All Chapters of Fragments of Elysium: Love on Campus: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
56 Chapters
Chapter 31 : Suffocating Truth
*Lily*The weekend had stretched out like a languid cat beneath the sun as I spent it watching movies, eating, enjoying the pool and having sex with Adrian inside his apartment. On Sunday morning, when his car curled away from the curb and left me on the corner outside Elysium, I wasn't really ready to go back to my boring student life. Adrian had provided me with such good moments during the last couple of days, that it was hard to go back to my routine.The campus was relatively empty, taking into consideration that it was a Sunday morning, so I assumed everyone was still sleeping or inside their dorms. Yet, I didn't want to risk having someone spotting me getting out of Adrian’s car and making assumptions.An invisible shawl draped over my shoulders as I navigated the familiar path to my dorm. Upon entering Rachel and I's room, I immediately headed to the shower and let the stream of the hot water wash away Adrian's scent from my skin. I wasn't fond of the idea, but I knew it
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Chapter 32 : Warning Note
*Lily*"Adrian, can you please focus?" I whispered, my voice barely audible over the low hum of our classmates discussing their own projects. The Bioethics and Medical Law classroom felt smaller than usual, as if the walls had inched inward over the weekend Adrian and I spent together.Adrian's gaze lingered on me with undeniable warmth. "I am focused, Lily," he replied, his voice smooth like dark velvet, his eyes intent on my face. "Very focused..."My heart fluttered—a betraying response to his relentless flirting. I couldn't help but feel on edge, aware of the other students who could turn their heads at any moment and witness this private exchange between us. My fingers fumbled with the papers in front of me, trying to organize the notes we had gathered for our project, yet failing miserably under the weight of Adrian's intense stare.I was glad he was distracting me from the intrusive thoughts about what I read in Emory's diary, but I was also worried that someone might sp
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Chapter 33 : Moving Forward
*Lily*"Of course! Meet me under the bleachers in five minutes." Adrian's voice held a note of urgency too as it crackled through the phone, mirroring my own anxiety. I snapped my cell shut and raced across campus.Elysium's sports field was deserted as I ducked beneath the iron skeleton of the bleachers. "Adrian!" I called out softly, my voice barely more than a whisper against the stillness.I spotted him then, his figure unfolding from the depths of shadow as if he were part of the darkness itself. Adrian's eyes met mine, and they instantly widened with palpable alarm. "Lily, what happened? You're pale as a ghost," he said, closing the distance between us with urgent strides.I took a breath, the cold air biting at my lungs, and the words tumbled out before I could stop them. "The Order left me a note."Adrian's face contorted with worry and confusion. His hand reached out, hesitantly at first, then settled on my arm with a gentle pressure as I told him what happened. Eve
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Chapter 34 : Campus Trip
*Lily*I stirred from my bed, my eyes heavy with sleep betraying the reluctance of my body to rise.I tiptoed past Rachel's bed, where she lay in undisturbed slumber, her chest rising and falling peacefully. I moved to my wardrobe, selecting my outfit with care; practicality was paramount for the outdoor excursion, but I couldn't suppress the desire to look presentable—after all, Adrian would be there."Make sure you pack something warm," Rachel had advised yesterday, her words now echoing in my decision to grab a snug sweater. One night away seemed a mere blink, yet the meticulous part of me triple-checked each item Rachel and I had packed before going to bed last night. After I made sure everything was settled, I stepped into the shower to start getting ready.An hour whisked by in silence, and with a gentle shake, I roused Rachel after I got ready. "Morning, sleepyhead," I chimed, a playful lilt in my voice."Is it time?" she mumbled, rubbing the sleep from her eyes and b
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Chapter 35 : Gone Girl
*Lily*The morning sun had only just begun to breach the horizon, the rays peeking through the cabin window in the secluded valley. I squinted against the light as I surfaced from my bed, feeling the residue of weariness clinging to my limbs.We had stayed up late into the night, huddled around a flickering fire sharing stories. Not to mention my little rendezvous with Adrian in the woods and the games we played during the day.I was exhausted. "Morning, Lily," Rachel greeted me as she rose from her bed and stared up at me. "Ready for the trip back?""I could use another few hours of sleep, but well, what choice do I have?" I replied, lazily rubbing the remnants of dreams from my eyes.We packed our belongings with mechanical movements, the lethargy weighing on us all. After breakfast, which was a subdued affair of sandwiches and fruit, we boarded the bus that would shepherd us back to Elysium. The hum of tired conversations faded as the vehicle swayed rhythmically, lulling
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Chapter 36 : Final Notice
*Lily*The Bronze Wing dormitory had always been a place of vibrant chatter and echoing laughter, but now it lay under a shroud of silence. The question on everyone's lips—what had happened to her?—seemed to float in the air, unanswered and increasingly ominous.I couldn't shake off the creeping sense of dread that snaked its way into my thoughts. The Order was involved; I could feel it in my bones. I just didn’t know how.It was a cold Friday morning, two days after Jenna's departure, that I found myself trailing Iris, Jenna's roommate. She was the key, the sole connection left to Jenna, and the only option I had to try and contact her."Excuse me, Iris?" I called out as I spotted her walking out of a classroom, catching up to her just before she could disappear into the throng of students milling around between classes. "Hi, Lily," Iris greeted me as I stopped by her side. She halted in her steps to look at me expectantly."Can we talk for a second?" I asked, hoping my voice
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Chapter 37 : Shattered
*Lily*I tapped my pencil on the book consistently, breaking the profound silence that had settled over the weekend in my room. My phone kept buzzing with calls and texts from Adrian, but I ignored it, pretending to be deeply focused on the complicated biology stuff in the book, acting like I was really into it."Are you really going to ignore him all weekend?" Rachel's voice sliced through the quiet, her eyes curious orbs above the rim of her coffee mug. She sat cross-legged on her bed, knee-deep in her own books, yet undeniably attuned to the undercurrents swirling around us."Exams are breathing down my neck," I lied without looking up, my voice emotionless. "I don't have time." The words felt hollow, even as they left my lips.Rachel frowned, setting her mug down on her desk with a gentle clink. "Lily, he's called like twenty times. Something's up, isn't it? You never ignored him like this ever since you two started going out.""Nothing's up," I said, a little too quickly, s
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Chapter 38 : Number One Suspect
*Lily*"Lily, what the hell happened?" Rachel's voice was close to me now and I could feel her gaze heavy on me, laced with an urgency I could scarcely address. "Just tell me, you're scaring me. Come, get up from the floor."Rachel helped me to get back on my feet and I stumbled forward, her hand gently guiding me to my bed. I tossed myself onto it, my fingers gripping the duvet as if anchoring myself to something tangible might alleviate the tempest inside me. But the tears continued anyway, unbidden and relentless, spilling hot and fast down my cheeks."Jesus, Lily," Rachel breathed, her shock palpable in the air. Her hand was tender upon my back, tracing small circles in a rhythm that seemed to echo the pounding in my chest."Adrian..." I managed to choke out the name between sobs, each syllable laden with sorrow and the bitter taste of farewell."Did you guys fight?" she probed gently, her voice trembling with worry. My heart ached to confide in her, to unravel the twisted s
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Chapter 39 : Beer Confession
*Adrian*Lifting weights had become a hollow ritual for me whenever I needed to vent. The gym of my apartment building, usually a haven for releasing pent-up energies, now felt like a prison cell, confining me with my own reflections as I tried to focus on the burn in my biceps.Just one more set, I thought to myself. But even as I pushed through the motions, my concentration faltered, betraying me as it latched onto the image of Lily.Her smile, her laughter, her scent, her skin... I missed every single detail of hers. Since she'd walked away without a word of explanation as to why she was breaking up with me, my world had crumbled beneath me, leaving me grasping to return to how my life was before I had met her.I racked the weights with a clatter, rubbing the sweat from my brow as I leaned against the cool metal frame. Because of that, my documentary for the Festival Submission lay neglected for days now, since nothing I did seemed to satisfy me. Hours spent hunched over the
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Chapter 40 : Karaoke Night
*Lily*"Another night burning the midnight oil, huh?" Rachel's voice threaded through the silence of our dorm room, pulling me back from the precipice of self-pity.My fingers fumbled through stacks of notes on genetic mutations, but each word seemed to blur into an indistinct hum, much like the ache throbbing through my skull. It wasn't just the relentless study sessions for the upcoming exams that were to blame; it was Adrian's absence. No matter how hard I tried to keep my brain busy, I couldn't stop thinking about him.I glanced up at Rachel, forcing a smile that didn't reach my eyes. "Just trying to guarantee good grades," I replied, my voice betraying a hint of the fatigue that had become my constant companion.Rachel arched an eyebrow as she collected the laundry scattered across her bed. "You're drowning yourself in those textbooks." Concern softened her features, and she approached me, resting a comforting hand on my shoulder. "Getting sick won't help you ace your exam
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