All Chapters of The Lycan King's Substitute Wife : Chapter 41 - Chapter 49
49 Chapters
Chapter 41DariusMy head was throbbing. A constant headache which I couldn't get rid of has been plaguing me for three days now. It started on that night. I felt so ashamed of myself. Why did I let that go so far?I couldn't even blame myself fully. I had my wolf to blame. He was the one who wanted her. And he was the one who got her. Not me. This was the first time that something like this was happening to me. It was so annoying.My wolf only surfaced when I was angry or when I needed to assert dominance over lower stubborn Lycans. It has never surfaced when I was with a woman. It has never sought pleasure so recklessly.So why? Why did it have to be with that wench of a woman? I just couldn't understand. I prepared myself for the day, wearing my kingly attire and topping it off with a casual crown on my head. There was going to be a meeting with the councilmen today.Which was the only reason why I had let Thaddeus out of the dungeon days ago. That fool didn't deserve to see the li
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Chapter 42HopeI have never been clever. From my childhood days, I was cursed to be a fool. While Light took lessons on arithmetic, literature, combat, strategic planning, I was into playing with my hair and decorating my room with flowers.I would go dancing around the hallways and befriending everyone who came my way. How foolish of me. If I had known I would find myself being the wife of the Lycan King one day, I would've been serious with my studies.I would've learnt the things that Light learned and maybe even surpassed her, but as I said, I have never been clever. Which was why Darius didn't bother to listen to the rest of my words that day.He had only scoffed in response and shoved me out of his way, not bothering to even spare me a last glance. That was how insignificant I was to him. I had no one to blame but myself. If I could somehow prove that I was useful or clever, maybe he wouldn't treat me the way he did.But how could I do that when I couldn't even stand my ground
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Chapter 43 Hope It seemed like Darius' beast had taken over once again. And did it just say that it missed me? Maybe not, I could be hearing things. I needed to get out of this room if I didn't want what happened the last time to repeat itself. How I had turned a fool at the slightest touch. Heat flooded my body as the memory flashed my mind's eyes. "Look how red you've become," Darius said to me, cupping my right cheek. His palm was warm while my skin was cold. Such a perfect contrast. Wait, what am I thinking? Run, Hope, run! I smacked Darius' hand from my face and put on a fierce look. "Don't touch me without my permission, you beast," I hissed. Instead of growing angry like I expected, the edge of Darius' lips twitched into a smile. A really mischievous one which caused hives to break on my skin. What did this Beast want with me? Why go through all this trouble? It made me feel very uncomfortable. "Let's stop playing, princess. I miss your taste. I miss the feeling of your
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Chapter 44HopeI was told that there was going to be a ball soon. Tomorrow, to be specific. I wasn't technically told. I observed that the workers of the castle have been decorating a specific hall cheerfully for some days now, so I asked Kyle and he told me that there was going to be a harvest ball.He said it wasn't anything special and was just for formality sake and that I didn't even need to attend. I was happy with that. Until a dress was sent to my room this morning with a note that said, 'Wear this to the ball.'No doubt it was Darius who sent the dress to me but I have never been so pissed off about receiving a gift in my entire life. Who did he think he was to send a dress to me? There was a possibility that his beast was the one who sent it to me because he was obsessed with me.I hated either theories. I hated him, I hated his beast, but I would have to wear the dress. When I took it out of the box, I realized that it wasn't the type of dress I would normally wear.It was
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Chapter 45HopeThe harvest ball had started. Though the ballroom was far away from where my room was located, I could still hear the music playing. Moratian music was drastically different from human music. They were played in a sensual and inappropriate manner.Then again, everything about this place was inappropriate.Gwendolyn pinned the last accessory to my hair and stepped back with a sigh. I finally looked at myself with the help of the mirror in front of me. I hated it. I hated how I looked like one of them.This was the main reason why Darius wanted me to dress in this outfit. I hated that man so much. Was he trying to change me entirely? Did he want me to become a Lycan fully?I had no answers to those questions and I was too pissed off to try to think of answers. I stood up from the stool and turned to Gwendolyn."Thank you," I told her, referring to the makeup and hairdo she did for me.Her cheeks tinted pink in appreciation and she looked like a little girl who was just
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Chapter 46Hope"Stop holding onto me so tight," I whispered harshly at Darius. I didn't know if a person could categorize what was going on between me and Darius as dancing. It was mostly him just spinning and dragging me along to match his unnatural pace. I didn't even seem to remember why I was doing this in the first place. "You might fall if I let you go," he said.I frowned. If I fell it would be his fault for making me dizzy with all the unnecessary twirling. I wanted to stomp on his feet to slow his actions, but as if he read my thoughts, he pushed me back, causing the upper half of my body to hang midair."I am so done with you," I said, staring into his eyes that held mischief in them.It was only for a second, but the side of his lips twitched into a smirk before he thinned them, and pulled me swiftly."Would you rather dance with that lover of yours?" Irritation seeped into his tone.My frown deepened as I glanced over to where Kyle was standing by the drinks table, unaw
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Chapter 47 Hope It had been almost a week since I last saw Darius. I was told that he was doing something along the lines of yearly check-in around Moratia. I wondered how long it would take him to return. Not that I wanted him to return. The palace was rather peaceful in his absence. Annalise, Orion, and The commander went along with him. My top tormentors were no longer around to oppress me and freedom was mine to hold and cherish. In the absence of the commander, some of the soldiers had become nice to me. If nice meant acknowledging a person briefly. By my standards, the soldiers just glancing my way without any malicious intent hidden behind their eyes was progress. It meant that the reason why people where so hostile to me was because of them. My husband and his comrades. Currently, I was done with training and lying on the ground like I usually did. It had become a habit of mine these days to lie on the ground after training and wait for Kyle until he was done doing whateve
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Chapter 48 Hope I was sitting directly across Thaddeus in the drawing room of the castle alone. His servants, as well as Kyle, were waiting outside the closed door. Thaddeus had requested to speak with me privately. I couldn't shake off the feeling that today was going to be my last day of breathing, so I inhaled and exhaled deeply. Thaddeus sipped on the tea that was served moments ago elegantly, and I watched uncomfortably. I wasn't sure if the fluid was going to pass through my throat if I attempted to swallow it. I wouldn't say a while had passed since the two of us have been in here but it has been enough time for him to get on with doing whatever he planned to do. With every passing second, I was getting more and more anxious. "Hope Vitalis..." Thaddeus started to say, like he had just heard my thoughts. "Or should I say Moratis?" he added. I frowned a little as I waited for him to say something else. He placed his tea cup on the coaster and leaned back on the cushion, a p
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Chapter 49HopeI was given an indefinite break off training. It came from the commander herself through a letter. Darius also sent me one but I couldn't be bothered to check the content. The only thing I wanted him to tell me was that he was going make me his queen and I doubted that was in the letter he sent.Kyle and Gwendolyn have both been by my side constantly as though I was a ticking bomb that would explode in the absence of people. I could understand their actions but it was getting stuffy with them around and I wanted to visit Amara.That wouldn't have been a problem if Kyle was the only one watching over me but with Gwendolyn around, I couldn't carry out my plan. I didn't trust her at all and I wasn't going to reveal Amara to her. She could be Darius' spy and would relay my actions to him when she got such a juicy information.Right now I was seated in the garden, painting the landscape. I wasn't a very good painter but I had to keep busy somehow with myself being off train
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