All Chapters of After Divorce, The Heiress Decides to Revenge: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
38 Chapters
NOLANMy mum asking me about how I was going to take care of the problem, felt so familiar to me. It felt that way because she had asked me this same question three years ago.“How are you going to take care of your father, he is a leech, he is a liability to us all. You need to get rid of him,” she had said and my eyes widened in disbelief, this is a man she had spent the better part of her life with and she wanted me to get rid of him.“You want me to get rid of your husband, a man who happens to be my father,” I mumbled in disbelief. I hate my dad, don't get me wrong, but not enough to kill him. “Don’t be silly Nolan, I am not saying you should kill your father, just get rid of him,”I let out a sarcastic chuckle, “Make it clear to me Mum, how exactly do you want me to get rid of him?” I asked and she smirked, in the most diabolical way possible, that was the time I knew I had not really known my mom. On the outside she appeared to be this figurehead, a trophy wife but little
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ALANNAWhat is it about Elevators and the urge to fuck in them?Nolan is insufferable, Nolan is a glutton for punishment. He doesn't know when to stop, he doesn't know when I have reached my limit. I breathed out as soon as I shut the door of my office and leaned on the door frame.“Ahhhhhhh” I yelled out slightly, hitting my fist repeatedly on the door.Fuck him!Fuck him!I hate him! I hate him so much! Why does he always put me in a situation where I need to fight against my will? He is such a terrible person. I was still lamenting about my Nolan ordeal when I heard a knock on the door. I startled and rose from the door, adjusting my blue flair gown, I said a silent prayer hoping it was not Nolan. I already had enough of Nolan for one day. I peeped through the glass and saw it was indeed a Mr. Westbrook, not just the one I loathe. Brad WestbrookI let out an exasperated gasp and pulled the doorknob. “Alanna,” Brad greeted, his eyes beaming at the sight of me.“Brad, pleas
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ALANNA“Not when they show up without booking an appointment ahead of time,” I replied with a smirk on my face and I could see her eyes widen in disbelief. I loathe this woman just as much as I did her son or even more. She is a witch, the devil at best. “Do you know who I am, how dare you talk to me in such a manner?” she replied, I could see her already fuming in rage. I grinned, “Please enlighten me, it has been a while and I don't really remember,” I was making my way back to my seat and crossed my legs against one another. “You little girl, you think you can come back here and destroy everything, my son Nolan had worked for. But there is one thing you miscalculated on,” she paused, she was probably expecting me to ask but I didn't. Instead, I kept staring at her, then she continued, “Nolan has a mother, who is ready to do anything to stop anyone from getting in his way,” she concluded and I chuckled. “Is that a threat Mrs. Westbrook?” I asked, feigning ignorance. “Take it
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BRADGod Alanna is so fucking gorgeous, she is the bodily embodiment of heaven on earth. A fucking goddess. Gosh, I want to fuck her. BadlySlow down cowboy, this is not your play, you need to take it slow and steady, or else you will lose her. Right now she thinks you are better than all the fucking Westbrook in this empire, so you need to keep her thinking that way, I chant to myself. I made my way outside her office, Beaming that she agreed to go on a date with me. As I made my way towards my office, I decided that where is the fun if I don't get to rub it in Golden Boy Face? I strode to his office and thankfully his door was open so I walked in. I didn't need an invitation, he was on a call but as soon as he saw he paused mid-sentence and glared at me. “I will come over to your house later Jake,” he said right before hanging up the phone, I knew who he was talking to. His loyal dog of a friend, Jake.“What do you want Brad, is it not too early to be lost?” he asked as he
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CHAPTER 25BRADI should really hit the gym. Why can't I break free from Nolan’s grip? Nolan is cold, Nolan is self-absorbed, and Nolan is a prick, but one thing Nolan has never been is aggressive. “She is mine and mine alone,” those words kept echoing in my ears as his grips turned firmer and tauter. Then he glared into my eyes and suddenly he released me and I came crashing down to the chair I was seated in. Almost stumbling back.“For a married man, I didn't expect that reaction or choice of word,” I countered, trying to steady my breath. I was already on the verge of passing out. “Get the fuck out of my office,” he yelled out and I knew that I had already reached his elastic limit, any more and he would be sending me to the abyss. I stood up without saying anything more and strode out of his office, I made my way back to mine when I saw a familiar figure, one that I knew all too well. It was Chloe. “Ever since Alanna arrived you have not given Nolan any form of breathing s
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ALANNA“You are dead to me, Alanna,”Those words echoed in my ears as I tried to comprehend if this woman who I stood before was truly my mother. I took in a deep breath reminding myself that she was sick and dying and nothing I would say or do would change that. So I needed to show her sympathy. “I know you are going through a lot of pain Mum and….” I paused as soon as she rolled her eyes when I called her mum. I could see the gaze of disgust fall upon her. Did she really hate me that much? That it felt unbearable to her to hear me call her mum. I shrugged that thought away and continued, “I want to let you know that despite all our differences, I care about you a lot and I will be here for you no matter what,” I finally said in a low tone. “You think now that you have money, it can buy and erase all that you did, to me, to Brian,” she replied, glaring at me. “I am not trying to buy or erase anything, Mum,” and again she shrugged at the word. Tears began to well up in my eye
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NOLANWhy would Alanna agree to go on a dinner date with Brad?Of all people, Brad is the worst kind of acclaimed good because he is not even great. I hope she is not being fooled by her seemingly good-guy act. Maybe he was lying and just using all this to taunt and get to me. But Alanna had agreed to go out with him right before my eyes. I was still caught up in my thoughts when I heard a knock coming from the door.It better not be Brad. I was prepared to send him to hell this time if he comes back to say more. “Come in,” I called out and immediately the door swung open, it wasn't Brad but on the sight of this other person, I began to wish it was Brad. “Mum,” I said in a low tone. “You don't seem excited to see me,” she responded with a smile as she approached me and I placed a soothing kiss on her cheek. I wasn't excited to see her, my mum didn't really concern herself directly with the office matters, she was involved but not directly, she was more of a supervisor oversh
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Force Proximity
ALANNAHow can one hate someone so dearly and still get so wet just thinking about the person? For a week, all that had been on my mind was the weird encounter I had with my father and the possibly awkward date I was going to have with Brad today.I had to push forward my date with Brad last week because I had to go on a business trip outside the country. I also used the trip as a means to buy myself time. But right now, all that didn't matter, I was seated directly opposite Nolan, silently exchanging glance with one another and seven of the shareholders. Brad wasn't present, because apparently, it was executives only.“The profit margins between the last four months and the previous had an increase of sixty-eight percent which also means the number in figures has well surpassed six hundred million in profit, in just six months,” he spoke in a stern tone, his face fixated on the projected number and chart on the screen. Fuck, Nolan looked like some Egyptian god at this moment, he
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ALANNANOLAN IS CRAZY, A FREAKING PSYCHOPATH. When we were done with the meeting, I tried to escape back to my office as quickly as I could, to come up with a plan that would stop me from going on a trip with Nolan.“Alanna, where are you running to?” Nolan called out and I paused, rolling my eyes, I hate being caught in the act. “I have work to do, Nolan, you should know that,”“I do, so what is your plan about our trip,” he teased and I sighed, I shouldn't have spoken up to defend him. I brought this upon myself. “Look, Nolan, I am not in any way pleased to go on a trip with you, but business is business and as much as I don't want to, I have something to prove to people like Raina who doubt my capability, so I will appreciate you put on your professional hat too,”He chuckled and moved towards the doorsteps, it was as if he read my mind and I knew that I was about to exit. “You know your little boyfriend, set her up to it?” I gazed at him in utter perplexion, “What little bo
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BRADIf I am lucky and play my cards right tonight. I will end up with Alanna in my bed.I need to let her in as soon as possible because it was clear to me, that Nolan wants her, and from past experiences, what Nolan wants, Nolan gets. “This place is so beautiful, I didn't know such a place existed in this town,” Alanna rema.ked as we got out of the car. “This is nothing, the best is yet to come,”We stepped out of the elevator and into the rooftop restaurant, and my breath caught. The place was stunning. Soft, warm lights hung above, casting a golden glow over everything. Tables were set with crisp white linens and gleaming silverware. There were lush green plants all around, giving the space a fresh, vibrant feel. The view was incredible, with the city lights twinkling far below us.“You are right, I am stunned,” she declares with a familiar sparkle of amusement in her eyes as she takes in the splendor of the environment. And then there was Alanna. She looked absolutely gorgeous
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