All Chapters of After Divorce, The Heiress Decides to Revenge: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
38 Chapters
ALANNA"Does it remind you of when you called out my name, begging me to continue,"Nolan has always been the object of my every desire, whenever I wanted to get sexually aroused, Nolan’s face appears. He had been the only man who had touched me, who I ever wanted to touch me.My heart melts at Nolan’s name, my mind sink to the abyss of my innermost dirtiest desire at the mention of Nolan’s name."Mr. Westbrook" I was pleading, I knew I was at my breaking point, he was pushing me to the wall, pushing every buttons, he knew his game, he was poking me at the place I couldn’t resist"Does it remind you of when you asked me to stop but wanted more." he mutters with a stern look, there was something deadly about his gaze.I should have walked away, run, or gotten the fuck out of here, but I didn’t. I am no longer that scared girl he used to know, I am not weak. I should stand my ground, but as he moved closer to me, closing the distance between us, I could feel my knees go weak, my body fa
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NOLAN "But if you try to get in my way, I will make sure I burn bridges and I don't mind if you are on it," she threatened. She meant it, every single word. There was something sinister about the way she looked at me, I can almost say she stared at me with evil intent. "Alanna I am not here to start a war with you," I commented, trying to keep my voice as low as possible, trying to stop the rage and anger that was already boiling inside of me. "Neither am I, Mr. Westbrook,"I rolled my eyes, again with this formality, earlier on when she called my name, I could see all the desire in them when she did. Call me crazy, but she had the same look when I would pin her to the wall, raise her nightgown and fuck her from behind while she moans to the wall loudly in all ferocity. "Then why are you digging into our account to find dirt on me?" I asked and she chuckled."There wasn't really much of digging, it wasn't hidden, even a blind man might see it if he looks harder,"And suddenly, a
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ALANNA I am so exhausted, mentally and sexually.I have been craving sex so badly since I came back to this fucking town, my hormones have been raging. Was it the Nolan effect? Being in the same town with your ex-husband, the only man you have ever been with. That has to be sexually exhausting in some way. "Ms Alanna, are we going to pick up the twins?" Angela asked and a smile curved on my lips, my babies, my little bundle of joy. When I left Nolan and had my children, they became my life, my all, Lucas and Lucy, they became the essence of my existence. "Can you go ahead and pick them up, there are some things I need to take care of, I will meet you at home," I replied to her. She nodded and went ahead of me, she was good with the kids and it helped that they were also fond of her. Being a single mother and a top business owner can be exhausting, my mind flickers to the fact that I would be doing a whole lot now trying to hide away the children from their father, Nolan.I was a
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NOLANBrad is a fucking dick!He is the worst kind of seemingly "Good" guy because he is not even great. " You want to take me to the board and you are telling me your plan beforehand, what kind of idiot are you?" He was about to cuter but I didn't let him get out any word. "What happened to the element of surprise, haven't you learned anything from working with me?" I added. He was scowling now, he hates me. I know, I also feel the same way about him. "Unlike you, Nolan, I am not a coward. I like fighting my battle face on, and not behind my opponent, waiting for them to put in all the work and just come back and rip the fruit,"I smirked, I knew all too well what he was talking about, "Don't tell me dear brother you are still bitter about that, that despite all your years of ass kissing you weren't still made the CEO," I wasn't asking.He moved closer to me, I didn't flinch, instead, I leaned against the wall, my hands crossed defensively. "I am not bitter about it, and it is
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ALANNAI have had enough of my daily dose of Nolan Westbrook for a day, but him standing here, staring at me and Brad, with rage in his piercing dark blue eyes, makes me realize one thing. You can never get enough of Nolan Westbrook. "Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt your bonding time, " he says in a hoarse tone. I rolled my eyes. "I was just about to leave," I knew I didn't have to reply to him , especially with his condescending undertone but I did. "Really? But you haven't given me an answer yet." Brad had a smirk on, he knew what he was doing, he wanted to infuriate Nolan. I grinned, so did I. "Sure I would love to go on a date with you," Nolan's eyes widened, he paused, he was headed towards a black SUV but he stopped, swirled around and glared at me and Brad. "Awesome, it is a date then, tomorrow evening,""Perfect," I responded and he moved toward closer, giving me a peck on my cheeks. I didn't see that coming, nor did I expect to be going on a date with him. He bid h
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NOLANI have said this before, Alanna will be the death of me, Alanna takes my breath away. Alanna drives me crazy. As I stared into her eyes waiting for her response on the verge to kiss her, my head started playing the devil’s advocate on me. You can't do this Nolan.Why not?Why? Because you were married to her once and now married to her sister. “Nolan,” a voice called out and it wasn't Alanna, and judging from the way her eyes widened, I knew I was fuck.We both swerved our head to the side to the direction of the voice and that is where we saw her. “What the fuck is going on here Nolan?” Chloe. Gosh, I am truly fucked. We immediately put a fee inch of distance between us, but Chloe was staring at us, with rage flickering all over her eyes. She began to storm towards us and with one swift movement, I saw her raise her hands toward Alanna and just like one of those involuntary movements I raised my hands and caught it mid air. “Chloe what…..”“Wait, was she just about t
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ALANNAThe nerves of that witch, I call my sister. I would have called her a bitch but I am reading to my children a bedtime story. “And they all live happily ever after,” I concluded and waited for them to chorus. “The end,” a giant smile formed on their face, another story with a happy ending.I made sure I only read them stories with happy endings, it was my way of protecting them. Shielding them from the dark cruel world where there was no such thing as a happy ending, just an ex-husband who drives you crazy. But all is still well with the world I guess. “Mummy, tell us another story,” Lucy pleaded, her eyes and lips doing her bidding to form that puppy dog plea. How can I ever say no to them?But this time, I did, I was tired and needed to rest.“Sweet pea, you need to sleep, enough story time for one night,” I replied to her, gently tucking her into the bed. “Mummy, Do we have a daddy?” Lucas asked, throwing me off guard, I froze in the moment, I knew the day would come when
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FOURTEEN YEARS AGOAUTHOR’s POVAlanna has always been a sad child, but this particular day would stand out as the saddest day of her life. Alanna had a twin brother, Alanna loved her twin brother. Brian was her best friend.“We don't even look alike,” Brian teased as they walked towards the garden holding their hands intertwined in one another. “But we are twins, we don't have to look alike,” Alanna replied, she hated the fact that they weren't identical as most twins were. “Brian, you two should stay away from the pool,” Their mother had warned earlier that day, but here they were making their way to the garden, the same area the pool was. It was Brian's idea, he had made Alanna come along with him. “But mummy said we shouldn't go close to the pool,” Alanna protested. But Brian the ever hyperactive kid had insisted. “We are only going to play for a few minutes and we will go inside, and she will never know,” Brian connived and Alanna squinted her eyes. “Mummy hates me,” she f
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NOLAN“Nolan, you have been ignoring me since we were at the office, and you have not responded to any of my questions,” Chloe nagged as we stepped into the room, she had been nagging since the Alanna incident in the office. Sometimes I wonder how I got myself into this mess, how I got married to a woman I didn't love, a woman I barely tolerated. “Nolan,” she yelled out this time her voice an octave higher when she realized I had tuned her out. I paused and glared at her, “What is it you want, Chloe? because I am getting sick and tired of this back and forth we constantly have,”She snarled, “Nolan, I am your wife, you don't treat me like your wife, what would people say when they see you with Alanna? Do you have any idea what that would do to our reputation?” She asked and I rolled my eyes.Like I give a fuck about my reputation, I have always been the guy known for his questionable reputation and when it comes to Nolan Westbrook everyone is quick to judge.“I don't give a fuck w
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ALANNAMy father is a manipulative scumbag.I know I am not supposed to say that about the man who gave me life but, my dad is controlling dick and has no moral scruples. “You caused her to get to this point,” he had said when he came to my house yesterday to break the news about my dying mum. “How did I cause her to get to this point?” I had asked him In disarray, how the fuck did I cause my mum to have cancer.“First of all Alanna, your mum lost two kids in her lifetime, first Brian and later you when you left,”My eyes widened in disbelief, yes, she lost Brian, I have carried that guilt all my life, carried the guilt of taking away her beloved child from her. But my mum didn't lose me, as a matter of fact, I am not even sure she liked me. “You owe it to her at least this once to come through for her, you have never been there for her in the past,” he had finally said, right before I wrote him a check. I know I shouldn't let myself be manipulated by them but there was this tw
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