All Chapters of She Wows the World Post-divorce: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
430 Chapters
Chapter 41
Holly nodded with a smile. "Sure. You don't need to mind me." She said goodbye to Sherry before getting in the car and leaving the Gabelman residence. When they passed by a 24-hour pharmacy, she told the driver to stop the car, and she went to buy a box of emergency birth control pills. She had had sex with Bryce the previous night, and she hadn't taken any precautions despite being in the ovulation stage.This wasn't the right time to have a child with Bryce, for he hadn't made his decision yet. They might end up getting a divorce at some point later in time. She had never gotten any paternal love before when she was a child. She knew the feeling of lacking it well, and she didn't want her children to have the same experience. After returning home, Holly removed one pill and took it with warm water as per instructed on the manual. The other pill was to be taken 12 hours later, so she left the pill box on the cabinet beside the water dispenser. She went up for a simple showe
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Chapter 42
That sentence alone was enough to draw Holly's attention. She thought back to what Olivia had told her about how Robyn might have done things at someone else's instigation. Olivia had looked at Samantha with this meaningful gaze.Holly looked down at her left hand, which was in a brace. She really wanted to know if her injury was related to Samantha in any manner. She quietly waited for a while, only to hear Bryce utter in a low voice, "Hmm."Holly went back for the first aid kit before heading toward Bryce, asking, "Has Robyn been caught?"Bryce ended the call before turning toward her. He answered, "She's gone missing."Holly frowned. "Missing?""Yes. The men I sent over rooted through her house as well as those of her relatives, but she was nowhere to be seen. Her family has already reported this to the police, so let's just wait for news about that."Holly's gaze deepened. "The timing of her going missing is pretty coincidental. She went missing immediately after you se
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Chapter 43
When Bryce had been wheelchair-bound and low in spirits, Holly wished every day that he would eventually stand up again. But now that it had happened, Janice and Arthur found her unworthy to be with him. Those people who called themselves the upper crust of society really did value benefits over relationships—over everything, actually. After Bryce was wiped dry, he put on his nightgown. Holly used her right hand to tie the sash on his waist while Bryce used his left. They held one end of the sash at the same time and managed to tie a knot on Bryce's waist with their joint efforts—they had worked together swimmingly.Bryce had a small smile on his face. "What should we call what we have?"Holly thought about it before turning to look at him, her eyes crescent moons as she smiled. "Being there for each other through thick and thin?"Bryce seemed to have thought back to something as he replied only after a beat, "Yes, thick and thin."He looked down and met her gaze, asking, "If
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Chapter 44
In the past two years, the paralyzed Bryce had been depressed and had possessed suicidal tendencies.This was why Holly had developed a habit. If Bryce had disappeared, regardless if it was during night or day, she would worry that he had let his suicidal feelings consume him. She would start looking for him immediately until he was found, and only after that would she feel at peace.This didn't change, not even after he had regained his ability to walk. Holly pushed the door to the guest bedroom next door open, and no one was in bed. She went to the study next, and that was empty, too. She went to the bathrooms and the balcony before going downstairs. She even went to the kitchen, but Bryce was still nowhere to be found. Her heart was beating wildly and erratically as if someone was banging on drums and cymbals on her heart. Holly knew that Bryce wouldn't commit suicide now, but she was still scared out of instinct. She pushed the door open and walked briskly toward the co
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Chapter 45
"I brushed my teeth last night." Holly jostled him lightly with her shoulder and said cutely, "Brush your teeth, please?"Bryce gripped her shoulder with a smile. "You're a bit different compared to before.""How so?""You've learned how to act cutely now, and you've become a bit more talkative."Holly laughed. "Don't all men like women who act cutely?"Bryce smiled. "That's true."He let her go and entered the bathroom, Holly after him. His right hand was injured, which made it difficult for him to squeeze toothpaste on his toothbrush, so Holly did it for him. Bryce picked up his toothbrush with his left hand and started brushing. Maybe humans tended to be more emotional at night, but Holly started feeling a bit sad when she remembered that she wouldn't have many more days left with him. Unable to control herself, she looped her arms around his waist from behind and burrowed her head into the expanse of his back. She said nothing, but she couldn't bear to part with him
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Chapter 46
Holly's smile froze on her face as she gripped the handle of her cup tightly. Arthur watched her meaningfully. "The Gabelman and Cott families have had a close business relationship for decades. Bryce and Samantha grew up together, too. "We've always thought of Samantha as our future daughter-in-law. We chose you as Bryce's wife because Samantha had gone overseas, and you looked like her. "Bryce needed someone like that by his side. That person could be you, or it could be anyone else that looked like Samantha."Holly had always thought of herself as someone with strong mental fortitude, but now, she found herself unable to keep up pretenses. She pursed her lips tightly and said nothing, cradling her cup in her palms with her head lowered. Tears rimmed in her eyes, and she felt like they would stream down her face at the next moment. She heard Arthur say in his cold and unfeeling voice, "You gave up three years of your youth, and you'd been a great help to Bryce, but he'd he
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Chapter 47
Holly returned to Winona's ward. Priscilla noticed she looked very pale, so she asked worriedly, "What happened, Holly? Why do you look so pale?"Holly shook her head. She walked over to Winona's bed and sat down beside it. Then, she held Winona's hand and chatted with her, a smile on her face.Priscilla had a hot temper. Holly and Winona had only chatted with each other for a short time when Priscilla rushed forward and grabbed Holly's wrist. "We're going out there."When they were out in the corridor, she looked into Holly's eyes. "Did Bryce mistreat you again?""No.""Who made you sad, then? I'm your mother! Who else will you talk to when you feel upset if not me?" Priscilla was a bit anxious. Holly said calmly, "Arthur talked to me.""Did Arthur give you a hard time?""He wants us to divorce."Priscilla sneered. "Why didn't he force you to do that when Bryce was wheelchair-bound? Now that Bryce can walk, he's forcing you to divorce him! How heartless! "He took advantage
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Chapter 48
Bryce tucked his phone and documents into his briefcase before saying indifferently, "Might as well see it to the end."The word "end" made Holly's heart clench. After removing the brace, Horace gave Holly a lot of reminders and pointers, including how the physiotherapy process would go. Bryce typed everything down on his phone and sent it to Holly's phone after coming out. They returned to Winona's ward, where Hayden was conducting a check-up on her. Priscilla was chatting with Hayden with a smile. Upon noticing Bryce, she started speaking louder on purpose, saying, "Dr. Seales, do you have a girlfriend?"Hayden glanced at Holly. He said, "No."That aroused Priscilla's interest. "What do you think about Holly? She's been excellent in her studies ever since she was a kid, and she even skipped a few grades at school—she graduated from university when she was 19 years old. "She's an obedient kid, has a good temper, and isn't afraid of hardships either. And you know how good
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Chapter 49
Holly's heart skipped a beat. She didn't expect Bryce to figure it out so quickly. She thought back to Arthur's request that she keep their meeting a secret from him, in fear that this would ruin the relationship between the father and son. So, feigning nonchalance, she said, "You proposed a divorce long ago, and I told you I can't stand Samantha."Bryce rubbed her back in small motions. "That's a lie. I've been doing all I can to distance myself from her recently."The corners of Holly's lips lifted up, but there was no joy in her eyes. She said blandly, "The two of you have been friends since childhood, and your families are of similar social status, while I'm just a nanny you hired. Now that you can walk again, it's time for the nanny to leave."Her self-deprecating words made Bryce's heart sink. His arms tightened around her. He was usually cold and stony-faced, but now his words were so gentle. "I've never seen you as a nanny. Really. You're my wife, in name and in deed, an
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Chapter 50
On Saturday night, Holly and Bryce headed to Gabelman Manor together. The moment they entered the house, Olivia came up with a smile and greeted Holly jovially, "You're here, Holly!"Holly answered obediently, "Hello, Grandma.""Hello, Holly! Okay, have a seat, have a seat." Olivia took Holly's hand affectionately, and they sat down on the couch. She peered at Holly's flat abdomen and asked mysteriously, "Have you gotten pregnant, Holly?"Holly shook her head and smiled apologetically. "Bryce and I are having a divorce. Sorry about that."Olivia was stunned. Her smile froze on her face, and her eyes were filled with disappointment. "Didn't you promise that you'd give birth to my great-grandson? It's only been such a short time since then, so why has that changed?"Holly cast her eyes down in silence. She had thought that not having children was the right thing to do, but she started feeling guilty when she met Olivia's disappointed gaze. Olivia was an understanding person, and
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