All Chapters of REJECTED BILLIONAIRE'S HEIRESS: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
44 Chapters
Chapter 21
SARAH’S POV:As Brenda and I arrived at the hospital and as soon as we pulled up in the car, I quickly got out and rushed towards the entrance. I didn't wait for Brenda to catch up and instead, sprinted towards the hospital building. Once inside, I made a beeline towards the customer service nurse desk at the hospital to find out and explained my situation to the attendant. "Excuse me, could you please tell me where my daughter's room is?" I inquired. My voice was trembling with anxiety and concern, hoping to receive a prompt response and find my way to my daughter's room as quickly as possible."What's your daughter's name?" The nurse, in turn, asked me, to which I responded promptly with, "Mabel Adrian." Having obtained the necessary information, the nurse then proceeded to inform me that my daughter's room was located in the emergency room area, specifically in room 123. However, I was so worried about my daughter's well-being and was so anxious to see her that I didn't allow
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Chapter 22
JOE’S POV:While I was following Sarah from a distance to ensure that she reached home safely, I noticed a car passing by me in a way that made me feel that something was off. The car's movement seemed hasty and erratic, and it didn't seem to be following the usual traffic pattern. This made me uneasy and concerned that there might be an issue with the car or its driver.After much contemplation, I made the decision to track down the car. I trailed the car closely, making sure not to arouse any suspicion. The vehicle eventually came to a halt in a dense, bushy area, prompting me to conceal myself at a safe distance to observe. As I peered from my hiding spot, my eyes widened in horror at the sight that befell me. Four men, whom I had never seen before, emerged from the car, carrying a child. The child seemed unresponsive and lifeless, and I couldn't fathom what was happening. My heart raced as I struggled to comprehend the situation before me.I stayed in the vicinity to investigate
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Chapter 23
SARAH'S POV:"Mum is here!” I shouted as I was still holding Mabel. Immediately the doctor came in and rushed over to check on her. I was terrified, and I could feel my heart racing. The doctor quickly examined her, and thank goodness, Mabel started to stir. She began to move around, and her eyes opened. I was so relieved to see her regain consciousness. It was a scary moment, but I was grateful that the doctor was able to help her.As Mabel slowly regained consciousness, she began to point at a figure standing beside her bed. Her finger trembled as she tried to focus on the man's face. "Dad," she croaked, her voice weak and hoarse. Her eyes struggled to stay open, but she persisted in pointing at the figure, hoping that he would understand the urgency of her message. It was clear that she had something important to say, and she was willing to fight through her pain and confusion to make herself heard.Then Mark tried to come and hold her, she instinctively pulled away and refused
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Chapter 24
MARK'S POV:After my departure from the hospital, I made my way directly to the office. I was aware that Jennie was still working at that hour, and I wanted to speak with her about some urgent matters that had arisen. Therefore, I didn't waste any time and headed straight to the office to meet with her.As I arrived at the office and approached her door, as she is my assistant, her door was located just before mine, and I knew I would have to pass by it before getting to my own. I noticed that Jennie was sitting on her desk, typing away on her computer. I walked up to her and made my request."Excuse me, Jennie," I said, "I need to speak with you. Can you come to my office right now?"Jennie looked up from her screen and gave me a nod. I could sense that she was a bit surprised by my urgency, but I knew that what I had to discuss with her was important.Then I quickly made my way to my office. I couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation as I waited for her to arrive. Only a co
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Chapter 25
MARK'S POV:As Paul walked towards me, he extended his hand for a friendly handshake. However, Jennie, who was already seated inside the car and had already closed the car door, was waiting for me. Paul was unable to make physical contact with Jennie and had to settle for a polite wave instead. "Mark, I would like to have a word with you, maybe we should talk it out at lunch." I was taken aback by his offer, so I hesitated for a moment before responding."But I just finished lunch now," I told him, hoping he wouldn't take offence. I wasn't sure what he wanted to talk about, but the timing seemed a bit odd to me."Then let's just talk." He said. Although I wasn't certain about the topic of discussion, then I agreed to meet with him. I decided to ask Paul to wait for me inside the Cafe while I join him later. Paul walked briskly towards the cafe, and I quickly made my way to the car. As I got into the car, I took a deep breath and mentally rehearsed what I was going to say to Jennie.
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Chapter 26
MARK'S POV:As I made my way down the long, dimly-lit corridor, my footsteps echoing against the concrete walls, I suddenly noticed Sarah walking towards me, a piece of paper clutched tightly in her hand. As we drew closer, she stopped abruptly right in front of me, causing me to halt in my tracks. I couldn't help but wonder what was on that piece of paper.With a hint of reluctance in her voice, she announced, "There. I signed it too." She held the paper up, making sure that I could see it. She seemed pleased with herself, but there was a hint of defiance in her voice as she added, "But it's up to me when I'll submit it and how." There was a sense of control in her tone, indicating that she was not willing to be rushed or pressured into making any hasty decisions. It was clear that she wanted complete control over the process and was not going to be swayed by anyone else's timeline or expectations. "I need you to hold on for me until I am able to contact my lawyer."Her tone sugg
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Chapter 27
SARAH'S POV:"Sarah, that was quick," Brenda remarked with a concerned look on her face as she saw me emerging from my lawyer's office, holding a folder of documents.I let out a sigh and replied, "Of course it was."Earlier that day, I had reached out to Brenda to ask her to accompany me to the lawyer's office to support me through the divorce process. As I gazed steadily at her, I noticed a flicker of fear in her eyes, which prompted me to inquire, "What is it?" "It's nothing," she replied with a smile on her face. "I just don't want to exacerbate the situation.""No, I'd like to hear what you have to say. What's on your mind?”"Did you know that Paul and I have become quite close? We just spoke on the phone," she said with a hint of excitement in her voice. Then she pauses for a moment, as if gathering her thoughts, and continues talking."How are they doing? Do you think Sarah and Mark have reconciled? Don't let them cross paths."As she spoke, I stood there staring at her in d
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Chapter 28
MARK'S POV:As I approached the door of my personal office, I noticed Jennie, my diligent assistant, seated at her desk, focused on typing away on her computer. As her Boss, her office is the first one you will see when you walk in before heading to my own.As I approached her, eager to share the news of the divorce, she gave me a signal that she didn't want to talk to me. Despite this, I felt compelled to have the conversation with her no matter what."Jennie, are you still angry with me?" I asked, my voice filled with concern and regret. Allowing a brief pause, hoping for a response, before gathering my thoughts and continuing to speak."Yesterday, after our lunch at that cozy little Italian restaurant on Main Street, I returned to the office and to my surprise and realised that you weren't there.""You act as if you don't even know where I live," she sighed and murmured."Please, I will make it up to you," I pleaded, but before I could finish my sentence, she cut me off with an u
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Chapter 29
SARAH'S POV:Last night, I couldn't sleep and was lost in deep thoughts when I heard a knock on my door. I dragged myself up and opened the door to find the maid standing there. As it turned out, Mabel had finally been found, and all the maids that had been held by the police in connection with her disappearance were released. It was a great relief for me to have the maid back, and I was glad that Mabel had been found.“What is it?” I asked her "Ma'am, the lawyer you were expecting is here," she informed me. However, I was in such a hurry that I didn't even let her finish her sentence. I pushed past her and rushed out of the room to meet with the lawyer."I've already met with my lawyer about the divorce process. We had a consultation to discuss the legal procedures and requirements, and I provided all the necessary information and documents. My lawyer has been working on the case and keeping me updated on any developments. I'm hopeful that the process will go smoothly and that w
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Chapter 30
SARAH'S POV:After finalizing the divorce settlement, I found myself sitting in the back of a taxi, feeling a mix of emotions and uncertainty about where I was headed. I was simply seeking a place to clear my mind and escape from the weight of everything that had transpired. It happened that I passed by a spot that reminded me of the times when Mark and I used to visit. It brought back memories of when I asked him why he always chose to take the subway instead of a taxi. He explained that whenever he had a rough day and no one to talk to, he would take line two, which loops around York. He found solace in watching people and the passing scenery, often staying on the subway until sundown. The station provided the perfect vantage point to witness the breathtaking sunset over York, helping him forget the day's troubles and feel a sense of calm before heading home."Excuse me, Sir," I called out to the driver. "Could we make a quick stop somewhere?"Once we pulled over, I stepped out of
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