All Chapters of REJECTED BILLIONAIRE'S HEIRESS: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
44 Chapters
Chapter 31
SARAH'S POV:As soon as I arrived at the Barr Lawn office, I hastily exited the taxi without saying a word to the driver. Inside, I noticed that he was wearing earpieces, so I called out to get his attention. "Hey, Barr Lawn," I called him out, then he hurriedly responded with "Hey.” "Please, take a seat," he said warmly, motioning towards the inviting chair in his elegantly decorated office."Of course," I responded, my face breaking into a wide smile as I settled comfortably into the plush seat.As I eased into the plush armchair, he extended his hand towards a sleek leather bag."Take a look at the things inside the bag," he said, offering it to me.As I unzipped the bag and began removing items, I quickly realized that they were my parents' belongings. "What is this?" I inquired, my expression reflecting my surprise and confusion.“That's your fathers' bag," he said. "Fortunately, your father entrusted it to me as his lawyer before he died. Sarah, you may not realize that
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Chapter 32
MARK'S POV:"Have you heard from or seen Jennie today?" I asked Dave."No, sir. She hasn't shown up for work today," he replied.After that day we met at the coffee shop, I haven't seen Jennie at work, and she hasn't shown up either. I can't help but wonder if she's deliberately avoiding me. The thought nags at me, and I find myself murmuring, "No, I don't think so. Let me go to her place and check on her immediately.”"Dave, if anyone comes looking for me, please ask them to wait. I won't be gone for long," I instructed Dave, who stood before me, his gaze fixed on mine."Sir, you have a meeting scheduled with the executive in the next 5 minutes," Dave informed me."Can you please pay attention to what I'm saying? Postpone any scheduled meetings," I yelled at him."Okay... Sir.”As I left, I glanced back to see Dave's eyebrows shoot up in surprise and his gaze following me as I made my way out of the office.When I arrived at Jennie's place, I discovered that she wasn't there. As I w
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Chapter 33
SARAH'S POV:We arrived at my father's old house late at night. As we approached, we came to a narrow spot in the road where we had to stop because it was too tight for a car to pass through.Barr Lawn was the first person to step out of the car. He gingerly touched the ground and then began walking towards the road that led to the house. Shortly after, I also emerged from the car and trailed behind him."Wait," Lawn exclaimed as he abruptly halted, his hand raised to signal silence. A low, ominous noise emanated from up ahead, prompting us to freeze in place.Lawn directed the beam of his flashlight towards the source of the disturbance, illuminating a weathered sign that read "PRIVATE PROPERTY AUTHORISED PERSONS ONLY." As we strained our eyes to decipher the message, a sudden movement caught our attention. A large rat scurried out from beneath the sign, causing us to jump in surprise.I sensed an overwhelming feeling of unease as I expressed my fears: "I feel like once we go in the
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Chapter 34
SARAH'S POV:As we approached the basement door and swung it open, an unbearable stench wafted out, assaulting our senses. "It smells like dead rats," Lawn remarked.I covered my nose with my hand to block out the strong smell. "Yeah, it doesn't go away unless you clean it very well with hydrogen," I explained.As we looked around, hoping to find any evidence that might lead to my father's signature, we carefully examined the contents of the basement. After a couple of minutes, Lawn stumbled upon a box filled with numerous documents. With curiosity piqued, he opened the box and discovered a tape. Without hesitation, he decided to play it."Sarah, how does this voice sound to you? To me, it sounds really sad. I think she was crying," Lawn asked me."What is that?" I inquired, leaning in to hear the voice more clearly. The voice sounds like the one I had listened to earlier.As I listened closely to the recording, I recognized the voice as my mom's. It seemed to capture a moment from
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Chapter 35
MARK'S POV:As I woke up, I realized that Jennie wasn't in the bed with me. I was a little disoriented and started to wonder where she could be. With bleary eyes, I made my way to the bathroom to see if she was there, but I couldn't find her.Last night, I had an amazing time being in her company. Her presence made last night truly enjoyable and memorable.As I made my way downstairs, I took a moment to look around the house, hoping to find her there. I finally spotted her in the dining room, leisurely sipping on her refreshing orange juice while engrossed in the morning news, her eyes moving across the pages of the newspaper.I paused for a moment, looking at her intently, before approaching her and speaking softly. "The juice looks quite cold. Would you like me to prepare some warm tea for you instead? I think it would be more comforting.” She was initially startled, and then she turned and gazed at me before speaking. "Don't worry yourself, I'm good with this," she said with a smi
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Chapter 36
SARAH'S POV:The ring of my phone woke me up. Groggy, I squinted at the screen to see who was calling. It was Barr Lawn. His voice was urgent."Get ready. We need to meet Mrs. Elizabeth," he instructed, wasting no time.I jumped out of bed, skipped breakfast despite my grandmother's insistence, and rushed out of the house. By the time I reached Barr Lawn's office, he was already waiting. We drove together to Mrs. Elizabeth's workplace, the only place she could be found during the day.Upon arrival, the customer service representative informed us that we would have to wait until her break. Impatient but resigned, we took seats in the waiting area, watching the clock tick slowly.Finally, we spotted her. Barr Lawn and I rushed towards her, but she acted as if she didn’t notice us. Her reaction made me uneasy.As we approached Mrs. Elizabeth, she immediately pleaded, "Please don't do this. I have no information for you." Her voice trembled with fear, and she anxiously glanced around, as
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Chapter 37
MARK'S POV:"Hey Paul, what's going on?" I inquired, my tone masking the impatience that was steadily building within me."Mark, I really need to have a serious conversation with you," Paul said, the tension in his voice unmistakable.As I waited for Paul's response, my heart skipped a beat with anxiety. Trying to keep my voice steady, I asked, "What is it?" Unable to contain my anticipation, I urged him, "Go on, I'm listening.""It's about Jennie. There's something you need to know," Paul's tone was serious, and I could sense the urgency in his voice.The tension from Paul's call lingered as I attempted to focus on my work. My mind was consumed by a whirlwind of thoughts and possibilities, each more unsettling than the last. Paul's words echoed in my mind, casting a shadow over my thoughts and leaving me feeling unsettled.I couldn't shake the eerie feeling that something significant was about to unfold. Throughout the dragging day, I couldn't help but steal constant glances at Jenni
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Chapter 38
MARK'S POV:Jennie's heart raced as she gathered the courage to speak. With a deep breath and her voice shaking, she started, "Mark, there's a lot about my past that I've never told anyone. It's not something I'm proud of, and I've carried it with me for so long.”I nodded in encouragement, signalling for her to carry on. "Please, go ahead. I'm all ears.”"I grew up in a small town," she began, her voice tinged with nostalgia as her gaze drifted into the distance. "Life wasn't easy there. My family struggled to make ends meet, and I had to take on various odd jobs just to help put food on the table. When I reached a certain age, I made the difficult decision to leave home and try to build a new life for myself. However, no matter how hard I try, the memories of my past continue to linger and weigh heavily on me.”"What sort of things?" I inquired, feeling a surge of curiosity and a weight on my heart.Jennie stood still for a moment, her gaze fixed on her trembling hands. "I found m
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Chapter 39
SARAH'S POV:As we stepped outside the police station, I couldn't help but notice the palpable tension in the air. It felt heavy and suffocating, almost as if it had a physical presence. Walking alongside Lawn to his car, the weight of the ominous phone call I had just received seemed to hang in the air, casting a shadow over every step. Unspoken, yet undeniably present, it felt like a lingering threat that loomed between me. Despite the heaviness of the situation, I and Barr Lawn knew that we had to remain resolute and unwavering in the face of whatever challenges lay ahead..“We have to proceed with caution,” Lawn said as he cautiously unlocked the car and glanced around. “Whoever made that call means business.”"I agree," I replied, settling into the comfortable leather of the passenger seat. "But we can't afford to back down now. We've invested so much time and effort, and we're so close to finding the truth. We have to see this through to the end."Lawn agreed with a nod and
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Chapter 40
SARAH'S POV:After locking eyes with Joe for a few intense moments, I mustered up my courage and made the choice to break the weighty silence that surrounded us."I am incredibly grateful for all the support and assistance you have provided me with… There were numerous occasions when you came to my rescue, and I cannot thank you enough for that. However, I am concerned that depending on you too much may imply that I am taking advantage of your generosity, and I do not want to come across as selfish or inconsiderate…”"Then do so," Joe interrupted, his voice firm. "That's why I'm here. Do you have any idea of the efforts I've made in life to become someone useful to you?”"Do I have to know? I don't understand why this is so important," I replied, my tone becoming defensive.Joe let out a deep sigh. "Sarah, I want you to know that I'm not going to pressure you into anything, even if you end up choosing Barr Lawn. All I just wanted to do was show you that I could provide and offer you
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