All Chapters of Destined Alpha of Change: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
82 Chapters
Chapter 50
KALEN Dad called for a pack meeting before dinner so that we could announce Maddox as a future co-Alpha. Maddox had been taken aback by my offer of us being co-Alphas. He felt that he did not deserve it. He had been beaten down his entire life, so he never felt good enough for anything. He felt weak, but he was the furthest thing from that. He was strength incarnate. Look at everything that he had been through and survived in his life. Few could have accomplished that. When we were alone, he asked me why I would share the post with him. It was my birthright after all. Our situation was unique because most Alphas were male. Their mate would then become Luna. However, I never wanted to subject Maddox to the type of prejudicial hate that I faced all of my life. I honestly believed that this was the best path forward for our pack. There was an instinct inside of me that told me so. I really did not care what anyone else thought as long as Maddox was on board with me. “You ready to sho
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Chapter 51
MADDOX I could not get over the fact that a professional tattoo artist that owned his own shop wanted to give me a test run to see if I could perform to his standard. There would be a job waiting for me if it turned out that I did. My life had completely changed since Beauty came into it. Everyone from this pack that I had met thus far had been welcoming and kind. They did not care that I was a stranger. They made me feel like I was one of them. It made me emotional even if I never admitted it aloud. For the first time in my entire life, I was looking forward to the future and the possibilities that it might contain. Beauty had been nothing but supportive of me. I loved the idea that she presented about a class. The thought of leading it started to lead me down a dangerous path that was riddled with Calvin’s taunts, but I refused to allow him to continue having purchase in my life. So, I metaphorically punted his memory into a volcano, the closest thing to the flames of Hell. We go
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Chapter 52
KALEN I smiled as I watched Dad talking with my mate. It made me happy to see that Dad was taking him underneath his wing while also showing him what a good relationship with a father figure could be like. It meant everything to him, making it mean everything to me as well. The pack meeting last night went better than I had expected it to. I thought that it was a brilliant idea for him to weave the truth command into his questions for the guy who decided make accusations. At dinner, many people came up and welcomed Alpha Maddox. He was completely taken aback when he heard that, but he hid it really well. There were some shameless females who tried to get his attention by batting their lashes even though they were just made aware of our bond, but he easily put them in their places while reaffirming that I was the only woman who would ever get his attention. He even stated that any further attempts would be dealt with by me. That had all of them tuck their tails and scurry away. Onc
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Chapter 53
KALEN “Thanks for doing this,” I told Aunt Lucinda as she led us to the study. “No thanks necessary, libélula. That’s what family is for. I’m thankful whenever my gift comes in handy.” Libélula was her nickname for me ever since I was born. According to my parents, it was the first word that she spoke to me when she held me in her arms. Libélula was Spanish for dragonfly. There was a comfortable pallet done up on the floor once we got there with comfortable pillows and all. She had us get comfortable with me in between the guys. Uncle Sebastian and Matteo were also going to be in the room while we did our astral tango. The three of them would be monitoring everything. Worst case scenario, they could essentially eject us, bringing us back to our bodies. That would be only if something very serious happened because it had its own set of potentially dangerous consequences, which included being trapped in the astral plane. Then she explained how astral projection worked. She went thr
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Chapter 54
MADDOX I adjusted my collar for the twelfth time since I put this uniform on. Beauty seemed to appreciate what it looked like on me. It was specialized slacks and button-down. It was made to repel magic, which was really fucking cool. Never realized that I could have professional clothes that were also essentially a bulletproof outfit. Those would have come in handy in the past. She had licked her lips when her eyes trailed over the way that it contoured to my body. I was informed that I was required to keep this in our closet, to be taken out at any time that she deemed it necessary. The hunger that had been in her eyes made it easy to agree. I fucking loved her insatiable appetite. Never once had I found someone who could truly keep up with me, but it was because none of them were her. She was literally made for me after all. We were becoming adept at sneaking away whenever the opportunity presented itself. Could you blame us though? “How are you feeling about this, Madd?” Beau
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Chapter 55
MADDOX One moment we slung the fuckheads over our shoulders, and then we appeared inside of a large area that had a large U-shaped desk. There were two men that I assumed to be guards who stood up the moment they registered that they were not alone. “Your Highness,” they both said, respectfully bowing their heads. “Gerard and Daniel, it’s great to see you. I thought that you had today off because of your daughter’s birthday,” Zion said. It was odd to think that he was a Prince because he was so fucking down-to-earth and humble about everything. I supposed that showed his character because a title was more than just a title. It was a responsibility to protect and lead those under your charge. There was a multitude of perfect examples when it came to leaders allowing their position to go to their heads. One thing that I love about my mate was that she understood the amazing blessing and responsibility that came along with her being Alpha one day. A great example was when she told a
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Chapter 56
KALEN I could not wait to see these two bastards get what they deserved. My entire being wanted Dozer’s blood after hearing what this sick fuck did to those he killed. Not only was he killing someone, but he was defiling them both before and after. How could someone be that sick? No wonder he worked for Calvin because Calvin was a sick and sadistic bastard as well. Maddox had done things for his father while underneath this thumb, but I knew that he regretted it deeply. He was not absolved of the things he had done, but nobody could hurt him worse than he hurt himself over it. He has had to live with that guilt every day of his life. I truly believed in redemption. If anyone was allowed to fight for that redemption then it was him. ‘Remind me not to get on your mate’s bad side,’ Zion teased as he took Maddox a syringe and bottle of liquid silver. ‘Neo asked Koa for it.’ I was wondering what in the world he was planning on doing with that because there was only so much that would n
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Chapter 57
KALEN Goosebumps immediately littered my skin upon hearing his command. I might be an Alpha, but Maddox was my Alpha in the bedroom. I had always hated giving up control. It went against my entire nature. However, there was something beautiful in handing my control over to my mate because I knew that he would take care of me. Maddox held me with such care that I had no problem submitting to him. I would never submit to someone unless they earned it. My mate proved himself to me – proved that he would take care of me and fight for me. I slowly stripped for him, letting his anticipation build with each new inch of skin revealed. His eyes were burning into me, scorching me without a single touch. Then I stood bare before him. His eyes were darkened with lust, and awe filled the bond. I had never been confident in my looks. But then he looked at me as if I was the most desirable thing he had ever seen before. That made me more confident. I spread my legs a little further apart so that
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Chapter 58
MADDOX My first real introduction to vampires was really fucking cool. I have heard horror stories about some of the shit that many vampires did. It was shit that would have made Calvin giddy. Fucked up individuals called to fucked up individuals and whatnot. The history behind the Precoza coven was intriguing. It had to have been hell trying to get the vampire species back under control. People with power fell within two categories – they either used it to empower themselves or to empower others. Zion’s parents had to go up against fuckers who fell within the latter category. Not to mention that Jackson had to do it as a shifter. King of the Vampires was a wolf like us. Pretty fucking cool if I did say so myself. Everyone was so genuine and welcoming, just like the rest of Beauty’s people had been. Imeela made me feel like one of the family. That was unexpected but welcome. Zion and Jackson were both interested in getting some tattoos done by me. Beauty went ahead and bragged abou
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Chapter 59
MADDOX I closed my eyes again and focused on my desire to find my abilities. It took a couple of minutes of focus before anything happened. This time, there was a yellow blip. It did not seem to be connected to anything in particular. There was only one way to figure out what this did. I imagined pulling the yellow blip to me. My eyes opened just in time to see a yellow bolt shoot from the ceiling to the floor in front of me. It startled me, making my body jump backwards. Holy fucking hell. That was a lightning bolt. I turned around and met their shocked gazes. Beauty’s shocked look lasted less than a minute before mischievousness took its place. I was certain that she and Nika were already tossing around some great ideas when it came to interrogation techniques. I would have to say that there was plenty of potential there. “That’s fascinating. The lightning materialized instead of being pulled down from the sky like elementals would have to do. See if you can pushed it out to the
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