respect from every one of you.” Releasing Gabriel’s hand, I took a step closer to the man in front of me. “Unless you wish to make an enemy of me, Councilor Grover.” I knew using his name would get my message across. After all, I assumed these men thought I had no clue who they were.Frowning, Grover took a step back with a small bow of h
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