All Chapters of She Wows the World Post-divorce: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
430 Chapters
Chapter 21
It made her heartbeat speed up with how seductive it was. Holly's ears reddened, and she looked sideways at Bryce, hinting at him to take his hand away. Bryce kept a straight face while he spooned oatmeal elegantly into his mouth.No one could tell what he was doing under the table. Holly reached out to grab his hand and tried to move it away from her thigh, but she couldn't. He was holding it tightly instead. He grabbed her hand and entwined their fingers. He even began massaging her palm gently with his thumb. It was making her palm sweat. One of Holly's hands was injured, while the other was held by Bryce. She couldn't eat. She could only sit there without moving.Bryce looked at her and smiled. He asked her on purpose, "Why aren't you eating, Holls?" He usually called her "Holly", but he was now calling her "Holls" on purpose. Holly glared at him in mock anger.Bryce smiled. "Are you only going to eat if I feed you?"He used his spoon to scoop up some oatmea
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Chapter 22
Holly backed up slightly, causing Bryce's kiss to land on her chin. His change in mood was palpable.Bryce's hand, which had been holding her chin, traveled down her back and rested around her waist. He asked, "Why did you tell Hayden I'm your cousin?"Holly cast her gaze downward and answered softly, "We're going to be divorced soon, anyway. There's no point going around telling others that we're a married couple."Besides, you've got a strong family background. My colleagues would judge me if they were to find out about us. I don't want to be labeled as an outcast of a prestigious family. It'd be much easier telling him that you're a distant relative."Bryce looked at her with a thoughtful look. "You've thought things through pretty well."Holly smiled self-deprecatingly. "I've got no choice, have I? Inconsequential people and their survival instincts.""You're no inconsequential person. You're one of the few people in the whole of Jardington who can order me around," Bryce s
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Chapter 23
A slight pang of sadness hit Holly. He was making it very hard for her to get rid of all her feelings for him completely.Every time she made up her mind to leave, he would pull her in just a bit closer. And every time her heart softened for him, he would sink a knife deep into it. Being so emotionally entangled with someone was torture.Holly drew her hand back and said coldly, "You should leave. Don't bother coming over again tonight. I grew up here, and everything was fine without you then.""Makes sense." Bryce gave her other hand a light squeeze. "You just look fragile and weak. But you're actually a really strong woman. You're even more hard-hearted than I am."Holly pressed her lips together and thought, "You're the hard-hearted one. Why do you have to bring me into it? How mean."Bryce stood up and said, "I'm really leaving now. Aren't you going to see me out?"She turned and looked away from him with a complex feeling in her heart. She wanted him to leave. But at the sam
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Chapter 24
Holly stood there until Bryce's car disappeared from view, and even then, she stared straight at the curve where the car drove away. She couldn't clearly describe how she felt. It was an empty feeling mixed with hints of melancholy.A breeze swept up the leaves on the ground, causing them to swirl around her feet. Holly stood there a little while longer before returning to her grandfather's house.She got the keys and entered a room on the right side of the house. That was his art restoration studio and the place where Holly had spent most of her younger years.The room remained how it looked all those years back. There were two large, red, solid wood tables in the middle of the room, and on them were fine paintbrushes, palette knives, cotton swabs, and an array of other restoration tools. As the room hadn't been cleaned up in quite some time, a thin layer of dust had settled on the tables.The thought of her deceased grandfather who'd passed away due to stomach cancer brought a
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Chapter 25
Hayden was smoking in the yard when Holly came out. "I've got to go back. Mrs. Gabelman Senior's been hospitalized," she told him.Hayden immediately snuffed out the cigarette and said, "Alright. I'll go with you."More than three hours later, they arrived at the city. After parting ways with Hayden, Holly brought Leitia and the bodyguards to the hospital.Olivia stayed in the VIP ward on the topmost floor. Upon exiting the elevator, Holly saw Bryce at a glance after turning a corner. He was smoking by the window.His tall and slender frame, striking features, exquisite temperament, and distinguished presence were hard to miss. He stood out among the crowd. Holly was just about to call out to him when she heard someone else calling his name.Then, a figure rushed out from the emergency corridor and latched onto Bryce's waist. It was Samantha. She pressed her face on Bryce's back and said affectionately, "I heard that Granny's ill, so I came to visit her."Samantha was gorgeou
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Chapter 26
Seeing how Olivia and Holly were suspicious of her, Samantha quickly showed them her injured hand. "Granny, someone broke my hand with a hammer a few days ago, too! My fingers were fractured. I was so upset I no longer want to live anymore!"Olivia raised a brow. "Such coincidence?"Eyes red-rimmed, Samantha said, "I suffered similar injuries as Holly's. It's on the left hand, and I got four fingers fractured, too. The authorities deduced that the culprit was someone with malicious and vengeful intentions." She was hinting at Holly. A mirthless smile crept up on Olivia's lips. "Is that so? Why didn't she take revenge on anyone else but you?"With tears brimming in her eyes, Samantha said pitifully, "Perhaps it's because of how close I am with Bryce. Maybe that's why Holly's upset at me."What she meant was clear as day. She was implying that it was Holly who had gotten someone to get revenge on her.Holly's expression remained unchanging, but a hint of mockery flashed in her
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Chapter 27
That was all in the past. Now, Holly was his wife.Bryce glanced at Samantha, whose eyes were filled with tears, and uttered a barely audible acknowledgment.Holly's heart, which had been racing in anticipation, finally calmed down as she reached out and clasped his hand. She had feared his rejection just moments before.When their hands intertwined, Bryce wanted to pull away. However, Holly held on to him with a death grip, unwilling to let go.As Samantha watched the two of them tightly gripping each other's hands, her tears burst forth in an instant. She covered her mouth before she turned and fled.Bryce said to Holly, "I'll take her back to the ward. She has severe depression. Running off like that could spell disaster.""I'll come with you."Bryce frowned. "Holly, what's gotten into you today?""You're my husband—""I never said I wasn't."Seeing the impending argument, Olivia interjected quickly, "Why don't you both go together?"They walked out and saw Samantha stand
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Chapter 28
Ten minutes later, Bryce returned.Sitting next to Holly, he reached out and stroked her head, saying softly, "Samantha is ill. She can't handle stress. Don't let her get to you."He was asking her to endure.Holly pursed her lips slightly and didn't respond.In reality, she had high endurance. She had already endured Samantha's presence several times before. Now, any hint of resistance from her seemed like a confrontation in Bryce's eyes.The word "endure" felt like a dagger piercing into her heart.Only the one who endured knew the taste of it.During those two years when Bryce was wheelchair-bound and would frequently lose his temper and throw things, she endured it all. Initially, it was out of gratitude, but later on, it was because she had fallen in love with him.But who the hell was Samantha, anyway? Why should she have to bear with her?The more Holly thought about it, the angrier she became. Her lips pressed tightly together, and her face was gloomy like a storm clou
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Chapter 29
Bryce fetched slippers from the shoe cabinet, helped her take off her shoes, and gently slid her feet into the slippers. He even carefully pulled up her socks.It used to be Holly who did these things for him. Thus, being suddenly taken care of by him made her feel a little uncomfortable.Seeming to sense her unease, Bryce smiled and said, "Married couples should take care of each other. You used to look after me. Now it's my turn to return the favor."Holly mumbled, "Thank you.""For what? It's my duty."Bryce changed into the slippers, then helped Holly remove her coat, saying, "You haven't had a proper shower for many days. Just wiping yourself in the hospital isn't enough. I'll help you take a shower later."Holly's face flushed suddenly.It had already been quite awkward when he helped wipe her body every day in the hospital. Having him help her shower this time would be too embarrassing.Bryce stared at her flushed face and chuckled. "You're not a child anymore. Why do yo
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Chapter 30
Holly hastily turned her head away, widening her eyes and looking at him cautiously. "What are you trying to do?""What do you think?" Bryce pinched her delicate chin and uttered casually, "Certainly not trying to discuss calculus problems with you."Holly pressed her fingers against his chin, stopping him from getting close to her lips. She said seriously, "You said you wanted a divorce.""And you said you didn't want to divorce anymore earlier at the hospital.""I said that on purpose to piss Samantha off."Bryce stared at her intently. "I took it seriously."Holly lowered her gaze. "I don't want to do this sort of thing with you right now."Bryce raised an eyebrow and asked, "Who was the one seducing me just now?""I wasn't. I mean, I…" Holly suddenly didn't know how to express herself.In her panic, her face turned red again. Not only that, even her fair neck and wrists were all tinged with a faint blush. The combination of innocence and allure was irresistible.Bryce pre
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