All Chapters of The Hunt for Shawna and Trixie: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
274 Chapters
Chapter 11 The light Fae Kingdom
The Fae Kingdom: Somewhere deep into the forest, covered by a veil of protection that makes anyone who doesn’t belong in the city feel uneasy the closer they get. The magical veil protect the Light and Dark Fae Kingdoms. Both cities were magical, The Light fae Kingdom had streets made of tricolored crystals the houses and building were a beautiful array of spring pastel colors like yellows pinks blues and purples. This is the Light Fae kingdom and the home of Trixie’s Fae princess mother. Taji the Fae King's POV: “Your majesty, your grandmother is here to see you, should I escort her in?” The seelie fae asked from the door with her head bowed. “Yes, please send her in,I knew my grandmother would be coming by i have no doubt she felt the same thing I did early. Opening the door, my grandmother floated in still every bit the queen she has been for the last one hundred and seventy years. She still held the role of queen because I had no fae queen and my mother died long
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Chapter 12 the light Fae Kingdom continued.
Taji The Fae King's POV: Continued “Grandmother what have you done? How could you use fairy dust on a human? You know that is a crime punishable by death. I am the king now; you have put me in a hard position. Now we have to find this human to make sure she isn’t a danger to our kingdom. If she poses a threat we will have to make sure she doesn’t expose the entire fairy kingdom. Do you understand that once the dark fae finds out about this they will go after her and won’t hesitate to kill her to keep her from exposing our kind. How could you do something so irresponsible grandmother?” “Because that baby was your niece it was your sister’s baby, and you must find her and save her from whatever it is that is making her use her magic.” My grandmother said full of worry not for herself but for her one and only great granddaughter. I stumbled back unable to process my grandmother’s words quick enough. All the information she told me swirled around in my head along with th
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Chapter 13 I'm fuckin them up.
Shawna’s POV: “So, we were all dead, when we got here, but somehow Trixie’s body caught on fire and turned to ash. But somehow her body came back to life, me and Razz were dead too, but somehow we also came back to life, is that what yall trying to tell me right now.” I asked looking at the girls and Trixie like they done lost they damn mind. “Well, I don’t know about me catching on fire and coming back to life, but I saw and felt your cold body in my arms, your ass was dead.” Trixie said in disbelief. “Where are we? And how long have we been here?” I asked, looking around, frowning still not believing none of the shit Trixie just said. “There's no windows, so it has to be another underground bunker. The girls said, they don’t know how many days we've been here, but it has to be only a few days if that.” Trixie said, walking towards the bars. “Who brought us here?” I asked, Razz and the girls head popped up before anyone could answer. “Someone’s coming.” Razz said, lo
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Chapter 14 I'm fucking them up continued.
Shawna's POV: continued Trixie forgotten he started to head my way. Now I ain’t gone lie, I was scared than a motha fucka. I started sliding backwards with every step he took. I wasn’t gonna talk shit like I usually do, because I knew damn well I had no chance at beating his big ass. “Really Shawna you had a perfectly good shot and you hit him in the shoulder.” “Hey, I was dead an hour ago so my damn aim was a lil off, my arm gotta warm up.” I snapped back calling another blade. “HEY! CATCH!” Trixie yelled and threw something black at the man’s face when he turned to look at Trixie. After that all you heard was that big motha fucka screaming like a little girl as he hit the floor. He was punching and trying to throw Razz off him, but Razz was focused, he was growling menacingly, using his claws and teeth to rip at the mans throat repeatedly, until all you heard was gurgling coming from the man. Trixie came to stand next to me as we watched Razz tear into that man’s ne
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Chapter 15 Back at Crystal Moon.
Back At Crystal Moon Crystal Moon’s Clinic Hunter's POV: After Ahnyla's run in with the Luna and her guest Lucy and Charms, the alpha moved the meeting into the conference. She wanted to check on the baby to see if he was ok, she was being overly dramatic about the little girl running into her. But, the alpha said he would keep the mind link open so I will be able to catch bit and pieces of what is going on. Afterwards me and Blaze could debrief to make sure I didn’t miss anything. “Did you really need to come back here?” I asked, aggravated. “I am pregnant and can’t shift so I want to make sure everything is fine.” Ahnyla whined. I hated when she whines. That was a habit she picked up after she got pregnant. I sighed. “So did you know they were bringing in another human along with a human child. Why do they kept bringing more humans into the pack? If the alpha keeps allowing the human to bring in more humans we will be overran with them sooner or later. It’s like they ar
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Chapter 16 Back at Crystal Moon continued.
Hunter, Ahnyla, and the Doc: continued “The Luna isn’t the only one that has been through something terrible. I was held captive by The Dark One being drained and beaten, I almost died Hunter. It isn’t fair that the Luna is all the alpha wants to look out for.” Ahnyla yelled as she sobbed. Hunter felt guilty about everything his mate had been through, granted he didn’t know she left the pack. She wasn’t even supposed to leave she was supposed to had been in the safe house. “Look, I will do this last mission and I promise I won’t leave your side once I get back.” Hunter said, hoping that she would understand. Before she could respond the doc came in. “Oh, hello commander Hunter, I was coming to check on your mate and pup I was told she had a little scare earlier, a pup bumped into you. They have too much energy and they can be a little wild sometimes. But I’m sure your pup is ok, but I can check to put your mind at ease.” The doc said . “It wasn’t a pup it was a litt
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Chapter 17 The Vampire Queen.
Flashback The day after warehouse battle: The Vampire queen Amari’s POV: “The doc said it will take me a while to replenish the blood you took from me.” Ahnyla said in her mind. “Well, you need to find a way to get the information I need. Or I will have to cut that pup from your stomach as you watch. Remember you and your pup have my blood in your veins and all it takes for your baby to become a vampire is to stop his heart. I will watch him die, be reborn, and raise him as my own.” “NO PLEASE DON’T I PROMISE I’LL GET YOU THE INFORMATION YOU NEED JUST PLEASE DON’T COME AFTER MY PUP!” “Then you better find out everything you can about that fat bitch they call Mina and her fucking Mate. Family, friends, or anything she cares about I want to know about it. I will make sure she watches while I destroy everything she loves. Just like I had to watch my beloved creator be killed by that flying demon she calls a mate.” I said into the she- wolf’s mind. I paced the length on my ne
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Chapter 18 The pure Pheonix Origin Story part 1
A couple days later Crystal Moon's POV: After that little run in with Hunter's mate they had to postpone the meeting because Shadow got word that some big strange looking men who looked like they were hyped up on steriods were in shops asking questions. Shadow knew it was the men he encountered the last time he searched for Shawna those men had to have been some of the Hunter they called Doc’s men. The owner found it strange and called Shadow who had been asking around about strange men or women that fit the girls description. He hadn’t found any leads until now, so he wasted no time and left immediately. The girls couldn’t be mad they knew that they had to explore all leads no matter what. But once he got to the town, the trail had gone cold. They could tell he was blaming himself for leaving the small town. Probably thinking he should've stay close for a few days just in case. But they all knew he didn’t wanted to stay away from his pups that long. When Shadow got
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Chapter 19 The pure Pheonix origin story part 1 continued.
Ji'lahni's POV: continued “MOMMA TERI! GRANDMA MYLAN!” We all yelled rushing to hug momma Teri, Mylan, and papa Toni. “Mother I didn’t know you would be back so soon. Were you able to find the dragons?” Makahi asked, as he came to hug his parents. “No, we haven’t found the dragons, but we needed to come back because we have an even bigger problem now.” Mylan said, looking grave. “Grandmother what are you talking about what kind of problem do we have now?” Lynn asked taking her grandmother’s hand. She has never seen her grandmother frightened like this before. So whatever this new threat is, must be big. “It’s your sister Kat, she’s missing.” Mylan said sadly. “What!? How can that be? You should be able to feel her; feel our family connection.” Lynn said in a panic, By her grandmother being half god we all had a blood connection to each other. Although she didn’t get along with her sister. She didn’t want any harm to come to her. Lynn tried to feel for her but o
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Chapter 20 The Pure Phoenix Origin story part 2.
Soko’s POV: “The Durga was the daughter of the Sun Goddess. She was a wild child with a good heart. When the King of Kings created the earth she wanted to explore the new land. But as you know, no God or Goddess is allowed to walk the earth. So, Durga asked to be made mortal for a six months. The King of Kings granted her that request, but he warned her not to reveal her true identity to the humans of earth, and not to interfere in any way. Her mother gifted her the White Tiger as a protector and guardian. Once she got to earth she saw what humans had to endure at the hands of evil doers. They were so many battles for land and power, innocent men, women, and children died at the hands of powerful kings and evil groups. Durga was so heartbroken and felt that she couldn’t just stand by and do nothing. So, she disguised herself and began to protect the people in small villages from being killed, raped, and enslaved. Soon word spread about the White Tiger princess, or The White
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