All Chapters of Don't Reject Me: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
89 Chapters
His Version of the Truth
ASENABreathe in. Breathe out. I straightened my back and forced myself to keep my eyes forward, even though I knew that his—General Nathair's—eyes remained on me. We were walking in silence from the moment we left the dining hall, heading to the gardens. With him being so close to me, I figured I should choose the place where his presence would be the least suffocating, and the gardens were the best idea I could come up with.“You're quiet, Asena.” Nathair chuckled as we exited through the castle's main entrance. “Aren't we here to talk?”I stopped, making him all but stumble as he tried to line up with me. Drawing a deep breath, I covered my irritation with a mask of nonchalance. “You said you wanted to talk in private. I figured that we should begin our conversation with no guards around.”That wasn't entirely a lie. If I were to play my role, I would want no additional audience. Furthermore, I hadn't recognized at least a few of the men we passed by on the corridors, and I could o
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The First Fight
My heart kept pounding long after I returned to my chamber. I kept pacing about the room while rubbing my chest. I was restless. I couldn't stop thinking about Kaan and Jalissa and about everything Nathair had told me. What if Kaan was wrong about Jalissa? What if making a deal with her would be worse than trying to side with her brother?A knock on the door pulled me out of the daze. “Kaan,” I breathed out, rushing to open the door, but my excitement faded when I saw it was Delmira who was standing outside my chamber. “Come in,” I muttered, failing to hide my disappointment.She pushed past me and walked straight to the wall by my bed, where a large cabinet stood. Before I could ask her what she was doing, she pressed an engraved symbol I hadn't even noticed before, and suddenly, the wall cracked open, forming a door.“Hurry. We need to go,” she said.I frowned. “Go where?”“It's a passage that can take you to a few places without being noticed. Alpha's chamber is one of those places
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His Confession
Nathair approached me, his steps slow, cautious. He hadn't changed his clothes since dinner and our previous walk, but now his jacket was gone and his shirt was slightly unbuttoned, revealing a part of his muscled chest.Dragging my eyes away from him, I drew an uneven breath. “I'd rather be alone. Thank you,” I muttered.A soft chuckle came in response. “What if I said that I'm in need of a company?”I felt a prickle of annoyance. “Company for what? Do you want to interrogate me once more?”He stepped closer and raised his hands in surrender. “I apologize if I made you feel uncomfortable in my presence. What if I promise not to ask you more questions and tell you a story instead?”My brows inched up. “What kind of a story?”A half-smile appeared. “A story about a stupid boy who made a few pretty fucked-up life choices.”I held his stare for a moment, trying to see through the harmless façade he presented in front of me. Perhaps Kaan was right, and I was too naïve to notice the true e
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A hysterical chuckle bubbled in my throat, but I somehow managed to swallow it. It took me a moment to find my voice. “It sounds like something you should tell Kaan, not me.”A knowing smirk crossed Nathair's lips, sending chills down my spine. “You know why I'm telling you that.”I shook my head. “No, I don't.”The smirk disappeared, his features sharpening. “Don't insult my intelligence, Asena. I've given you nothing but honesty. I don't expect you to trust me completely, but at least don't try to lie in my face.”I sucked in a shaky breath. “I'm not Kaan's mate, if that's what you're suggesting.”“How do you know that?” He narrowed his eyes on me. “As far as I'm informed, you weren't with him during the Blood Moon yet. I believe that he is keeping you here to find out if you truly are his destined one.” When I didn't respond, he sighed. “Look, Asena, I don't expect you to confirm my suspicions. Just know that I know all the little signals that tell us we are close to our destined o
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Even with my wolf deep asleep, I was ready to roar in fury. The acidic taste filled my mouth again, but this was more than jealousy. I was on the verge of striding through that corridor and then banging on Kaan's door until he opened it. I could see myself barging inside, grabbing Jalissa's hair, and dragging that bitch out of there. Certainly, once I was done with Ms. Escuro, I would return to deal with Kaan. Goddess, I was so ready to kick his balls… repeatedly.A low growl rumbled in my chest as I stared at Kaan's door. He had told me I should trust him, but right now, he was seriously testing my limits. I forced more air into my lungs, trying to slow down my pounding heart. Rage had never been a good adviser, and despite the wicked fire burning inside me, my rationality still functioned enough to tell me to wait.A minute passed, perhaps two, but I didn't see Jalissa walk out of Kaan's room. My patience left me, and I was running out of reasonable arguments that could stop me from
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The Darkest Assumptions
I cried until the raw helplessness filled the whole of me, consumed me, and then left me empty. I wasn't sure how much time had passed before I ran out of tears. My throat was hoarse from sobbing. My face was swollen from scorching streams that had now dried, itching my skin.I stared blankly at the rising sun, and for the first time, I felt completely lost. I needed to talk to someone. Certainly, I needed to talk to Kaan, but I was also desperate to talk to anyone who didn't side with him. And no, talking to Nathair again certainly wasn't an option.A knock on my door forced me to drag myself out of numbness. I rose to my feet and let Delmira in. “I brought you breakfast,” she said, eyeing my face, which was likely to be covered with dark streaks of smudged kohl. Surprisingly, she didn't comment on my less-than-fresh look. She placed the plate on the table and walked back to the door. Then she stopped at the threshold and glanced over her shoulder. “Is there anything you need? Anythi
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I wasn't sure I was breathing as I stared at Dritan wide-eyed. My heart hammered against my chest as my instincts began to whisper. “No,” I breathed out.His brows rose. “No… what?”I shook my head. “No, I'm not leaving Collisville.”“Are you fucking insane?!” he snarled. “You're not dumb, Asena. You have to realize that no matter if you turn out to be Kaan's mate or not, you are going to die!”His words were like another punch in the gut. I knew that there was a huge chance he was right, but I still had those last shreds of hope, and I was going to hold on to them no matter what. “I will not leave Collisville,” I repeated before sucking a sharp breath. “Not until I talk to Kaan.”“Talk to—” He cut himself off and dragged his fingers through his hair, muttering a few curses. “And just what do you expect to hear from him? He will feed you with lies, Asena. He's going to tell you whatever is necessary to make you stay.”My hands fisted, and I lowered my head. “I know that he might lie t
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Leaving Him
A knot rose in my throat as I studied Nathair. I glanced around us and saw two guards standing by the castle's main entrance. They couldn't have seen us, especially since we were both wearing black, but undoubtedly, Nathair's call would have drawn them here in a few heartbeats.“Help me,” I strained through my teeth.He cocked his head to the side. “How about ‘please’?”I sucked in a sharp breath. “Please, help me.”A wide grin parted his lips. Then he grabbed my hand and pulled me behind the stables. “Follow me,” he said, all but dragging me behind him.“Where are you taking me?” I whisper-hissed.“If you're stealing a horse, make sure it's the fastest one you can get,” he muttered, pulling me to a separate building where Kaan's and Caspian's horses were kept.I frowned. “I know what you're thinking, but I'm not taking Than.”He stopped, causing me to bump into him. Then he turned around, one brow raised. “What?”I drew a deep breath. “I'm not taking Kaan's horse.”He shrugged. “Then
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KAANI stood in Asena's chamber, staring at her empty bed. Fury crept into my veins, satiating me whole, mixing with the searing taste of guilt. How the fuck had I let this happen? I came so close to achieving the goal that it blinded me, and I failed to protect what I'd already had in my grasp.“You should have locked her sooner.” Jalissa huffed as she sauntered into the room, slowly stepping toward me. “You should have had her cuffed and chained in the dungeon somewhere. If I were you, I would—”My hand was around her neck before her venomous lips could choke out another word. “I don't believe I asked you for advice,” I hissed, putting more pressure on her windpipe. Her eyes widened as she fought for breath. “Just like I didn't ask your men to guard her chamber. Marvelously done, by the way.” My claws went out, sinking into the skin of her neck. “It is your fucking fault Asena is gone, so if you even mention her name again, you'll be the one chained and cuffed.”Her mouth opened as
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Welcome Back!
ASENAAeron hadn't taken his eyes off me since we left the cave. At first, I thought it was because he missed me, and my sudden showing up in those woods was greatly unexpected. It became disturbing when I found him still staring at me after we'd walked to where I left Atius. But I ran out of patience when we were both on our horses on the way to Lua Mountain, and I still felt his gaze burning one side of my face.“What?” I finally snapped at him.He stepped back and gave me a sheepish smile. “You seem... different.”I glanced at my torn cloak, my soaked-in-blood clothes, and my wounded shoulder. Then I shifted my gaze to him, my brows rising. “Different how?”He cleared his throat and pointed at my shoulder. “You're healing pretty damn fast, and your wolf...” He trailed off, inhaling sharply.I frowned. “What about my wolf?”“Your spirit has awakened… right?” His eyes returned to me, cautiously studying every inch of my face.I snorted. “No, of course not. Don't you think I would hav
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