All Chapters of Until You.: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
37 Chapters
11-Whispers, Dates, Intimate Moments.
OLIVIAThe shuffling sounds reached my ears, building anticipation until, the door swung open."Hey, Olly," Matteo greeted, his warm smile causing a flutter in my stomach.I replied with a wide smile, "Hey, Matteo.""Come on in, make yourself comfortable," he held the door open for me as I stepped inside.Beige and brown hues draped everything, from the walls to the furniture, creating a cozy yet neutral ambiance.Matteo smiled while shutting the door behind him. "I'm glad you could make it. I thought you might not because of the rain," he said, acknowledging the obvious challenges."I had the worst day today. First, the surprise test, then the rain totally caught me off guard. To top it off, I left my chocolate frappe in Izzy's car—the same car that stopped in the middle of the road. And guess who finally got me here? Dante!" I exclaimed."Dante helped you out? That's surprising. He's not really one to offer assistance willingly.""He thought I was Izzy. I'm sure if he knew it was me
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12-Waffles, Frolics, Late-night Revelry.
OLIVIAThe morning sun spilled into the room, casting a warm glow on the tousled sheets that wrapped around Matteo and I."Morning, sleepyhead," Matteo's voice greeted me.As I turned, I noticed he was already wide awake, most likely watching me watching me while I was sleep."Good morning. We've turned into a puzzle, haven't we?"A playful smirk adorned Matteo's face, "Best way to wake up, in my opinion.""Yeah, not a bad way at all," I agreed, snuggling further into him.Matteo's eyes sparkled, "So, how'd you sleep?""I had a dream, I was solving mysteries in a chocolate factory. I had on the Sherlock Holmes hat and all.""Maybe your dreams are trying to tell you something."I raised an eyebrow, "Like what?""Maybe you need more chocolate in your life," He teased. "Speaking of, hungry?""Starving," I admitted."How about some waffles? I make a mean batch," Matteo suggested, untangling himself from the sheets."I'm definitely interested, now take me to the kitchen and feed your starv
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13-Laughter, Shots, Gyrating Hips.
OLIVIAIsabella held up a backless halter top and skater skirt, asking, "How about this?""Well?" Emma pressed."Not that either," I sighed, and they both groaned in annoyance."We've been at this for an hour; everyone is ready, dressed, and you're still in your pajamas."Emma wore a Criss Cross tie-up crop top with a denim mini skirt, complemented by brown ankle boots that matched her top. Completing the look, she sported a smoky eyeshadow look, along with a deep burgundy lipstick coated with gloss, while, Isabella flaunted a black drawstring mini dress paired with white ankle-strapped stilettos. Her makeup featured a hooded eyeshadow look, complementing her nude lip combo, also coated with gloss.I'm the last man standing."Okay, this," Emma presented a white strapless corset top with a black mini skirt.That doesn't look bad, actually."I'll take it.""You will?" Izzy sighed in relief.I nodded, snatching it from Emma and walking into my closet to change.Shortly after, I stepped o
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14-Lyrics, Chaos, Forbidden Temptations.
DANTE.Sorting through paperwork, I felt the night's rhythm humming outside the building. I juggled with the increasing workload while still contending with my father's persistent efforts to force a collaboration I want no part in, I need him to grasp that he no longer owns me or this company. I've built it up through my own hard work, not his.My thoughts has also been consumed by a particular brunette – someone I shouldn't be dwelling on, someone who shouldn't even be on my mind. Perhaps it's her infuriating and irksome nature that leads me to think about her, and damn, it's getting on my nerves.The phone suddenly rang, and Izzy's name flashed on my screen. Answering, a mix of muffled voices and background noise spilled out."Dante! You won't believe it! No wait, first of all, I was thinking you'd be busy with some random chick," Izzy slurred over the phone."Where the fuck are you, Izzy?""Oh, I'm at this party with Izzy and Olivia—oops, I'm Izzy. I'm at a party with Emma and Oll
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15-Hangovers, Midterms, Thanksgiving Plans.
OLIVIAEver imagined the sensation of a massive brick wall falling on your head or the impact of a truck hitting you, sending you flying over the road with your head colliding against a hard concrete wall? That's precisely what I feel right now. It's like the brick is repeatedly crashing onto my head, and the little guy in my head, meant to catch the brick, is preoccupied trying to piece together everything that happened last night.The only thing the little guy can recall is Tyler exchanging words with Denny while Emma and I continued drinking. Isabella disappeared to God knows where, and that's about it. I remember who brought us home because Dante told me, and even if he didn't, I'd figure it out from the chaos unfolding at the moment.Two pairs of eyes scrutinized the five of us, each dealing with a severe hangover. Well, mine was less severe since I took painkillers earlier when I woke up."This is seriously unnecessary," Isabella muttered as she maintained eye contact with both
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16–Questions, Tension, Thanksgiving.
OLIVIAThanksgiving arrived swiftly, the days leading up to it blending into a blur of moments. I opted not to go home for Thanksgiving, but fortunately, I'm not spending it alone in my dorm. Matteo and Isabella insisted I join them, and though I initially thought it might be awkward, I eventually caved in. Emma had already left for Miami on Sunday, and things have felt different without her. Tyler seems pretty miserable, or so I heard from Matteo.I already called my dad earlier this morning , and now I'm getting dressed with Izzy to go to her parent's house. Opting for a maxi gown and cropped sweater paired with a black purse, I spent most of the night contemplating what would be appropriate to wear, especially since Isabella informed me last minute that I'd be accompanying her.I would be meeting Matteo's parents as his girlfriend for the first time, it has me on edge, and saying I'm nervous would be an understatement. The anticipation is heightened, particularly with the wary glan
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17-Nightmares, Bonding, Tousled Sheets.
OLIVIALaughter echoed in the air as the car rounded a familiar bend."...And then Emma spilled her cereal on the table, then attempted to clean it up with paper towels, creating an even bigger mess, breakfast was pure chaos," I shared with my mum, the excitement evident in my voice."Typical Emma," my mother's laughter filled the car."And then Dallas walked in, all angry. You know how his angry face looks, so hilarious," I chuckled.Excitement bubbled within us as my mum drove the car. Suddenly, headlights appeared from nowhere, glaring brightly into the dark car."Mum, look out!" I cried, a knot tightening in my stomach.My eyes snapped open, and I jolted awake, heart pounding with a chilling unease. Sweat clung to my forehead, and my stomach tightened into knots as I recalled the vivid dream. While I've had nightmares about my mum dying or almost dying, they never involved me being in the car with her. In reality, I wasn't there, and I didn't even get to see her after she died. My
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18-Finals, Spa Day, Ghostface.
OLIVIAThe air crackled with tension as finals week descended upon us. Our living room had transformed into a makeshift study hub, scattered with textbooks, notes, sticky notes, and empty coffee cups.Izzy, Emma, and I huddled together for a last-minute study session. Today marked the fourth day, and we'd barely gotten enough sleep since finals began. We had just wrapped up with Business Ethics and Microeconomics and were now in our rooms preparing for tomorrow's exams.In the midst of our study session, Izzy, wielding a colorful stack of highlighters, meticulously flipped through textbook pages, her brows furrowed in deep concentration. Emma was surrounded by an organized array of sticky notes.. As for me, armed with a pen, I frantically scribbled short notes in my notebook.Tomorrow's exam was no walk in the park. We were gearing up for Statistics and Accounting. Now, I won't say it's difficult, but it's the kind of subject that demands intense focus and thorough preparation if we i
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19-Christmas, Gifts, Reindeer Onesies.
OLIVIAThe delightful fragrance of freshly baked cookies intertwined with the sweet aroma of cinnamon rolls filled our cozy apartment. Christmas lights cast a warm and festive glow, creating a magical dance of light on the walls.In the heart of our living room, proudly stood a beautifully adorned Christmas tree, a joint effort of Izzy and me. According to Izzy, "What's Christmas without a tree?"Beneath the twinkling lights, a collection of wrapped presents patiently waited, adorned with elegant cursive name tags – my personal touch. Izzy had decided to host a Christmas gathering, extending invitations not only to us but also to the guys. Tyler and Matteo were on the list, and I personally sent an invite to Lucas, since Izzy 'forgot' to.A sudden squeal disrupted the tranquil scene, causing me to drop the ornament I was holding and nearly lose my balance on the stool.What the–?"I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" Izzy's frustrated yell echoed through the apartment, startling me.Carefully, I d
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20-Shrinks, Birthdays, Potato Delights.
OLIVIA "... It's like this lingering emptiness, you know? A heavy cloud that just won't dissipate," I confessed, my voice wavering as I fidgeted with my fingers.Leaning forward, Dr. Bennett's expression softened. "I can imagine. What's been on your mind today?"I sighed, struggling to find the right words to explain the messy situation I'm in. "I tried to stick to my usual routine, hanging out with friends, spending time with my boyfriend, but it feels like I'm carrying this invisible weight, and then the guilt sets in, as if I should be stronger, but I'm not at all."She nodded in understanding, "It's okay not to be okay, Olivia. Can you tell me what the guilt is about?""I don't know, maybe it stems from the fact that everyone expects me to be okay, to move on or act like it's just another day, but it's not. It's the day my mum died, and I can't shake that off," I confessed."Expectations, whether from others or ourselves, can be difficult. What do you feel when you think about he
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