All Chapters of The Hunt for Shawna and Trixie: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
274 Chapters
Chapter 31 She is not your mate. continued
Back that the girls house: Charms POV: “So, Lucky we need to tell you something, you know what maybe you need to sit down. What I’m about to tell you will seem like I’m batshit crazy, but I’m not. We really don’t have the time for you to be shocked, terrified, or show you proof. You need to know everything before you can help us find Shawna and Trixie.” Mina said, as she paced the floor. My momma followed her going back and forth across the room. Even though I’m blind I was still somehow able to see outlines very faintly when the lighting is just right. That was all I have ever been able to see. I was born this way, but my momma made sure to never treat me like I was handicapped. She made sure I learned how to survive without eyes even when I’m in unfamiliar surroundings such as this place. She taught me how to identify different sounds, touches, smells, how to fight, and I was a natural whiz with a computer. My momma said I was special because when I am in front of
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Chapter 32 Wait what?
“Wait what? Lucky did Charms get her eyesight? Why the hell didn’t you tell us?” Ji’lahni asked, looking between Lucky and Charms excitedly picking Charms up hugging her tightly. Lucky shook her head. “No, she hasn’t gotten her sight, I don’t know what she sees it’s kinda like what she does with computers she just somehow sees but not sees things. Also, we already knew something was up when we tried to find out about this place it was really hard to dig up information on it. But we manage to find out a few things that peaked my interest.” Lucky said, looking at Alpha Makahi. Who looked shocked at her words. “That’s impossible we make sure that nothing can be found out about my pack on the internet or any government data base.” Alpha Makahi said, going to stand in front of Lucky. “Again that would be me, along with been able to see things on any computer I am kinda able to find things that no one else can. Like I know that you’re the Alpha and this is a werewolf pack, and Cryst
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Chapter 33 Wait what? continued
“BIM!” The little girl said, causing everyone to jump. “Damn Trixie got yall skittish as hell.” Ji’lahni said, laughing. “She says Bim every time she accomplish something super hard or very important.” Ji’lahni said, looking at the laptop and only seeing a bunch of letters and numbers. “Whoever this Hunter or Doc person is, is very good. But I’m better, I do not have an exact location because there isn’t one. He must have kept the exact location off any database which leads me to believe it is a place that has no address or exact location. Meaning it was some kind of ancient place that was recently discovered and never reported, or the people who discovered it somehow died before they could report the exact coordinates. Anyway, I would guess that if a bad man wanted to relocate, he would need equipment and high-tech security. In my mommy's line of work you have to know the top security firms in the world. All we have to do is break in and look for any recent big purchases made
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Chapter 34 Oh dear lord we're too late
At the girls house's POV: “Hey, just so yall know we have all decided that we will be going with you guys to search for Shawna and Trixie.” Ji’lahni said, getting up and placing charms in the chair. “WHAT NO YOU CAN’T GO! WHAT ABOUT THE PUPS WHO WILL KEEP THEM SAFE.” Alpha Makahi bellowed loudly, Maka coming forward. “First of all, pipe down and change your tone Maka. Secondly I asked momma Teri, poppa Toni, and Grandma Mylan to take the babies to your uncle Felix’s pack. They agreed and will be coming for the babies any moment.” Ji’lahni said, as she stepped into Makahi’s arms, he wrapped his arms around her and buried his face in her neck. “I really think you and the girls should stay with the pups, we just got them back. I don’t want us to have to worry about their safety while we both are gone. They need their mother and aunties to protect them.” Makahi said, pleadingly. “Look I get it, we are afraid and worried about leaving the babies after we just got them
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Chapter 35 Oh dear lord we're too late continued.
At the girl's house's POV: continued “Boy are you stupid? You have no idea what you’ve done. Listen we all got on birth control at seventeen and every one of us was fine. Well for some reason Mina didn’t get on birth control until after she got into college. We should have took our forgetting as a sign, but we didn’t think twice when we realized she wasn’t on anything. So, she decided to do the shots because it was only every few months. Well within the first week of Mina being on those shots she turned into something that none of us could describe. She would snap at us about any and everything, she even got violent a few times. One night Shawna went to use the restroom and mistakenly left the bathroom light on, and at the time Mina’s room was across the hall. All of a sudden we heard a loud crash then a scream. When we came out to see what was going on, we saw Shawn on the floor in the lining closet. Come to find out before Shawna could make it back to her room M
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Chapter 0036
WARNING FOLK! GATHER THOSE PEARLS AND TUCK THEM IN YOUR SHIRT BECAUSE I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANYONE SHATTERING THEIR PEARLS. READ THIS IN A CORNER BY YOURSELF. Still at the girls house on the stair's POV: “Go back, go back, got damnit go back down!” Lynn was whisper yelling to Montego
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Chapter 0037
“Lynn, I know they are a little crazy but you have to understand with everything that has been happening they are just trying to deal with it the best way they know how. My mother has been in wolf form for years and is just adjusting to being in human form again after all those years as a wolf. Incl
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Chapter 0038
WARNING FOLK! GATHER THOSE PEARLS AND TUCK THEM IN YOUR SHIRT BECAUSE I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANYONE SHATTERING THEIR PEARLS. READ THIS IN A CORNER BY YOURSELF The Alpha and Luna’s bedroom’s POV: “My parents are downstairs waiting to get the babies. They also said Alpha Dyelon is s
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Chapter 0039
“I hope you know that you will be buying me another pair of pants; those were some comfortable pants.” “I’ll buy you ten more pair just in case I have to rip the next pair too.” Makahi said smiling, kissing her lips as he picked her up stepping into the shower. Their kiss deepened, and she felt his
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Chapter 0040
Hunter’s POV: “So, you’re free to go, just take….” The doc said to Ahnyla but was cut off by a mind link. His eyes widen in what could be confusion and then utter excitement. “Doc what is it?” I asked, looking at the doc race around the room in excitement as he collected the vials and pa
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