All Chapters of Fragments of Elysium: Love on Campus: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
56 Chapters
Chapter 11 : Campus Romance Drama
*Lily*The weight of the paperback in my hands might as well have been a leaden slab, sinking me deeper into the floral duvet that adorned my bed. My eyes were set on the cream-colored pages, but the words seemed to mock me. I couldn't focus on them, my mind consumed by inner turmoil and confusion as I reminisced about my conversation with Adrian this afternoon."Jealous, Everhart?" Adrian's voice echoed in my mind, laced with that infuriating smirk I could see clearly in my head without him even being in front of me. "You can deny it all you want, but I see through you." I closed the book with a huff. How could he be so full of himself? How come he assumed he knew me at all and could see through me so easily? I tossed the novel onto my nightstand, feeling the corners of my mouth twitch downward. Adrian Sterling was everywhere, invading my thoughts against my will. My fingers drummed against the mattress as I tried to pull myself together and understand my conflict.Was I re
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Chapter 12 : Truth or Dare
*Lily*"Rachel, I don't know. This one?" I held up a deep red velvet dress against myself, its plunging neckline and thigh-high slit screaming boldness I wasn't sure I possessed. I wasn't even sure why I had bought that dress in the first place."Absolutely not," Rachel scoffed from her position sprawled across her bed, makeup strewn around her like the aftermath of a beauty tornado. "That's way too Jessica Rabbit. Here." She leapt up, rifling through my clothes with the expertise of a seasoned stylist until she unearthed a sleek black bodysuit paired with high-waisted shorts. "This is it. It's mysterious, it's edgy, it screams 'I'm here to forget about tall, dark, and broody for one night.'"I hesitated, fingering the delicate lace detailing along the bodysuit's sleeves. "Are you sure?" Doubt laced my voice as I studied the piece."Trust me, Lily," Rachel insisted, her eyes alight with an infectious excitement. "Pair it with those killer boots, and you'll own that party.""Okay
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Chapter 13 : Heart's Gambit
*Lily*The crowd around us buzzed like a hive of bees as James leaned in, inching closer to me, and I held my breath, every muscle in my body tense. My mind raced, my thoughts a tangled mess of nerves as I prepared myself for his kiss. It wasn't that I didn't find him attractive. Or that I was nervous to be kissed in front of dozens of people. It wouldn't be a sacrifice to be kissed by James, but for some reason I couldn't explain, I just wasn't feeling anything. There was this nagging thought at the back of my mind whispering the name of another person I wanted to be kissing me instead, but I ignored it.There was no way I would indulge such ideas.But because of that, and without thinking clearly, I did something even I wasn’t expecting. Inches before our lips met, I turned my head ever so slightly, orchestrating a narrow escape. James' lips touched the corner of my mouth, and that was enough to make me embarrassed at myself for my lame move. The onlookers erupted into scr
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Chapter 14 : Surrendering to Him
*Lily*A ripple of trepidation coursed through me as I recognized the meaning behind Adrian’s words. His eyes were fixated on my lips with such intensity that I was grateful that I was leaning against the wall.His fingertip grazed my jawline, the touch tender yet commanding and I cursed myself for my weakness, for the longing I felt for him. Before I knew it, Adrian's lips captured mine. The world tilted on its axis, all sense of time and place dissolving into the warmth of his kiss. His lips moved against mine with an urgency that left me breathless, his tongue tracing the seam of my mouth, seeking entry. I found myself parting my lips in silent consent before thought could intervene.The taste of him ignited every nerve ending within me with a flame that hungered for more. My hands, acting of their own accord, reached up to tangle in the soft locks at the nape of his neck, drawing him closer, deepening the kiss that was rapidly unraveling my self-control.Adrian groaned agai
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Chapter 15 : Whispers in the Library
*Lily*The aftereffects of last night's party clung to me more stubbornly than the smell of spilled beer on my jacket. Rachel was seated across from me, her eyes alight with the kind of fervor that came only when she sensed a good story brewing."Spill," she ordered while leaning across the table, her salad untouched and her gaze fixed on me with an intensity that made evasion seem impossible.I poked at the limp lettuce on my plate, the plastic fork feeling heavy in my hand. "You're such a gossip," I joked, trying to sound nonchalant, but the memories of last night were still pretty vivid in my mind."Oh, wow! What a genius you are," Rachel murmured with sarcasm while rolling her eyes at me. "Come on, Lil. You left the party looking like you'd seen a ghost. I'm dying here, just give me some good gossip." Her voice held a note of intrigue and curiosity, and I could see the wheels turning in her head as she tried to imagine what had happened."Fine, geez. It's not nice to gossip
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Chapter 16 : The Zimmerman Legacy
*Lily*The tome from the university library lay splayed open on my bed, its pages dense with archaic references that swirled in my head, leading nowhere. I decided to abandon the futile study session, restless energy propelling me through the corridors of the Bronze Wing dormitory. Arriving at Jenna’s door, I hesitated, hand hovering before the wood hesitantly. Her situation gnawed at me, an unsolved puzzle that kept me awake and unsettled. It wasn't that late yet, but she could be sleeping already. I was certain she hadn't had a tranquil night of sleep last night because of what happened, but I needed to talk to her.The gentle rap of my knuckles against the door disrupted the silence around me. After a few seconds, it swung open, revealing Jenna in her pajamas, looking completely distraught. Her golden hair was a cascade of untamed waves, and she had a haunted look in her eyes that I couldn't ignore."Sorry to disturb you, Jenna, but can we talk?" My voice was soft but carried
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Chapter 17 : Deceptions
*Lily*I found myself ensnared in one of Elysium's dark corners, my heart racing with anticipation as I watched Adrian approaching me. I couldn't tear my gaze away from him, my body already responding to his presence–a dangerous attraction that threatened to consume me entirely.There he was, striding towards me with a predatory grace that made my breath hitch. His messy dark hair, usually rebellious, now appeared almost intentionally tousled as if sculpted by the very hands of desire. His piercing blue eyes locked onto mine, igniting an inferno within me. The lean muscles of his athletic build moved beneath his clothes with a silent promise of strength, and I felt a heat burgeoning deep inside me. My body betrayed me, becoming hot, achingly horny.He didn't utter a single word; he didn’t need to. His pace never faltered, his gaze never wavered. When he finally reached me, Adrian wordlessly pinned me against the cool, unyielding stone wall, his lips desperately finding mine with a
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Chapter 18 : Drink for One
*Lily*Too unsettled to remain in my bed, I tossed the covers aside and headed to my wardrobe to get changed. I couldn't stay cooped up in this suddenly too small of a room–not with the walls echoing my frantic thoughts, closing in on me as if they wanted to suffocate me. I needed air, some space to think—so I slipped on a pair of sandals and a loose dress, and made my way to a nearby coffee shop for a late breakfast.As soon as I stepped inside, I was greeted by a cheerful barista–a young woman with an easy smile that I envied at the moment. She nodded as I ordered a black coffee and a sandwich, her fingers dancing over the register.Securing a corner table by the window, I sipped the bitter coffee—its warmth sliding down my throat and my stomach, providing me with temporary comfort.My thoughts swirled as I grappled with the idea of confronting Adrian. Every logical sinew in me screamed that I should question him, especially since he had been so adamant about me digging into
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Chapter 19 : My Idea of Fun
*Lily*The cool night air did little to sober the heady buzz coursing through my veins as Adrian guided me towards his car—a sleek, predatory thing that seemed to crouch in the parking lot, waiting."Of course you'd have such a car," I mumbled, my words slurring just a touch as I traced the smooth line of the black hood with an unsteady finger. Adrian’s chuckle rumbled through the air as he opened the passenger door for me, his hand on the small of my back steady and warm."Watch your head," he cautioned, though it was unnecessary; my movements were surprisingly calculated for someone whose head was spinning. Adrian circled the vehicle and settled into the driver's seat, the door closing with a satisfying thud. He turned the key, and the engine purred to life. I was acutely aware of him—his every movement, every breath. After the dream I had with him this morning, being confined in the intimate space of his car felt like I was doing something really dangerous."So, what's the
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Chapter 20 : Blurred Lines
*Lily*"Wait, Lily," Adrian murmured against my lips, pulling back ever so slightly, his breath still mingling with mine. "This isn't right—not here."Puzzlement knitted my brows together, even as my chest heaved with shallow breaths. His fingers lingered on my waist, a silent plea for understanding. "We should go somewhere more...appropriate," he added, eyes dark with desire but underscored by a surprising gentleness. "I don't want to do anything with you inside a car."I pondered his words and slowly nodded, his chivalry catching me off guard for a moment. I slid off his lap with a sense of loss, the chill of the leather seat beneath me stark against the heat of my body. "Okay," I whispered, grabbing my shirt and pulling it over my head, unsure if my voice trembled from the cold or from the sudden shift in tempo.Adrian looked to be struggling with his instincts the same way I was, and that was enough to make me more relaxed, even though my body was aching with need for more of
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