All Chapters of Destined Alpha of Change: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
82 Chapters
Chapter 70
MADDOXI followed Suzie as she led me through the club. There was plenty of seating around the various stages. Dancers were working the poles with a grace that not every dancer could accomplish. They had the audience completely entranced, which would earn them and the club great cash.There was also a dance floor where singles, couples, and groups were enjoying the music and free atmosphere. No fucking wonder that this place was so fucking successful. Honestly, I never would have guessed that the doors to this club had only been open for six months because success poured out of every damn corner of this place. Suzie and Beauty should be super fucking proud of what they have accomplished here.“Who do we have here?” a chick asked as she leaned against the wall.There was a blatant perusal of me, to which she found satisfactory if the lustful look that she flashed me was any indication. However, that meant nothing to me because she was not Beauty. Before Beauty came along, I would have p
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Chapter 71
MADDOXShe grabbed my glass and took a drink before holding it against my lips. I swallowed what she poured into my mouth. My tongue swept out to ensure that I got every drop. I hissed when her ass brushed over my hard-on. I might end up exploding without much effort if she kept it up. She worked her body over mine with just as much expertise as she worked the pole. “My sexy little beauty,” I purred to her. “My sexy little doll. Nothing fucking compares to this right here.”Her feet were on the arms of the chair, hands on the back of the chair, and her body arched. My fingers twitched as I tried to keep myself from touching her. She slid back onto my lap and turned around to straddle me. That thong did absolutely nothing to hide how fucking wet she was. I could feel it soaking into my pants. Her core ground against me, drawing groans from both of us. “I need you,” she said, grinding her core against me again. “Please, Madd, please fuck me.”I chuckled internally because I knew that
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Chapter 72
KALENThis night had turned out even better than I had hoped for when I decided to bring him here to this club.Maddox was surprised as hell when he realized that I owned Luxe. Sure, I had fibbed my age when it came to getting licensed and all, but he had done the same thing to get certified for piercings. However, all of the hard work that went into getting this place up and running was genuine. This club would be nowhere near as successful if Suzie was not my right-hand woman.My goal with this entire venture was to provide a safe place for all of these amazing people to work, a place where they would find security. My parents had been a little bit surprised when I approached them with my goal, but they were proud of me, nonetheless. They helped me set everything up and even helped me to secure an apartment building that was made available only to Luxe employees.It took no time for this club to become popular. There was an air of sophistication here that was not found in all clubs.
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Chapter 73
KALENNo matter how hard I tried to fall asleep, it kept eluding me. Maddox had passed into the land of dreams well over an hour ago. He would end up waking up if I continued being restless.I applied every bit of Ninja skills in my arsenal to sneak out of bed without waking him up. An award for Best Ninja Ever should be awarded to me. Nika was giving me two paws up for my performance.‘Neo will let him know where we are if he wakes up,’ she told me.‘Naughty wolves. What have you been up to?’ I teased her.‘You know, the usual. Flirting, link sex, living out our naughty little fantasies. However, he and I get to be in control for the next pole dance,’ she informed me with a giggle.I slipped on a pair of shorts and a tank top before leaving the bedroom. Then I slipped on my sneakers, grabbed my phone, and headed out.There was one place where I was always able to let loose. Something Mom taught me early on in life was that exhaustion could bring us peace when there was nothing but cha
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Chapter 74
MADDOXWe had been briefed by Nightshade that there were only two days before the showdown between Julio, the hunters, and us all. Julio’s goal was to enslave Angel. The hunter's goal was to bring Nightshade down. Suffice to say that neither would be happening. Jaxon had come to the pack and helped me refine some of my abilities. He would be fighting without his abilities because he wanted me to practice for when our own battle came. I was able to hit moving targets with lightning, but I was also able to tone down the voltage so that it would not kill on impact. Jaxon could actually absorb lightning, so he was the perfect subject to test it on without risking anyone.I had never had someone who felt like a brother before since Calvin never kept good company, and I was limited to it, but I already felt close to Jaxon. He was super fucking easy to get along with and had a wicked sense of humor. Not to mention that we were both walking fucking weirdos, so at least we were not alone in t
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Chapter 75
KALENThis was not the first battle that I had been a part of. The first one occurred when I was thirteen. It was not anything as serious as this, but my parents begun training me and Nika early on, knowing that we would have a future on the battlefield as both an Alpha and a Vessel.There was something cathartic about fighting that always calmed me down and opened me up at the same time. Relying on my strength and survival instinct certainly pushed me to my limits at times. But it proved to me what I was capable of doing.Many people said that they could never see themselves clearly. That was the same for me except when I was fighting. That was when I could spread my wings and see myself clearly.Surprisingly, Maddox and I immediately fell into a rhythm when it came to fighting together.Zion and Matteo had always been the two who would complement my fighting style well enough that we could do some serious damage. However, it took time to stabilize that connection. It was not the same
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Chapter 76
MADDOXThat shadow trick was completely unexpected but equally welcome. I was not certain how it differentiated between the people, but it seemed to have somehow figured out who was a threat and who was not. At least that was what Beauty told me it did.All of us worked on cuffing those who needed to be cuffed. We would not be taking any chances at fucking all. Once they were restrained, the shadows ended up disappearing.The hunters were stripped of all weapons. The men were also stripped down to their pants. The females were all wearing tank tops underneath their uniforms, so they were allowed to keep the pants and tank top.Specialized handcuffs went on the shifters that would suppress their wolves, blocking all links as well, and essentially rendering them human. It was something that they certainly did not fucking appreciate but amused us all.The witches on our side were able to point out the ones who were enemy witches. Those ones got outfitted with special inhibitor cuffs, whic
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Chapter 77
KALENSifting through the masses of people that we saved from Julio’s parade of terror took a very long time, but it was worth every moment because these people were gaining back control of their lives.We had no idea where some of the children had come from, so the Supernatural Council would be sending trackers out in an attempt to locate their families.Our allied packs had already shared what their capacity was to take in those who needed somewhere to stay, whether it was permanent or temporary until they could get back home or decide to where they would like to go.The pack members from little Eliza’s pack will be coming with us. My parents were already completely enthralled with the newest Anderson.Seeing how Maddox was with Eliza – that instant connection that they found – had me thinking about the amazing father that he would be to our pups one day.I knew that I was not yet ready for pups. I was still seventeen. Yes, I was mated and all, but there was still a lot of shit that
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Chapter 78
MADDOXFighting to take down the fuckers who thrived within this chaos gave me a sense of peace. It felt like I was being redeemed and cleansed of the shit I had done in the past. I would spend the rest of my life doing everything that I could for that redemption.Yes, I was following Calvin’s orders, but I still did it. He was truly a sadistic fucker who got off on hurting others. He started grooming me after Mom ‘died’ and went to some serious lengths just to make me compliant to his demands. I had tried to fight it all in the beginning, but I was weak and wanted to avoid my body being destroyed time and again.I had always envied the innocence of pups and the way that they would look at the world that was filled with adventure. The ones who saw the good in others. I had never gotten close to any because I was afraid of tainting that innocence and ripping it away from them.It was amazing to witness how accepting they were of me even though I was a stranger. I wanted to do everything
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Chapter 79
KALENKalamar would be attending the meeting with his parents, who led the thunder, and the ones who were in charge of the training and safety of everyone.Since they had witch heritage, their blood had to be added to the boundary. Thankfully, the blood of his parents would allow anyone of his thunder’s members to cross without needing to use their own blood since the entirety of the thunder was bonded through his parents.Aunt Imeela, Uncle Jackson, Zion, and some of their Cabinet members would be attending. Valis and his leadership would also be coming.Certain allied packs, covens, and clans would be joining us this morning. We were planning a war after all and were short on time. More brainpower that could work on this would be welcome.We were also bringing Lilac’s parents so that they could see how we would be keeping their daughter safe. They would be able to see the sheer amount of power on our side.Lilac and Eliza would be coming to Nightshade, where we were having the planni
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