All Chapters of The Lycan King's Substitute Wife : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
51 Chapters
Chapter 11HopeI dropped the book on the chair and stood up. "Hello, is anyone there?" I called out, walking around the room. The chiming noises continued but I didn't hear any voices.Was I imagining things?"Hello?" I called out again, only to be met with silence this time. Maybe I was imagining things. There was no one around.I went back to my chair, picked up the book, and resumed reading. I didn't hear the chiming noises again after that till I finished the entire book. By the end of the reading, I had learned a whole lot of things that I never imagined before. A whole lot of vulgar things but who would know?Certainly not my mother who always chastised me about filling my head with romantic tales of nonsense. Here, there was no one to watch me and lock me in a room when I read such. Maybe staying in this palace wouldn't be such a bad thing after all.I decided to leave the place. The sun was almost down and the sky was darkened. Funny enough, finding my way back to my room wa
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Chapter 12HopeThere was not a man in the world that was as confusing as my husband. He did things that I couldn't understand at all. For example, he invited me to a private dinner with himself and Annalise.It wouldn't be the first time in the past week that he had invited me for something that had to do with Annalise. I couldn't tell if he was doing it to spite me or if it was because of Annalise herself who seemed fond of me.And not in a friendly manner. She liked to show off the fact that Darius was married to me but preferred her. She kissed him in front of me countless times, touched him for no reason, and made indirect insulting comments to me about being too naive to cater to his needs.I wished I could decline coming to their dinners, but I couldn't. Maybe I could, but I was too scared to try. I was afraid that Darius would do something horrible to me if I decided to go against him, so I did as he commanded. Every. Single. Time.I walked over to the garden where some maids
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Chapter 13HopeI was in the library for the fifth time this week. And every time I came in here, I always heard that chiming noise. It sounded distant sometimes. Other times, I felt like the source was closer, and if I could just take a few steps further, I would get to it. I didn't do that though. Only the heavens knew what waited for me if I ever followed my curiosity to find out the source of the chiming noise. As I read about a human girl who was sold to a Lycan mercenary group and fell in love with the head, the chiming noise resumed.It was one of those days when the noise was loud and near. Putting away my fear, I shut the binds of my book and stood up."Hello?" I called out, walking to the west of the library where the noise was louder. "Is anyone there?" I asked as I got closer to the shelf.What I got in response was more chiming noises. I knocked on the shelf of books but I was met with no reply. I tilted my head to one side, then trudged to one end of the shelf. With all
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Chapter 14HopeI was summoned by my husband. I had just returned from the library and had a weird conversation session with Amara when Orion came stomping into my room and demanded that I come along with him because Darius summoned me.As we walked down the hallway to the east wing of the palace, my heart kept thumping. Perhaps he found out that I was reading erotic books and conversing with a crazy woman who claimed to be a witch. If he did, then what would my punishment be?Would he send me back to my home or kill me right away? The possibility of the latter made my heart race."My goodness, stop that! Your heartbeat is too loud. Control yourself." Orion snapped at me, and I stiffened.That was right. They could hear loud heartbeats. I should control myself. Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. Breathe out. Calming thoughts. He couldn't kill me just like that. He would be killing his wife which should be a crime as far as I could tell. He would warn me off the library and lock me u
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Chapter 15HopeWhy was he staring at me like he wanted to kill me? Was it because of what I said in the meeting earlier? Fear gripped my heart at the thought of that. Of course he was about to threaten me for speaking up.I squinted my eyes and braced myself for the earful that I was about to receive."If it were up to me, you wouldn't even know that this room existed. The only reason why you're here and will continue to be here is because of the useless treaty and the elders who want to see your face to ensure that I'm not abusing you." Darius said monotonously."You are not to speak when you are here. I will excuse today because you were caught off-guard and probably overwhelmed. But come another day, keep your opinions to yourself. You might be my wife, but you are not my queen." He continued.His last statement knocked me right off my balance. He was right about it though. Just because I was his wife didn't mean I was his queen, their queen. I was still human and had to be offici
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Chapter 16HopeShe was staring at me with a sly look in her eyes. This library was forbidden, I knew it. And now, she would tell Darius about it and I would be stopped from coming here.'What do I do? What I do? What do I do?'"I see you're into books." Annalise's eyes slowly glanced at the book in my hand. I yelped and hid it behind me with a nervous smile plastered on my lips."Yes," I answered, breathlessly.Annalise smiled, taking two slow steps closer to me. "You haven't been hearing any kind of chiming noise inside, have you?" she asked cautiously.I shook my head immediately. "Of course, not." I quickly dismissed it but she looked unconvinced."Are you sure? It's an old library. Such things tend to happen." She spoke in a tone that made me know that she knew everything about me."I- I'm- I—""Shhh," she cut me off, placing her delicate hands over my shoulder. "It's alright. There's no need for you to get so scared. I understand you. You're alone in this castle, no one talks to
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Chapter 17HopeHow was I going to get out of this problem of mine? The four Lycans were staring at me, waiting for a reasonable explanation as to why I visited a witch secretly. But if they didn't want me to visit her, why wasn't I banned from that area? No one told me it was restricted. I think I should use my lack of knowledge to my advantage.I cleared my throat awkwardly. "I didn't know that I was not supposed to go there." I said, using a meek voice.My husband was the first person to react as he pushed his chair back and basically flew to my side. He grabbed my right forearm and drew me out from my chair to stand head-to-head with him. I had never seen his eyes so dark before. His veins were twitching, depicting his anger clearly."I know that is not the explanation you're going to go with." He gritted out in a tone that made me believe he was trying to control his anger.Before I knew it, my eyes turned glassy and I started to tremble. "No one here cares about me. Why is it on
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Chapter 18HopeIt has been a rather boring week for me. No one came to summon me for dinners. No one visited me except the haughty maids who came to serve me food with evident distaste in their eyes, like I had wronged them in some way. The only thing that has been keeping me company was India's diary.I read a page in the morning, a page in the afternoon, a page in the evening. I was persistent in savoring it because I had no idea the next time that I would have access to such a thing. The next time might be when I got out of this lockdown and went ahead to secretly visit Amara once again.Yes, that was my plan. Just because Darius commanded me not to go there again didn't mean that I would blindly obey him. Without any friends or source of entertainment in this entire castle, I might lose my mind without a doubt. So, as soon as the ban of my movement was lifted, I would return to my place of comfort. But for now, I would continue to seek my comfort in the pages of someone who was
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Chapter 19HopeI woke up in the arms of someone. When my eyes fluttered open because of the bright sun rays, I felt like I was being cocooned by something strong—someone strong. The person's arms were around me and we were both sitting on the floor. I stared at the sight in front of me and suddenly remembered everything.The assailant, Darius saving me, me crying on his chest. And I was still resting on his chest! His arms were strong around me, I couldn't get him to let go. I tried wiggling out of his hold, but I felt something. Something long and hard."Stop wiggling," a raspy voice breathed down my neck and I stiffened.My goodness, that was his… A strength I didn't know I had coursed through my veins as I ripped his arms away from me and stood up at full force, only for sharp pains in my heels to shoot up. I hissed closed mouth, then plopped down on my bed, facepalming myself internally.I forgot about the shards in my heels and I stood up too quickly. What is wrong with me? Now,
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Chapter 20Hope"I don't want to." I said with a slightly shaky voice. After my sentence, it was as though the entire world had come to a standstill because Darius froze up. I gulped down on my saliva, regretting those words immediately."What?" Darius said, sounding flabbergasted that he even had to ask that in the first place.I cleared my throat. "I said I don't want to. I don't want to train for anything. I'm not even going to be here for long. Once you find Light, there'll be no need for any of this."I was going to die for saying such things. I was going to die a slow and painful death after this. The expression on my husband's face said as much. He burned with fury."I- I," I tried to take back my words but I couldn't. Unfortunately, I couldn't form any complete sentences under such a gaze of terror."The choice was not yours to make in the first place. I am ordering you to report for training by tomorrow. I am not suggesting it." Darius gritted out forcefully, like he was try
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