All Chapters of A Broken Contract (Alpha's Secret Regret): Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
78 Chapters
Born of a divine bond
Sara POVI couldn’t see my father during lunch as planned, but I was so glad the day was finally over. We would talk as soon as He's done with this round of customers."Jeremy gave me too much work when we got back from the business meeting," I explained. "I feel like he suspects something."My dad wasn't paying attention. His back stiffened at the same time as Nick's familiar scent and aura wafted by. My heart jerked. I didn't dare strain my neck to see the person in front of the truck.Instead, I settle Alex on the chair gently. My hands shook as I set his drawing beside him.“Cake, mommy,” Alex protested. “Shh, hold on, sweetheart. Grandpa’s will give it to you once you've had your...” All thoughts and words died in my mouth as my gaze rested on Nick's. My dad stood frozen with the cup of ice tea in one hand.“Seb,” the customer called out impatiently. “My tea, please.”He seemed to regain himself and moved, handing the older woman her tea. Nick stood beside the customer, glaring
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Unexpected guests
Nick turned his back on me and stomped back to the SUV, parked some feet from the truck. Jake followed quickly behind him. My heart continued to hammer in my chest as I watched them both.He opened the driver’s side and sat down. But he didn’t attempt to start the engine. Instead, he seemed to be barking orders at his beta, who kept nodding like a lizard to his every syllable. How I hated them both for showing up here.I had no doubt that Alex saw his face. He'd strained his neck to see who was calling out my name earlier. I wonder what that meant.Nick's head was bowed low now as he tapped his phone screen. Then he held it to his ear.What did he mean to do? He was right when he implied that I couldn’t fight him. This was a powerful figure, not just among werewolves but even humans. Why was this happening to me? He’d made it clear that he didn’t want me bearing his child back then. What changed?“C’mon inside, Sara,” my father ordered, taking me by the arms and leading me back into t
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Catching up
As my son greeted Nick, his face immediately transformed into a shock that mirrored my one. Except his eyes were colored with joyful triumph. Two men approached the porch from behind him.I grabbed Alex’s hand, forcing it back down. “What did I say about talking to strangers?”“I saw him yesterday. He’s your fwend,” Alex argued.“He’s not my friend unless I tell you so. Have I told you he's my friend?” I scolded.He shook his head hesitantly. As the men reached the porch, my father rushed to quickly stand protectively in front of me and my son. One of the men was Richard Wolfe, Nick's number three. The one that had no clue about our love affair. I tried and failed to hide my surprise at how much he has changed. He was much larger than he used to be. Bright tattoos peeked out of his collar and his mohawk is neatly cut. A true warrior of the Forest Moon. He gave me a half smile when our eyes met. “Nice to see you again, Sara. Mr. James,” he greeted my father with a slight bow before
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The Apple and the Tree
Nick POVMy eyes would not leave the back of Richard's head. In another situation, he would've known I was watching him. His senses would've picked it up if they weren't clouded from touching Sara.I kept smoothing the child's back to calm my own rising temper. Different thoughts play in my mind as my gamma sped off from the little street. I imagine relieving him of those fingers with my claws. Without them, he would never think to touch her ever again, would he?I take a deep breath to cool the rage inside me. These types of thoughts have no place in my head. The child moved to free himself from my arms, and it occurred to me that I was holding him too tight. When I released him, he turned around to look back at the house he was leaving behind. Sebastian was still running towards our direction. Wait, is he chasing the car? I scoffed.“We wait for gyanpa,” the child said in a soft voice.“He’ll meet us soon," I replied gently.“And mommy?”I nodded. “Her, too.”He seemed unconvinced.
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A re-acquainting
Sara POVThe name of the place is spelt "Rain resort," according to the little paper in my hand. It definitely belonged to Nick. As I sped on behind them, I realized how far in the outskirt of Orphic town I've come. A precise forty-minutes drive from our house. Which means the resort is only ten minutes away from the very place my father intended for us to move to.How fucking ironic! We were actually planning to run towards the person we wanted to avoid. Well, we aren’t moving anywhere now, are we? He’s got my Alex.I lost sight of them the moment we entered the resort. Rushing into the lobby like a deranged woman, I stamped my hand on nonchalant clerk's desk to get his attention. Two minutes later, I'm riding an elevator marked Private to Nick's suite.“We’re here, Miss,” the bellboy announced.His words were accompanied by a ding as the door slid open to reveal a place that looked quite similar to Nick’s living room back in L.A. If the name of the resort isn’t enough, the interior
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Father to son
Nick’s POVI carried the child back upstairs, rocking him as he screamed for his mommy."She'll be back. I promise," I whispered soothingly again and again. Moments later, he started to relax. Soon, he was truly calm, and then I laid him gently on the bed.Jake stood, watching. It felt like he was thinking really hard for the perfect excuse for his error. He was supposed to stay in the room with the kid till I called out his name. Once my son was calm, I motioned for us to leave.“What the fuck, Jake?” I said once we were outside the room.“I heard you call out Alex, I swear. The kid heard it, too." He gave an innocent shrug. “You said I can let him come out once you call out his name.”Yeah the mistake was mine. I’d said the name before I should. Sara didn't leave the resort yet. I can feel it. Of course, she wouldn't. She’d remain downstairs till they let her back up or till I show up there.I should do something about that quickly. I hadn't thought things through when I rushed to h
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Good second date
Sara POVHope and confusion filled my mind as Nick spoke. I stared at him open-mouthed, not knowing how to respond. Does he know the implications of what he's asking here?“What?” I gasped.Is he out of his mind? What about members of the Forest Moon? What if they see me with him? Worse, what if they see the child? Does he no longer care about these things?He gave one look at Jake and the other guy, and they retreated their steps to give us some privacy.“C’mon," he jerked his head towards the door at the far side of the lobby. "Let’s talk about this somewhere more private.”I could not disagree because my thoughts are still scattered, trying to come to terms with his suggestion. Or command. So I followed him as he led me out into an open space. A few minutes later, we were sitting across from each other at the resort lounge.As he signaled for the waiter, he said, “You must be hungry -”“I’m not. Are you out of your mind asking me to stay in YOUR penthouse? Your mother kicked me and
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Luna ReignMeanwhile, in Reign Towers, Los Angeles,Elise Reign is worried. She has started to see the signs that her son, the alpha, would break off his latest engagement like he did the previous ones.He has been betrothed to three women in the last four years. That wasn't good for their family image. But thank Goddess, the girls all knew the golden rule: "Keep the news from the press until a Mating ceremony date is set!"This simple rule had benefited both parties immensely during the break-ups. It had saved the girls and their families the embarrassment of being ditched.Nick promised her that he'd make this one work. He told her that there would be a Mating ceremony soon. But she was starting to doubt that he would keep his word.Why did he miss his weekly dinner with Cassie a few days ago. That's the first sign of trouble. He has never done that in the five months that they've been together. Right now, he's away and not replying her texts. Which means he has the perfect excuse t
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The Move
Megan DeereMeg stood in front of the Luna's door and knocked. "Enter," she called out.Elder Damascus White was in the office when she walked in. She bowed in greeting according to Forest Moon's custom when a younger werewolf meets a council elder."You look well, dear Megan," he remarked in kind, soft tone."I'm well, elder, thank you," she replied with a smile. The male rose from the chair. "My dear Luna, I hope things would move forward between those two when you return," he said."We all hope the same," Luna Reign replied with a serious expression. Once the elder had left and shut the door, she mumbled, "At least, I'm not the only one worrying that Nick’s about to screw up!"Meg wished she wouldn't offer details on her son's love life, but the Luna went on."That's Cassie White's uncle. Come to whine about his niece getting stood up!""I see," Meg replied, but she was truly not interested so she added, "the chopper is ready, Luna.""Perfect! Get Mae and Truly. We leave immedia
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Mother to son
Sara POVThere's a glint in Nick’s eyes, indicating that his wolf was below the surface. It gave me an odd chill for reasons I couldn't fathom. I quickly looked away, ignoring his intense gaze."Hello? Sara?" Avery called over the phone.“Uhmm... I don’t know about today,” I replied. Nick moved closer as I spoke, distracting me some more. Avery started to protest my refusal when I cut him off“Can I call you back? I’m in the middle of something.” I hung up and started to reach for my luggage. When two bellboys suddenly appeared behind Nick.“They’ll carry it upstairs,” he said. “Who was that?”“Who was who?” I returned.“The person on the phone. Who was that?" he repeated. The hotel staffs were now carrying my stuffs to the private elevator.“They’re none of your business!” I replied.I started to follow the bellboys when he caught my arm and held me back. Despite the barrier of my jacket, I felt a strange, familiar thrill run through me. In a flash, the memory of the forceful kiss fr
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